24510 AR outline - ..... PDF

Title 24510 AR outline - .....
Author Xiniyi Wang
Course Business and Organisational Strategy
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 13
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SUBJECT OUTLINE 24510 Advertising Research Course area

UTS: Business


Autumn 2021; City

Credit points 6cp Requisite(s)

24309 Marketing Research These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.

Result type

Grade and marks

Subject coordinator Name: Dr. Anurag Hingorani Location: CB08.10.031. There is no direct access to this office which is located on Level 10 of the Dr. Chau Chak Wing Building (i.e., Building 8). You will need to ring Anurag on extension 3543 using the phone outside the Marketing Discipline Group office area which is also located on Level 10. As we are still primarily online, it is unlikely that you will be meeting with me face-to-face. Phone: 9514 3543 Email: [email protected]

Teaching staff Anurag Hingorani Phone: 9514 3543 Email: [email protected] For all enquiries with respect to this subject, please email Anurag directly. Office Hours: As we are still primarily teaching online, email [email protected] to schedule a Zoom or phone call meeting. For the latter, please provide your phone contact number when you email the appointment request. Appointments can be scheduled for the following time periods: Tue 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Wed 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm (Note: If you wish to schedule a meeting outside these time periods, please contact Anurag to check his availability.)

Subject description In this subject students undertake a multi-stage group project that initially involves target market research. It later involves advertising strategy and executional development followed by advertising research to determine the effectiveness of those executions. It finally involves presentation of validated campaign recommendations. Students must attend the first class to be included in a consultancy team.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs) Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to: 1. employ comprehensive strategy planning 2. construct research foundations required for effective strategy planning 3. develop and test alternatives before presenting the final recommendations 4. effectively communicate research findings.

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes This subject contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes: Business knowledge and concepts Critical thinking, creativity and analytical skills Business practice oriented skills

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The subject provides a hands-on opportunity to apply marketing research concepts studied in earlier subjects. Operating as consultancy teams, students undertake a multi-stage group project involving target market research, strategy and executional development and testing, and presentation of validated campaign recommendations, thus developing a student’s understanding of relevant business knowledge and concepts and business practice-oriented skills in advertising research. A student’s critical thinking, creativity and analytical skills are developed via analysis and interpretation of data as well as creation and testing of ad executions.

Teaching and learning strategies The teaching and learning approach is based on student interactions with the lecturer and with group members which will occur in class and online (via the learning management system and/or email). Interactions in class will involve collaborative discussion on a variety of issues including but not limited to good and bad research practices and the ethical application of research methods. Additionally, interacting with your lecturer and your group members will enable you to complete tasks and assessments and achieve the subject objectives. Students are active participants in all these interactions and will learn by doing. Students are expected to have not only read announcements and other information on the learning management system before each class but also prepared their research project ideas/programs/activities/drafts for discussion in class. It is expected that feedback that is provided in class and/or online will be acted on by students in order to fine-tune different aspects of the research project and achieve the subject objectives. Initial feedback on the research project will be provided in Week 2 in class and/or online, and then progressively as different aspects of the project are developed and executed.

Content (topics) • Focus group research and interviewing • Surveying and analysis • Concept testing and experimentation

Program Week/Session




8 Feb (Mon) - 19 Feb (Fri)

READ 'Subject Outline' and 'Research Project' handouts posted on Canvas. THINK of product ideas if you are not going to do the church campaign. BRING these product ideas to class on campus in Week 1. You will discuss these product ideas with your group members in Week 1. Groups will be formed in Week 1. (If you are unable to come to class on campus in Week 1, please see information regarding this under 'Description' for Week 1).


23 Feb (Tue) / 24 Feb (Wed)

Introduction to Advertising Research It is important that you attend this 'on-campus' class primarily because groups will be formed in THIS class on 23 Feb (Tue) / 24 Feb (Wed) depending on the seminar in which you are enrolled. You cannot form groups with students enrolled in other scheduled seminars for this subject. Students must only attend the scheduled seminar in which they are officially enrolled. If you are unable to attend this 'on-campus' class perhaps because you are not in Sydney, the instructor will add you to a group and information covered this week will be posted online after both the Tue and Wed on-campus classes have been held. An announcement will be made on Canvas once this information has been posted online. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending the on-campus class this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this on-campus class.

