12nchap 005doc - LAI LAI LAI SEE KO LU KAO 999 PDF

Title 12nchap 005doc - LAI LAI LAI SEE KO LU KAO 999
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Obirin Daigaku
Pages 83
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Chapter 05 - Foundations of Employee Motivation

Chapter 05 Foundations of Employee Motivation True / False Questions

1. Motivation is closely related to the concept of employee engagement. True False

2. Motivation is one of the four essential drives of individual behavior and performance. True False

3. Most employers say that nowadays motivating employees is more challenging than it used to be. True False

4. The problem with the concept of employee engagement is that it lacks theoretical foundation. True False

5. The concept of employee engagement is related to motivation, but not role perception. True False

6. The stronger your needs, the less motivated you are to fulfill them. True False

7. Drives are needs, and are essential parts of human psychology. True False


8. In the context of motivation, drives are also called primary needs, fundamental needs, or innate needs. True False

9. Needs Hierarchy Theory explains how people develop perceptions of fairness in the distribution and exchange of resources. True False

10. Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory incorporates only five basic categories. True False

11. Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory states that people are motivated by only one need at a time. True False

12. According to Needs Hierarchy Theory, the need for self-actualization continues to develop even when it is fulfilled. True False

13. Abraham Maslow was the first to recognize that human thoughts play a role in motivation. True False

14. Maslow is credited for bringing a mechanistic perspective to the study of motivation. True False

15. ERG Theory recognizes three learned needs: achievement, affiliation and power. True False

16. According to ERG Theory, a person can regress down the hierarchy of needs when they fail to fulfill higher needs. True False

17. One advantage of ERG Theory over Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory is that the ERG model seems to explain human motivation somewhat better. True False

18. Human needs cluster more neatly around the three needs categories in ERG Theory than the five needs categories in Maslow's Needs Hierarchy. True False

19. A person's hierarchy of needs is influenced by his or her values. True False

20. People with a high need for achievement tend to avoid risks and prefer working in teams. True False

21. Successful entrepreneurs tend to have a high need for achievement. True False

22. People with a high need for affiliation tend to be more effective in jobs that allocate scarce resources among employees. True False

23. People with a high need for affiliation tend to be more effective in jobs that require them to mediate conflicts. True False

24. According to Learned Needs Theory, people with a high personalized need for power enjoy power for its own sake and use it to advance their career rather than to benefit others. True False

25. According to Learned Needs Theory, companies should hire leaders with a strong need for personalized power. True False

26. Four-drive Theory states that people have a hierarchy of needs that they progress through as lower level needs are fulfilled. True False

27. Two drives identified in Four-drive Theory are the drive to acquire and the drive to bond. True False

28. According to Four-drive Theory, three drives are proactive (i.e. we actively seek to fulfill them) whereas the drive to defend is reactive (i.e. activated only in reaction to threat). True False

29. In Four-drive Theory, the drive to bond does not produce any emotional markers. True False

30. According to Four-drive Theory, social norms, past experience, and personal values translate emotional signals into goal-directed effort. True False

31. According to Four-drive Theory, organizations maximize motivation by focusing employees on opportunities to fulfill only one of the four drives. True False

32. Four-drive Theory recommends keeping all four drives in "balance"; that is, organizations should avoid too much or too little opportunity to fulfill each drive. True False

33. Expectancy Theory of motivation states that people naturally direct their effort towards behaviors they believe are most likely to lead to desired outcomes. True False

34. According to Expectancy Theory, employee motivation will remain high when the P-to-O expectancy falls to zero. True False

35. In Expectancy Theory, the performance-to-outcome expectancy represents the anticipated satisfaction or dissatisfaction that an individual places on an outcome. True False

36. One way to increase an employee's E-to-P expectancy regarding a specific task is to increase the person's self-confidence through counseling and coaching. True False

37. According to Expectancy Theory, communicating the existence of a performance-based reward system motivates employees by increasing their outcome valences. True False

38. One of the main problems with Expectancy Theory of motivation is that it does not identify the comparison other in the motivation process. True False

39. One way to increase a person's P-to-O expectancy is to measure his or her job performance more accurately. True False

40. Employee motivation is explained reasonably well by the Expectancy Theory model. True False

41. Expectancy Theory identifies emotions as a key component of employee motivation. True False

42. Goal setting potentially improves employee performance by increasing motivation and clarifying role perceptions. True False

43. Goal setting tends to be more effective when the goals are specific rather than general. True False

44. Goal setting is more effective when employees can easily complete the goals assigned to them. True False

45. The optimal level of goal difficulty occurs where the goal has more than a low level but less than a moderate level of goal difficulty. True False

46. Participation in goal formation tends to increase performance when employees lack commitment to assigned goals. True False

47. Feedback to employees is most effective when it is frequent, credible, and general. True False

48. Feedback can be more frequent when employees perform short rather than long job cycles. True False

49. The idea behind 360-degree feedback is that employees should receive feedback for 360 continuous days. True False

50. Research suggests that feedback originating only from the supervisor provides more complete and accurate information than feedback received through a 360-degree process. True False

