Zimbardo Questions review assigment PDF

Title Zimbardo Questions review assigment
Author Ofelia Martinez
Course Sociology 10-
Institution City Colleges of Chicago
Pages 3
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Name: sherman townsend Questions for Scientific Method Videos: Examine the researcher’s use of scientific method. Note the steps followed and results achieved. Analyze results using theories and perspectives we’ve gone over so far. Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment: ⦁ What is his topic? zimbardo topic was to better understand the role of guards and prisoners also to see what they would do in the prison system environment ⦁ To what existing research, background or historic information (Literature Review) does the research refer? it refers to what happens in prisons at that time between guards and prisoners to better understand if it the environment or the people individually

⦁State at least one hypothesis. What are the independent and dependent variables? The hypothesis was to test both the guards and prisoners to see how they personally would change within the environment. The independent variable of the experiment is the random assignment of roles as either guard or prisoner The dependent variable is the group behavior in its response to the experiment

⦁ Name 3 methods are used to collect data? What are some Quantitative and Qualitative data collected? The 3 research methods are survey, experiment, and field research. some of the Quantitative data collected was the amount of people they got to do the experiment

Qualitative data collected is the videos that showed how the experiment was going ⦁ What are 2 major results? What 1 new theory was established from these results? How can these results be useful in the study of other social problems or phenomena/topic? the two major results are that it doesn't take much to make someone do something that they feel is wrong as well as revealed how people will go strongly into a role especially if they are the ones in power the new theory that was base of the results is that even base on role or title that it not hard to manipulate someone into doing something against their morals this results help brings light to what a environment does to a person and can help set better rules to stop social problems

⦁ In what ways do results reflect each of the 3 perspectives? Are there any other theories to which you can relate these results? The experiment's results reflect each of the 3 perspectives by showing how unequal the system is between guards and prisoners. shows how the interactions between them over time have changed as well as shows why society in prison are the way they are. you can also relate social law to this because after this experiments other places started enforcing these kinda social laws in there prisons ⦁ Do you think that the results would be different today? Across different subjects? In different nations? Why or Why not? Explain i think now would be a lot different if that experiment where to happen today with the mass social media of today there would be nationwide outrage and justice to anybody that the experiment happen on there are now also to many laws protecting human rights for anything like that to happen

⦁ What are some other “terrible places” (classrooms, neighborhoods, relationships, etc.) that resemble Zimbardo’s prison and his experiment? Explain 2 resemblances to Zimbardo.

one terrible place that resemble zimbardo prison experiment is jobs/workplace you have bosses that are in the role of power like the guards that take advantage and then you have the employees that are like the prisoner that have to listen to what they are being told the second is police officers with civilian police take advantage of there power and a lot of the time abuse that power on the people that they are suppose to protect...

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