WK 4 Notes (10 23-10-25) PDF

Title WK 4 Notes (10 23-10-25)
Author Rachel Leonard
Course Nineteenth Century Art
Institution University of California San Diego
Pages 3
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Wk 4 notes...



Critical question for monet, has to do with the problematic of landscape and artifice.

MONET, THE ARGENTEUIL BRIDGE, 1874 ● The central point of interest of the water ● Non material effects of LIGHT and MOVEMENT, RIPPLING WATER AND LIQUIDNESS ● While this is all happening, we end up confronting impossible layered brushstroked. Just at that moment when everything should be light and moving, instead picks up pigment and the very limitation of this project. ● Nature will always appear as artifice. MANET, ARGENTEUIL, les canotiers, 1874 (boaters) Manet and Monet together in the same time, same place. Interacting in the space of Argenteuil. ● Middle class form of liesure that goes with the new forms of transportations ● In some sense, you can travel through time at extraordinary speeds, 13 miles in 15 minutes. This changes conception of both space and time!!!! ● The efffect was profound ● Boundaries between city and countryside were beginning to blur or lose their firmness. ● This had to do with Haussmann to take any kind of industry that existed within the city itself and move it out the the Country. ● Recreation or to re-create, ● How it is that impressionist painting gives a sense of what as at stake ● 3 central terms: ○ 1. Peresian middle classes and their pleasures and liesure ○ 2. The countryside/nature ○ 3. The reponse of signs of industry. Monet, Red Boats, Argenteuil 1975 1. Big key question: Monet isnt denying that this place is so longer nature, adnt hat the line between Frances’ naturalistic and also city like elemts have blended together. 2. QUESTION: has primarily to do with, whether it is untouched nature or polluted nature or the impossibility of distinguishing the two. 3. Or the way in which Monet takes the sign of pollution and industry and cycling it through the cycles of landscape paintgs. He naturalized it. 4. Some attempt to rescue landscape painting as something that was a d danger and that is certainly transforming. What happens if artifice moves out of the picture? To what extent is this still a sign of nature? And how they operate at such. Some sense of nature is being threatened, yet wants to keep it - Disruption of allusion and the playfulness of playing like anther but not really being that


thing. All about appearances, representation as making or as of class (which defines definite place in society yet on its own representation) Do they do this? Is this performance? The hats? The class that they may or may not belong??

Pissarro next week!!!! OCT 25th ●

Argenteuil, made possible for a wider segment for society because of the establishment and the growth of the railroads in Paris. Minutes to travel too and made it possible to move in between countryside and the city, creating a SUBURB (other or outside than what was there before) ● A place to go bring in nature, and rejuvenate before going back into the city. ● Easy access ● New numbers of middle class people, with leisurely time to find something nature-lke. ● Argenteuil was close enough to the city, and was going through its own process of modernisation, that the coundary between city and countryside started to blur together. ● Elements of modernisation moved into this space of recreation, and how this recreation was a product of modernisation. As well as how certain painters responded to this. ● Key elements: 1:parisian middle classes 2: countryside and nature 3: industry ANDDDD How these various elements are brought together. Camille Pissarro, Hoarfrost, the Old Road to Ennery, 1873 ● Pontoise, France (which means bridge over the water) and about 25 miles northwest of the city. Twice as far from the city as Argenteuil. ● We looked at his Red Roofs painting in regards to Shapiro, ad how he reimagined a way of painting that would be truer of the natural world being depicted. Truly modern understanding of painting of opening up brush work layering of unmixed colors, one on top of the other, AND the key difference between Pissarro and Monet, was a sense of improvisation that we see. The ease of how he configures the elements, how it happens or how it is sensed, virtuosity of monet becomes a belabored, slow, layering moment of vision on top of moments of vision. It becomes almost a grayish muddle of pigment. ● DIfferent between the act of production (labor) and representation. \ Pissarro, Factory near Pontoise, 1873 ● We still have him turning towards the factory ● How do we deal with negotations with his own space, one is an adopted space and his chosen space to live and identify with. Alternative space either more comfortable or what he imagined social life to be. ● Consider the way in which he brings that place into paris. ● Landscape, is a picture of the outdoors. The painting is brought into the city, and it sold so those who can have the outdoors, rural, countryside in the city.

Similar to monet because of how they show new aspects of modern life into painting, itself has to be balanced, appear complete or coherant, and oppertate on certain variables. Ask ourselves: think to which the extent of the figure, does or doesnt occupy the same as the painting, Yes he is a peasant in a field but the overall fact, is that he doesnt sit neatly in this space. He is painted differently than the rest of the painting. Is the extent to which PIssarro in this picture, is coming to the point of impact, that modernity comes into play to become truer to nature, but might not work for him to work/propose this alternative form of life that Pissarro was equally committed too?? ○ In other words, the tension is between a particular form of life that PIssarro celebrates or sees as an alternative to life taking shape in a city AND the style of painting demanded by another set of commitments (sensation, impression, truth to nature or experiance) and that those two exist in contradiction. He is coming to realize this and will see it unfold as a battle throughout his work, espcially when it comes to peasants. We can see PIssarro doing here, is that he is alignight (not purposely) with Aurgentail, not Pointaise....

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