5 reasons why being in a committed relationship in your 20s PDF

Title 5 reasons why being in a committed relationship in your 20s
Course Innovative Business Practice
Institution Swinburne University of Technology (Vietnam)
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5 reasons why being in a committed relationship in your 20s...


5 reasons why being in a committed relationship in your 20s, is a bad idea A. Introduction Our twenties are the most enjoyable years of our lives. It is when we turn entirely self-centered and make stupid choices without having a second thought. That is, however, entirely normal and acceptable. After all, we must all learn how to survive in this world. Our mistakes are the ones that teach us the most important lessons in life. The twenties are a time to make or break oneself, as well as an opportunity to learn. It's meant to be a magical moment, full of curiosity and exploration. This is not the time to restrict yourself by making hasty judgments that could have long-term consequences. And I t is not the right moment to think about love or finding "the one". Casual dating in your twenties may be a worthwhile journey, and it should be, because dating teaches you various life lessons and the way to interact with other people. So, enjoy your romances, work hard or discover exactly what you need to work hard for, and maybe stay away from a committed relationship as you should save all meaningful relationships for your thirties and beyond. Of course, there is nothing wrong with staying committed, especially if it is a successful connection. Actually, it is very wonderful and admirable that you're in your twenties and handling a meaningful relationship. However, it is not the case for many young men as they have to witness several causes that ruin their thoughts of having a serious relationship.

B. Main Reasons 1. Time Consuming Being proactive in the time management for yourself, being a couple, and being a family is among the basic tasks you should do for your relationship. Several times, life gets in the way, and a committed spouse becomes a roommate who is also stressed. Things like work, living and social duties; if you cannot handle them, they will eat up all of your time. People who make love last understand how to set limits in their various jobs and prioritize responsibilities. Consider this: if you are a parent, you must schedule time for yourself as a person, yourself in a couple, and yourself as a member of your family. If you devote too much time to one of these roles, the others will suffer, and difficulties may arise in the area that you are overworking. These are just a few of the issues that young men may confront when attempting to balance their time. Individual Self: People frequently believe that the answer to every difficulty in a relationship is to put more time together and be closer. This can be detrimental to a love relationship. Spending too much time together might cause loathing, which can obliterate any feelings of love for your relationship. You will need time to focus on your own needs, allowing you to exercise self-care and miss the ones you love. This is your chance to follow your own interests while taking a break

from your duties as a partner or parent. With a little amount of space in a relationship can easily ignite the spark of passions and desires in us. However, for men in 20s, this would backfire as they are full of desires and curiosity, and after a long time of not following their dream, having this space can gradually light up their passions again. Then, men will only concentrate on themselves but not their relationships anymore. Couple: Many people remember the early days of their relationship vividly. They recall all of the dates, travels, and good times they had when they first met. Then there are works, meetings, and so on; it all seems to collude to take over your existence. Your connection has been left with a sense of desire. You have to set aside time for your relationship, including time to chat, date, and make physical contact. However, if animosity rises, too much connection can deteriorate. If you are never apart, it is all too simple to lose appreciation. It can also make it harder to control your own emotions. One person's bad mood might take over the emotional atmosphere, leaving the other half to weather the storm. For young men, to spend this much time and be emotional ready for each activities are just too challenging as they are very inexperience to handle such complex situations and are unable to manage the time probably for their partners. Family: Your family is the final place where time management is required. Obligations rule in this aspect of our lives, and many individuals find it difficult to set time restrictions with their families. Spending too much in this position can generate animosity. If you have ever been the primary caretaker for your children on a particularly difficult day, you know how easy things can spiral out of control. You may get irritable, frustrated, and in urgent need of some time away from your duty as caregiver. Too much time spent as a caregiver with no time for self-care might lead to marital problems. For being in a family, you would not only need to take care of your partner, but you also have a greater responsibility to nurture your children. These duties will take away all your time and leave you with barely any to focus on other things. Managing time for yourself, your relationship, and your family can be difficult. A plea for more will always be made. Setting and sticking to time limits will help your relationship last but this is far too hard for a young man in his 20s to be capable of. Overall, a committed relationship would require almost every second, you will need to take care for your family as well as yourself. This is really tough for anyone, especially people who lack of life experience and have too much curiosity like our demographic.

2. Women Demands It is significantly difficult to figure out what the person on the other side of the table wants from a relationship. You could always ask the lady you are dating about her wants and requirements, but to be honest: it is easier said than done. Remember that every person is unique, so if you genuinely would like to meet the needs of a girl in your life (or the woman you would enjoy having in your life), you will need to invest time, effort, finance and trust. Basically, this means that you give her access to all your resources and offerings.