51. Compared to supervisor-only feedback, 360-degree feedback tends to produce more ambiguous and conflicting feedback. True False

52. To learn about their progress towards goal accomplishment, employees usually prefer feedback from supervisors and other people. True False

53. Employees consider feedback from non-social sources to be more accurate than feedback from social sources. True False

54. When employees want to improve their self-image, they seek out positive feedback from social sources. True False

55. Combining goal setting with monetary incentives motivates many employees to set up difficult goals. True False

56. To determine the fairness of pay or other outcomes, people almost always rely on the equity principle. True False

57. The distributive justice principle states that everyone should receive the same rewards in life. True False

58. According to Equity Theory, employees feel inequity only when other people receive higher salaries than they do. True False

59. In the Equity Theory model, a 'comparison other' is an individual or group of people against whom the person compares his or her outcome/input ratio. True False

60. One of the most significant discoveries in Equity Theory research is that people tend to keep the same comparison other throughout their working lives. True False

61. Feelings of inequity occur when employees receive less than others, but not when they receive more than others. True False

62. Overreward inequity occurs whenever other people receive less money than you do. True False

63. Underreward inequity occurs when your outcome/input ratio is lower than the outcome/input ratio of a comparison other. True False

64. Equity Theory research has found that employees who feel overrewarded tend to alter their perceptions of inputs and outcomes rather than attempt to actually change them. True False

65. One of the most common consequences of overreward inequity is that overpaid employees try to increase their inputs by working harder. True False

66. 'Benevolents' and 'Entitleds' represent opposing ends of the equity sensitivity continuum. True False

67. One problem with Equity Theory is that it incorrectly assumes people are individualistic, rational, and selfish. True False

68. Procedural justice is influenced by the policies and practices that decision makers follow as well as their standards of interpersonal conduct. True False

69. Distributive justice increases directly with the extent that the decision allows voice, can be appealed, and has an unbiased decision maker. True False

70. Giving employees an explanation for a negative decision has no effect on procedural justice. True False

71. Feelings of procedural injustice produce anger, which, in turn, generates either withdrawal or aggression. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

72. Motivating employees is more challenging today than two decades ago because: A. employers have difficulty understanding the different needs and expectations that younger generation employees bring to the workplace. B. there is more layers of management today, which makes it more difficult to motivate everyone in management positions. C. corporate downsizing and reduced job security have damaged the levels of trust employees need to work beyond minimum levels. D. All of the answers are correct. E. employers have difficulty understanding the different needs and expectations that younger generation employees bring to the workplace, and corporate downsizing and reduced job security have damaged the levels of trust employees need to work beyond minimum levels.

73. Expectations of new workforce entrants has: A. made employee motivation less relevant as an influence on job performance. B. made it less difficult to motivate employees using financial rewards. C. made it more difficult to identify what motivates employees. D. made it impossible to use any form of goal setting. E. had no effect on employee motivation.

74. All of the following are reasons given for why some employees are "disengaged" EXCEPT: A. Companies have not adjusted to the changing needs and expectations of the new workforce. B. Corporate restructuring (downsizing) has undermined commitment and trust among employees. C. Pressures from globalization and information technology make it harder to motivate employees beyond minimum standards. D. Employees aged 25 to 34 sometimes or frequently feel demotivated. E. Basic needs have already been provided and satisfied. Therefore higher-level needs are harder for employers to anticipate and offer.

75. produce emotions, whereas represent the motivational force of those emotions which are channeled toward particular goals. A. Drives, needs B. Needs, drives C. Thinking, doing D. Planning, projecting E. None of the above is correct.

76. Which of the following statements about drives is FALSE? A. They are also called primary needs. B. They activate emotions, which put us in a state of readiness to act. C. They include only basic physiological essentials, such as hunger and thirst. D. Drives and emotions represent the primary sources of motivation. E. All of the above are correct.

77. Self-concept, social norms, and past experiences help us: A. adjust our level of drive-based emotions. B. regulate our decisions and behaviors. C. adjust our drive-based emotions, but not our behaviors. D. make unemotional decisions based on reason and logic. E. adjust our level of drive-based needs, and regulate our decisions and behaviors.

78. Needs Hierarchy Theory includes all of the following concepts EXCEPT: A. self-actualization. B. frustration-regression. C. esteem. D. belongingness. E. physiological needs.

79. Which of these is the most widely known theory of human motivation? A. Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory B. Expectancy Theory C. Goal Setting Theory D. Equity Theory E. Learned Needs Theory

80. The highest level need in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is: A. esteem. B. safety. C. power. D. belongingness. E. self-actualization.

81. In Maslow's needs hierarchy, the bottom four levels are collectively known as needs, whereas self-actualization is called a need. A. belongingness, infinite B. fictitious, factual C. deficiency, growth D. subordinate, superordinate E. safety, reward

82. Which of these theories states that we are motivated by several needs, but the strongest source is the lowest unsatisfied need? A. Four-drive Theory B. Needs Hierarchy Theory C. Equity Theory D. Distributive Justice Theory E. Learned Needs Theory

83. If individuals are unable to satisfy a particular need, the ERG theory states that they: A. keep trying to fulfill this need until it is satisfied. B. redirect their efforts towards fulfilling a higher need in the hierarchy. C. permanently remove the blocked need from their list of needs to satisfy. D. redirect their efforts towards fulfilling a lower need in the hierarchy. E. any one of the four options above might occur depending on the individual.

