369859545 ECL kidolgozott tetelek C1 PDF

Title 369859545 ECL kidolgozott tetelek C1
Course Komplex vizsga 1.
Institution Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
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ECL C1 angol nyelvvizsga kidolgozott szóbeli tételek...



The individual  ambition/career building  the individual and the society  problems of social integration

1. Az egyén  ambíciók/karrierépítés  az egyén és a társadalom  beilleszkedési problémák

Nowadays there are not so many differences between the rights and the jobs of a man and a woman, not like about hundred years ago. In the past, people didn’t like the idea of a learning or a working woman, because their task was to stay at home, cook meals, care for the old and the children. They didn’t have so many rights, either. Later, women started to open their eyes and said it’s not enough and not fair against them. They wanted to go to school and to work to provide their families and even themselves a better life. So, now a very big percent of the ladies are working, but not just because they wanted, but because they need to work to get enough money in the family wallet. Some people say it’s not good for the children as they got less care from their parents while they are going into kindergarten and see their family only on the late afternoons. Of course, this is hard for their parents too, as they miss their children and can focus less on their jobs while they are apart from each other. There is an other important problem about the working women, too. Just imagine a company with two jobs, which are perfectly similar, with the same tasks, same time and everything is the same. When a man does it, he gets, let’s say, four hundred Euros per month. When the boss decides to give the job to a woman, she gets only three hundred and fifty Euros for the same job even though it may be harder for her. There are brave women who started to demonstrate against women-men discrimination, and fight against their problems which are basically because they had borned as a woman, and not a man. Sometimes it can be a really big disadvantage for womem who are more careerists. Since, there are women even in the hospitals and the army, we showed the society that we are not so weak. I consider myself as a little feminist, since I got discriminations of who and what I am. People don’t understand why I am single woman and almost hundred percent of them asks me: don’t you want a child? Well, I can tell them that nowadays that requires some doing. In my opinion before you’ll become a mother you need to build your carrier. Not just your carrier, your life. You need to have determined idea about your future. To talk about an other topic, let’s see other cases. When somebody goes to a new place and joins a new group of people, a new society, they have to fight with several integration problems. Even the colour of their skin can make troubles, or their religion. Not all of the society are tolerant with differences and some of them have problems with accepting new cultures or new attributions in their closeness. That’s why these excluded people start to search for others who are they similar to and make their own little societies, like the different quarters in New York: Chinatown, Little Italy and other places. If people like diversity so much on the shleves of supermarkets, why don’t they like it on the streets?


Even, the overpopulation or the underpopulation can be a problem. People want privacy, so they decide to live alone in a house, or they want a big family, but they can’t live their lives in small flats, both are problems. One of my acquaintances said that the number of your children is inversely proportional to your living standards. I see the point in her words, because when you have a child, you may give everything he or she could need, but if you have two children, you split your money into two, and now you can’t afford every need of your family. Even the ancient Greek people knew these disadvantages, that’s why they didn’t have so many children. And in the not so wealthy families, they try to help each other and to find the other’s company, so they start to move closer to each other. This may be the beginning of a slum. And even if you were born into a place like this, you can try to do your best, to learn and work as hard as you can, as long as they see your address on your papers. You won’t get the best jobs, because the employers would give the jobs for somebody else who may be less clever and intelligent, but can show a better living environment. I am conscious of this problem, because I live in Kőszárhegy and when I apply for a job employers prefer somebody else who is resident. Even in China, the overpopulations has a very important role in the Chinese families’ lives. They are supposed to have only one child, because the Chinese society grows bigger and bigger each minute, until not just the government, but the Earth can’t provide enough things for their needs. That’s why the families with one child can get supplies and different aids and bill reductions. Parents with two children are supposed to pay everything and they don’t get anything from the government. In families with more children, from the third kid they can’t even go to school and get educated. This is how the government tries to stop or at least reduce a bit the Chinese overpopulation problems. All in all, people should solve the social, integration and acceptance problems, before starting with the individual’s problems.



