200988 The Business of Hospitality - Assessment 1 Details PDF

Title 200988 The Business of Hospitality - Assessment 1 Details
Course The Business of Hospitality
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 4
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200988 The Business of Hospitality - Assessment 1 Details...


Assessment 1 Details

Weight: 30% Type of Collaboration: Individual Due dates: Week 4 (completion/submission of worksheets) – Wednesday, 31 March 9.00am Week 7 (submission of blog)- Wednesday, 21 April 9.00am Submission Guidelines: Should be submitted via Turnitin as a single submission. A link to the Turnitin submission will be available via vUWS under Assessments. Students may need to seek advice from the library on submitting large documents via Turnitin. Length: 1,500 words (approximately 300 words for worksheet and 1,200 words for blog) The key change to this assessment is you may no longer have to physically visit the venue if you do not wish to do so. Overview: The concept that has driven the design of this assessment is for you to have some fun learning and thinking about ’experiences’ in an industry setting. The aim is for you to consider experiences which are offered by venues using your previous personal experience and ’experience capital’. In doing this you will need to think about the concepts put forward by Pine & Gilmore (2020) and also the framework offered by Bitner (1992). To do this, students are required to research actual commercial ’experiences’, this may be using a venue you are familiar with or perhaps examples of experiences you can find online such as on YouTube. The worksheet is available from the unit vUWS site and are based upon Pine & Gilmore’s own ’Field Guide’, a tool developed to help their clients think and learn about experiences in a structured manner. The worksheet will form the background (and the appendices of the assignment) from which the assessment task can be completed. You are required to include evidence of the experience which may be done by including photos from online sources (please remember to reference). While you may consider a number of businesses (you choose three to complete as worksheets), you are only required to fully complete one worksheet (of the three submitted by Week 4) and this will be the same business for which will be the subject in your blog. For the selected experience you are then required to assume the role of an” experience

blogger’ who is reporting to online followers about the selected venue. Your blog post should communicate your engagement with the experience and the lessons learnt, highlighting areas of achievement and areas for improvement. This assessment has two components: 1. The first includes the completion of three experience worksheets. Of the three, only the one on which your blog is based on is required to be attached as an appendix and is essential for undertaking the background for your assessment. This will account for 300 words of your word count, however you will be allocated marks for the completion of all worksheets. 2. The second component is the blog which should not exceed 1,200 words. It is also recommended that you incorporate visuals within your blog. Step 1. Read all of the suggested steps, the field worksheet and the marking guide. Step 2 You need to select a commercial ’experiences’ from the list below; • Retail shopping experience. • Food/beverage experience. • Attraction (not natural area) • Built environment • Education • Event • Gastronomic • Hospitality - Accommodation • Natural area • Leisure • Museum • Sport • Tourist experience • Other – subject to approval by the unit coordinator If you have already or still wish to do an in-person experience you are welcome to do so whilst commercial shopping centres remain open. Please note this is a personal choice and not a requirement. Note: This list is only given as a guide. Areas do overlap and it is not meant to be a definitive

list. To gain some inspiration, watch the Jack Daniels distillery video and see how this venue is reviewed, also notice how the narrator uses some of the terms from the experience economy. Tip - Be sure to only select ’good’ examples of experiences that clearly illustrate the elements that Pine & Gilmore identify (this is where pre-planning helps and will make your assessment much easier in the end). It is also suggested you use specific venues rather than large areas such as food courts or shopping centres. For areas which contain ’places within a place’, it is recommended not to use the entire venue. Step 3 Research your proposed ’experience’ and think about what you will need to produce for your blog post. Tip - take more photos than you think you will need to illustrate your blog post. Step 4 Engage in your chosen ’experience’. Be aware of the cost of these ’experiences’ and stay within your budget. Pick experiences that you’re interested in. Have some fun. Step 5 Complete the worksheet for your experience. Your answers, while brief, should aim to provide enough information for yourself to later complete your blog post. You will need to not simply describe the experience component but also analyse to demonstrate that you have thought deeply about experiences and understand the theory. Step 6 Select the” experience” that you think is the best example of an experience economy experience and write your blog post, remembering that you are writing for an informed audience that understands the theory (you do not need to define terms). The post should be informative, engaging and reflective. The blog post is not a simple description of the experience but a discussion of the planned ’learning excursion’ demonstrating an ability to critique a venue using the experience economy principles as a basis for your judgements. Step 7 Checklist: Does the assessment include: • The completed worksheet (as an appendix to the blog post)?

• Evidence of the experience (as an appendix or included if appropriate in the blog post)? • The blog post (words and visuals)? • Demonstrated knowledge of the experience economy, particularly the work of Pine & Gilmore? • Appropriately presented content and visual material. Be creative! Strive to delight your audience? • A reference list (as an appendix) using the Harvard UWS referencing system that demonstrates that you researched Step 8 Use the marking guide to critically self-assess your assessment. Once you have finalised your assessment include a mark based on your self-assessment. Tip - This is a good method of understanding how to improve assessments in general....

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