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2 Mar (Tue) / 3 Mar (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time that was determined in week 1. During your Zoom group meeting, you will discuss your project idea/s (among other things) with the lecturer who will provide feedback. Zoom meeting details will be emailed to group members and/or posted on Canvas. It is your responsibility to note them and stay informed. Notes: BEFORE attending your particular Zoom group meeting time with the lecturer this week, and specifically, by 5 pm on Mon, 1 March, each group should have emailed Anurag (the lecturer) their product for initial approval, if the group is not doing the church campaign. Final approval will be given during your particular Zoom group meeting time on Tue, 2 March or Wed, 3 March, depending on the class you attend. Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


9 Mar (Tue) / 10 Mar (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


16 Mar (Tue) / 17 Mar (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


23 Mar (Tue) / 24 Mar (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.

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30 Mar (Tue) / 31 Mar (Wed)

Assessment 1: Research Study Report (Group), which is specifically titled, Target Market Research Report (group report) is due via Canvas by 11:59 pm on 30 Mar (Tue) if you are enrolled in either of the Tuesday seminars, and by 11:59 pm on 31 Mar (Wed) if you are enrolled in the Wednesday seminar. Remember to submit the Group Assessment Form (i.e., Peer Evaluation Form) via email to [email protected]. This form can be found on Canvas. IMPORTANT - Please note: You will be meeting with your lecturer this week in an online class and NOT your particular Zoom group meeting time. We are meeting as a class on Tue 30 Mar at 12 noon/Tue 30 Mar at 6 pm/ Wed 31 Mar at 1 pm (depending on the class in which you are enrolled). A Zoom link will be sent in advance to each class. It is very important that you attend this online class. In this online class, the lecturer will discuss the next assessment for this subject which is due later, namely, Assessment 2: Analysis & Planning Report (Individual), which is specifically titled, Campaign Planning Brief & Ad Development and Pre-testing Report (individual report). Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending the online class (not your group meeting time) with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this online class.

Mid-session StuVac

6 Apr (Tue) / 7 Apr (Wed)

NO classes/meetings during this Mid-session Study Vacation (StuVac) period. SUGGESTION: You could develop your print ad for Assessment 2. Note that this is a suggestion and not a requirement but the sooner you get started on Assessment 2, the better.


13 Apr (Tue) / 14 Apr (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular phone meeting time. Meeting times for Assessment 2 will have been posted on Canvas. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before your phone meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


20 Apr (Tue) / 21 Apr (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular phone meeting time. Meeting times for Assessment 2 will have been posted on Canvas. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: By this time, you and your group member should have exchanged the print ads via email or other means. Please inform the lecturer if your ad is ready but the group member with whom you are exchanging your ad has not finalised his/her ad.

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Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before your phone meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


27 Apr (Tue) / 28 Apr (Wed)

Assessment 2: Analysis & Planning Report (Individual), which is specifically titled, Campaign Planning Brief & Ad Development and Pre-testing Report (individual report)is due via Canvas by 11:59 pm on 27 Apr (Tue) if you are enrolled in either of the Tuesday seminars, and by 11:59 pm on 28 Apr (Wed) if you are enrolled in the Wednesday seminar. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: a) You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. The meeting times will have been posted as an announcement on Canvas. b) At this meeting, you will discuss the next phase of the research project with the lecturer and other members of your group. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


4 May (Tue) / 5 May (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


11 May (Tue) / 12 May (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before coming to this meeting.


18 May (Tue) / 19 May (Wed)

You will be meeting with your lecturer during your particular Zoom group meeting time. But if your group has completed the group task, then you could meet with the lecturer individually. This is because Assessment 3 is an individual assessment even though the task associated with it is a group one. Refer to related announcements regarding this on Canvas. Notes: Please see Canvas for announcements (if any) before attending your Zoom/phone meeting with the lecturer this week. It will be assumed that students have read relevant announcements on Canvas before

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coming to this meeting.


21 May (Fri)

Assessment 3: Executional Report (individual report) is due via Canvas any time in Week 12. However, regardless of the seminar in which you are enrolled, it MUST be submitted via Canvas by 11:59 pm on 21 May (Fri), at the latest. Make sure you refer to Canvas for relevant announcements, if any, before this assignment is due. NO meetings on Friday 21 May.