84. Which of these motivation theories arranges employee needs in a hierarchy of importance? A. ERG Theory B. Four-drive Theory C. Expectancy Theory D. McClelland's Learned Needs Theory E. ERG Theory and McClelland's Learned Needs Theory

85. McClelland's Learned Needs Theory does NOT include which of these needs? A. Safety need B. Achievement need C. Socialized power need D. Personalized power need E. Affiliation need

86. The desire to seek approval from others, conform to their wishes and expectations, and avoid conflict and confrontations is called: A. Need for affiliation B. Need for power C. Need for achievement D. Need for safety E. Need for existence

87. According to the Four-drive Theory, which of the following is the foundation of competition and the basis of our need for esteem? A. Drive to acquire B. Physiological needs C. Drive to defend D. Drive to bond E. Drive to learn

88. In the Four-drive Theory, the drive relative status and recognition. A. to bond B. for fairness C. to achieve goals D. to acquire E. for feedback

is most closely associated with the need for

89. In the Four-drive Theory, the drive is the drive to form social relationships and develop mutual caring commitments with others. A. to bond B. for fairness C. to defend D. to acquire E. to achieve goals

90. The Four-drive Theory is based on the idea that: A. needs can be learned. B. needs form a permanent hierarchy. C. employee motivation is based on expectations. D. the sources of employee needs are hard-wired through evolution. E. people do not really have any needs.

91. According to Four-drive Theory, A. co-workers B. food and drink C. emotional markers D. drives E. justice and equity

are the conscious sources of human motivation.

92. Which drive in the Four-drive Theory is reactive rather than proactive? A. Drive to acquire B. Drive to learn C. Drive to defend D. Drive to bond E. Drive for power

93. One of the main implications of drives/needs-based theories of motivation is that: A. employers should offer employees a choice of rewards. B. employees should be given specific goals with plenty of feedback. C. employers should give all employees the same employee benefits. D. employers should select people with the best qualifications for the job. E. drives/needs-based theories have no relevance for managing people in organizational settings.

94. Four-drive Theory recommends: A. that companies should encourage employees to fulfill one drive at a time. B. that companies should provide sufficient rewards, learning opportunities, and social interaction at the same time. C. that companies should only hire people with a strong drive to defend. D. that companies should create a work environment that routinely triggers the employee's drive to defend. E. None of the answers apply.

95. One of the main implications of Four-drive Theory is that: A. employers should offer employees enough opportunity to keep all four drives in balance. B. employees should be given specific goals with plenty of feedback. C. employers should give all employees the same employee benefits. D. employers should select people with the best qualifications for the job. E. needs-based theories have no relevance for managing people in organizational settings.

96. Which motivation theory is based on the idea that work effort is directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes? A. Equity Theory B. ERG Theory C. Goal Setting Theory D. The Four-drive Theory E. Expectancy Theory

97. Expectancy Theory mainly helps us to predict an individual's: A. effort. B. need for achievement. C. distributive justice. D. job satisfaction. E. rewards.

98. An individual's perceived probability that a particular level of effort will result in a particular level of performance refers to the: A. E-to-P valance. B. EP-to-PO outcome. C. E-to-V expectancy. D. E-to-P expectancy. E. EV-to-PE outcome.

99. Which of the following statements about Expectancy Theory is FALSE? A. Expectancy Theory is a needs-based theory of motivation. B. E-to-P expectancies are influenced by the individual's beliefs that he or she can successfully complete the task. C. The process of employee motivation is explained reasonably well by Expectancy Theory. D. One way to increase the P-to-O expectancy in the Expectancy Theory model is to accurately measure job performance. E. Expectancy Theory has three main components relating to effort, performance and performance outcomes.

100. Which of these is found in the Expectancy Theory model? A. P-to-O expectancy B. E-to-O expectancy C. V-to-E expectancy D. P-to-E expectancy E. O-to-P expectancy

101. Expectancy Theory mainly explains how employees: A. have different needs at different times. B. can use personal expectations to reduce work-related stress. C. can motivate themselves through power. D. have different levels of work effort based on their expectations of performance and reward outcomes. E. compare their inputs and outcomes to other people.

102. Employees who believe that accomplishing a particular task will almost certainly result in a day off with pay would have: A. an E-to-P expectancy above 100. B. a P-to-O expectancy close to 1. C. an outcome valence above 0. D. an E-to-P expectancy close to minus 100. E. a P-to-O expectancy close to 100.

103. According to Expectancy Theory, a reward that is not wanted has: A. a high E-to-P expectancy. B. an inappropriate comparison other. C. a negative outcome valence. D. a low P-to-O expectancy. E. a low need for socialized power.

104. In Expectancy Theory, valence refers to the: A. amount of effort a person puts towards a known goal. B. individual's perceived probability of performing the task at a partic...

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