Partnership  forms of partnership  nationalities/minorities

2. Társas kapcsolatok  együttélési formák  nemzetiségek/kisebbségek

People are living together in families, groups of friends, working or studying in the same atmosphere, they are making different societies of themselves. They make partnerships with each other. Sometimes we can make so different connections between us. Basically there are people who have a partner and there are people who haven’t. If somebody is alone it can be because currently he or she doesn’t have anybody, or their partner died, they are divorced or they are separated which means that they are not divorced yet, but they are not living together. If somebody has a partner, they can be just partners, lovers, they can be married, be in an open relationship or be engaged. It mostly depends on what people want, but sometimes there can be different obstacles to be together with the person you chose, like the distance or family problems, or sometimes one of the partners is married and doesn’t want to get divorced. If we talk about partnership, we must mention other forms of it, because our personal and closest relations are not all under the meaning of this word. There are different nationalities living together. As the world is developing, it is becoming more and more opened for the other cultures and people from further places. I mean that a country is not just for itself, but because travelling and business connects us, we start to discover the whole world, meet new friends, and also, we are moving away from our places. For example, an American man has to move to an other country, one in Europe, because of his job. Then, there he meets a woman, who is from an other country, but is there because of her job, too. They fall in love and decide to move away, to a fourth country, which probably is closer to their original countries. So, in a country there are a lot of people who have other nationalities or were born somewhere else but were raised there. Let’s see the case of Hungary. Basically, we would say that there are not many immigrants, but people can be surprised if somebody tells them that there much more minorities than they could ever imagine. Actually Hungary has thirteen minorities. Just for examples, there are German, Greek, Polish, Romanian and Ukranian people. There are minorities in every country all over the world. A lot of people immigrating into England to work, who genuinely do want to work. The people from different cultures have their different religions. It causes ethnic tensions between people who were born and bred in their country and people who immigrated to that country. There are thousands of cultures on the edge of extinction, but due to the human’s creativity, there always are and always will be new ones to replace the lost ones. There are people who believe in more gods, the polytheists, like the ancient Greek people, monotheists, like the Christian religions and the atheists, just to mention the Taoists or the Buddhists. Nowadays the numbers of the atheist are increasing, probably because the people are having other interests. Mostly our parents’ will determines our religion, because they can raise us up in their own religions or decide they don’t want


to christen us. Of course, as the children are growing, they are getting more educated about the world and the different things to believe in, and they can change their parents’ will, and choose an other faith which suits them better. Here, in Hungary, most of the people are Roman Catholics. Based on a two thousand and nine (2009) census, their number is around fifty-two percent, and this was followed by the reformathics with sixteen percent. It is a significant difference. This whole religion thing mostly depends on our parents, but as we get older, we can change it. No matter, how we decide, one thing is sure: we can change almost everything, except for the family we were born in.



Family  the social status of families /the system of family allowances rendszere  family/career

3. Család  A családok szociális helyzete /a családi támogatások  család/karrier

If we think about a family, different things can be brought up in our minds, depending on our own family or our ideas about a perfect or imperfect family models. Even the smallest chidren can plan their future families in the kindergarten. There are small families with one, two or no children, and there are big ones, with more than two children. The number of the members can be influenced by the other relatives living with their children, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, cousins and so on. Even an unmarried couple can count as a family, whether they have children or not. Everything depends on our different points of view. In these days the family models are so familiar in developed and developing countries. Not just the father, but the mother works too, in order to insure a happier and better life. Nowadays there are not so many differences between the rights and the jobs of a man and a woman, not like about hundred years ago. In the past, people didn’t like the idea of a learning or a working woman, because their task was to stay at home, cook meals, care for the old and the children. They didn’t have so many rights, either. Later, women started to open their eyes and said it’s not enough and not fair against them. They wanted to go to school and to work to provide their families and even themselves a better life. So, now a very big percent of the ladies are working, but not just because they wanted, but because they need to work to get enough money in the family wallet. Some people say it’s not good for the children as they get less care from their parents while they are going into kindergarten and see their family only on the late afternoons. Of course, this is hard for their parents too, as they miss their children and can focus less on their jobs while they are apart from each other. And again, career or children? If a child is born, who will stay at home to care for him/her? It used to be the mother, but in these days, when everybody is in a shortage of money, people started to decide based upon their salary. An other problem is the reputation. Just imagine that both of the parents are beginner doctors. They have to make a strong and reliable basis, before they just pause it or give it up. A state-of-theart solution is that the grandmother stays at home, because she can care about the young ones, as she also raised up her owns, she is retired and she gets money without working, not like her daughter who just started working and brought a baby to life at almost the same time. The next problem is the bringing up of the new life. Clothing, feeding, educating, everything costs money, except for the love and the goodwill. If you want to care about your beloved ones and you do care about them it doesn’t mean that you can afford everything they need. One of my acquaintances said that the number of your children is inversely proportional to your living standards. I see the point in her words, because when you have a child, you may give everything he or she could need, but if you have 5