Final StuVac

24 Apr (Mon) - 28 Apr (Fri)

No classes/meetings during this Final Study Vacation Period.

Timeline Although the above program/timeline is fixed, changes may occur. These changes will be announced on Canvas. It is your responsibility to note any changes and stay informed. Canvas It is your responsibility to monitor Canvas on a regular basis (at least once a week) to check for any ANNOUNCEMENTS or ADDITIONAL INFORMATION pertaining to the subject/subject outline including but not limited to assessments. It will be expected that students read all announcements on Canvas in a timely manner (e.g., before assessments are due).

Assessment Assessment task 1: Research Study Report (Group) Objective(s): This addresses subject learning objective(s): 2 and 4 Weight:



This task addresses objectives 2 and 4. They are linked to the UTS Business School’s graduate attribute of developing critical thinking (2), creativity (2, 4) and analytical skills (4). They are also linked to the development of the following graduate attributes: business knowledge and concepts (2) and business practice-oriented skills (2, 4). The assessment criteria are as follows: Completeness (23%) ‘Completeness’ refers to ‘Breadth and Depth of the research’, i.e., how extensively (as opposed to narrowly) and with how much detail the research is conducted and specified; whether or not it includes original and/or well developed perspectives; whether or not it is lacking in any aspect. Your report should demonstrate your critical thinking, creativity and analytical skills via analysis and interpretation of data. It should also demonstrate that you have an understanding of essential concepts in advertising research and can apply technical and professional skills to information. Clarity (7%) ‘Clarity’ refers to ‘Clarity of the report’, i.e., how effectively the research is presented including the use of headings, sub-headings, figures, tables, etc. where appropriate; whether or not there are spelling, grammatical and typographical mistakes. The assessment task is described below: For this subject, you will need to conduct a multi-stage project with some tasks to be performed in your groups and other tasks to be performed individually. You have two options with respect to the project. One option is that you choose a "product" (i.e., good or service or issue) of your choice. However, the "product" you choose must not have been previously chosen. For a complete list of "products" that you should NOT choose, please refer to Canvas! The other option is to work on a research project for a CHURCH, with the marketing objective of getting uni students to

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attend church/attend church more frequently OR getting more uni students to attend church, for example. Please refer to Canvas for more information. The first assessment task involves conducting secondary and primary research on the target market (e.g. undergraduate university students). This task is collectively performed by the team, and a group report is submitted. This group report is specifically titled Target Market Research Report (and generally titled RESEARCH STUDY REPORT). Among other things, the target market research will involve collecting information regarding the target’s awareness, attitudes, likely purchase behaviour etc., towards your chosen good or service or issue as well as their media consumption habits and choices, and attitudes towards advertising styles/appeals (such as humour, sex, fear appeals etc.). The purpose of this research is to provide direction for your campaign; this includes, among other things, identifying the advertising “problem/issue” surrounding the "product" with respect to undergraduate university students. Importantly, it will enable you to determine the communication objective(s) for your campaign, including the communication objective(s) for the print ads that you will be developing and testing. For some teams, the communication objective for the print ads might be an awareness objective (e.g. to create awareness that Club Med prices include complimentary breakfast and lunch – this is a hypothetical example. This objective would be based on your market research on undergraduate students that revealed that they were not aware that lunch was also complimentary). For others it might be an attitude objective (e.g. to change the image of wine to a modern and trendy alcoholic alternative for female university students).And for others, it might be awareness and attitude objectives. Whatever you decide as the communication objective(s) for the print ads, you need to demonstrate that it/they was/were derived from the target market research you conducted. IMPORTANT: For Assessment task 1 especially, it is expected that you will consult with the Lecturer online (via Zoom/email), and engage in interactions similar to those when working with a client in the real world in order to discuss and confirm research issues/methods to address the research problem effectively. It is also expected that you will work collaboratively with your research group members just as you would if you were working in a team or division of a research company. Due:

Week 6 of the Program, i.e., 30 Mar (Tue) / 31 Mar (Wed) - depending on the seminar in which you are officially enrolled. Also, see 'Further Information' below.

Further Refer to information contained in Week 6 of the 'Program' section of this outlin...

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