two children, you split your money into two, and now you can’t afford every need of your family. Even the ancient Greek people knew these disadvantages, that’s why they didn’t have so many children, because they were afraid of that they could not give the best to them. The number of the population grows only in not developed and disadvantaged countries, such as in Africa. It’s not because they would be so wealthy or could care a lot about children, but it’s because they can’t afford medicines and the statistics of the child mortality show deterrent numbers. While in the better-situated countries the population seems more lowering. I think first time marriages are later, than they used to be generally. Younger people don’t see much point in getting married earlier. They’re going to university, starting career and I honestly believe that they are leaving marriage and starting a family a bit later. In Hungary the couples don’t want to have a lot of children. It’s not because the idea of a big family is not coded deeply in their genes, it’s because they don’t even have enough money to raise up just one child. That’s why the European society is said to get older, while in Africa, India and Asia becomes younger. And here comes the other problem, the overpopulation. This can be seen mostly in the Asian countries, the most outstanding example is probably China. If a couple has one child, they get reductions and aids, if they have two, they have to pay a fine, and for the third child it is abolished to go to school and get educated. This is how they try to reduce the overpopulation and find a solution for the overgrowing society. There are seven billion people on this planet and all of us have different plans and models of family, but in the end, we make compromises and have similar kinds of connections to each other.



Place of living  housing situation/ difficulties of building a house  homelessness/causes/problems  settling down at home or abroad választás

4. Lakás/lakóhely  A családok szociális helyzete  hajléktalanság/okok/problémák  hazai/külföldi lakóhely

People move away because they have grown out of the old family house and want to live in a new place, further from their parents, or they have to move because they got an other job somewhere else, or just need a change around themselves. However, it is a very special thing, the situations are not always very good. You have to think about the price, the environment, neighbours, the perfect building, enough space for everybody you want to live with, enough space for your stuff, and even the distance from your schools and workplaces. Also, if you don’t want to buy somebody else’s old house, you can build or rent one, but this probably is the harder way to get a place to live where. From personal experiences, I know it can cost a lot, take lot of time, you can have tons of different problems with the blueprints, the builders and even with the people you trust and give your money to do the things for you, the contructors. Nowadays there are a lot of unreliable people you can lose your money and even your new house. But that’s just one opinion and some bad experiences. First you find out which is more comfortable and better for you, living in a city, or living in a village. People from the city say that a village life is so much better, as it is less bright and much more silent in the nights, people are not crammed together in small flats, they can have a garden, where their children can play, and they think it’s more beautiful. People from villages may think the opposite that living in the city would be better, because their workplaces and schools, the hospitals and other important buildings are in the city and they have to travel each day back and forth at least one time. And if they would like to go and buy something, they also have to go in the city, because shops in the villages are not so big, and they don’t sell everything that may be important in ones household. After you took into consideration every little reason and decided where you would like to build your house, you buy the thing for the construction, find some people who plan the perfect house for you, and usually your constructors find the builders, too. If everything goes well, the building’s finished in less than a year. After that, you can buy the furniture and all the household appliances you would like to use, or you will need later. You can now personalize your house and use your own taste. Just be careful, if you have had borrowed money from a bank for the house project, make sure that you will have enough money to pay everything back in time, or the bank will take your brand new flat and sell in on the price it wants just to get some money back. If you would like to rent a house, or a flat, there are also other things you should know about. First, you have to look around and check some websites or estate agencies for available places. They can help you figuring out the best price and size for you, then


they can give you some advice which one you should rent. Agents can show you around the houses which makes the decision easier, whether you like the place or not. If you decide to rent the flat, you talk with the owner and leave some deposit which may be around 1 to 3 months. It is like an insurance, against any damage you may make in the house or its furniture. Of course, there are other costs in any case, not depending on buying, building or renting your place of living. You have to pay for the gas, electricity and water you use. If you rent a house, the owner can decide if he or she wants to get the bills on your name, or on their name, and after getting the bills, you pay for the owner. Also, you write a contract, which is the evidence that you live there and you use the place. Also, if you want a temporary place of living, you can still go to a hotel, or a student hostel, which is much cheaper, but definitely not as comfortable and certain, as a house. The other problem is the homelessness and it’s causes. There are two main groups of people. The one who became homeless because they wanted to, and the others who lost their homes because of something else, like a natural disaster, such as flood, fire, hurricane, or because they couldn’t pay their debt. They had to sell their house, or even a bank took it from them, or maybe they got divorced and one of them got the house and told their partner to go. So, the whole topic is very complicated, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages for both buying and building a new home. Nowadays most of the people don’t have so much money in their pockets or bank accounts so there are significantly less new houses built. In these times, it’s not worth selling, but worth buying one. And to talk about the differences of moving in different countries, well, there are loads of. Just for an example, if you are living in America and your boss tells you that you will work in an other city about 600 kilometers away, you just pack up your things, your family and move on. But in Hungary it’s much different. People here are very comfortable and if they are told to move, they just give up their work and search for an other one which is closer, even if they would have to move only 50 kilometers away. I understand it is hard to give up a whole life somewhere, but I think in our economic situation it is necessary.



Travelling/transport 5. Utazás/közlekedés  problems of city traffic/  városi közlekedés problémái/ public transport versus using cars tömegközlekedés kontra személyautó  transport and environmental protection  közlekedés és kö...

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