Time: As above, you will have to give up a large quantity of your time to take care of your partner, maybe even nurture your children. Overall, to maintain a healthy relationship with someone, young men need to devote most of their time for their loves despite their desires to explore the world and discover new interests. Finance: To acquire a woman’s heart is very expensive and to keep that relationship strongly it would cost even more. The journey from gaining her love to maintaining it are very pricey, from normal dates where both share the bills, to expensive ones with luxury gifts that men would pay for all. It even gets harder when you live together; men will be the main income and do all the payments. These all are too demanding for men in 20s as many of them are not economically stable and do not have a decent job to afford for such expenses. Emotion: Women are very sensitive and they would mind all the actions and details, then evaluate the situations. In some cases, you are not even conscious to think about their behaviors and react dramatically without a second thought. Therefore, they would require at their partners to understand their feelings and know what to do at various moments. This is difficult task for even experienced men as their nature personalities are too different from women, so for young men only in the 20s, it is by far, the most challenging missions. In total, to have a healthy and steady relationship with any women, a man has to give up a lot of efforts whether they are time, financial aspects or the element of emotion. You have only recently begun to make little "Sacrifices" of your happiness in order to achieve your goals. Once you are in a serious relationship, you will have to make dozens of compromises just to keep your partner pleased. Nonetheless, they will surely demand a lot and require the accessibility to your resources. And for men with romantic mind, it is normal to do so.

3. Loss of Self-focus The twenties are a stage in life when you either make it or break it, or you're still trying to figure out who you are and learn more about yourself. Would you really have time and space to understand about another person if you have not figured out yourself? Furthermore, the twenties are a chance to entirely disregard serious matters such as relationships and instead have a great time. There is more than enough time in life to find the person you actually want to share your life with, and perhaps your twenties should be reserved for discovering your ultimate meaning and living it. You should only commit to a relationship if you are certain about what you want in a partner or in your relationship. You have probably seen romantic films and read fairy tale novels, as these have influenced on how you think about love and relationships. In fact, you may not even recognize the distinction between love and infatuation. As a result, it is best to hold your horses, enjoy your time and jump in only when you are confident. However, young men are not exactly the type of person that has such patient to do that. This can lead to failure in their relationships as they tend to burn down the process without any real knowledge about being committed to someone. This can be the sad truth that would end their romantic dream.

For many cases, couples are likely to break up if the partners feel that they need to understand about themselves more and they feel that being in a relationship limit the chances of doing so. One of the basic principles of breakups is that both parties should "concentrate on themselves" once the relationship fails, as if ignoring the pain and the person who caused it could fix all of your concerns. Most of the time, "focused on yourself" just indicates somebody will not enter into new relationships or devote time to romance. This might be a good step for individuals who feel like either lost or did not give proper priority to themselves while in a relationship. People in their twenties can enter a committed relationship if they sincerely desire it and want to settle down; nevertheless, a committed relationship can divert your attention away from what you actually want to do with your life. It takes a lot to establish a decent relationship, and there is no point in failing in a romance if you're not prepared. So for men in their 20s, they should relax, enjoy their time, and make the most out of what they have which is the main goal of being in the wonderful stage of life of the twenties.

4. Inexperience in Relationships The twenties are widely regarded as the prime of one's life. You are youthful, wild, and full of energy, and you have just recently begun to discover all that life has to offer. You are just getting started in the business world, getting to know yourself and discovering out what works best for you. In fact, this period has the ability to shape the rest of your life. Good for you if you have discovered 'the one' and are in a loving relationship. However getting into a meaningful relationship in your 20s may not be a good option for others. You are unable to know what love is unless you have experienced it, and this is one of the prerequisites for being in a meaningful relationship. Your perception of love is shaped by the couples you see all around, including your parents and the couples from films and television shows you watch. You may repeatedly confuse between attraction and love, until you spend a considerable amount of time with the individual and form a relationship. The idea of dating has evolved significantly throughout time, and the present generation is still grappling with it. It is indeed different from what it used to be, when dating somebody was a lot more natural. There was no such thing as technology back then, and encountering someone was simply a matter of chance. Everyone nowadays is swiping through their dating apps to find the finest potential matches. People try to figure out why dating and changing partners has become so cruel and fast-paced. So it is essential to learn about how young people date since it will give you a better idea of how much effort goes into a meaningful relationship and whether or not you are ready for it. For men in 20s, they are used to the dating style of youngster and lack of experience in ways to maintain a serious relationship. For almost every case, such young men have never been in pair with someone for a long period of time, leading to lack of skills to keep that relationship strong and steady which is why it is a disturbing concern for them to think about committing to a lady. Since they do not really know about the efforts that they will have to devote for their partners to even make her feel happy and satisfy.

5. Lack of Capabilities and Responsibilities All relationships have two main features: peaks and troughs. While all relationships have their ups and downs, a solid foundation may help you cope with difficult situations while also allowing you to develop and enhance your connection over time. However, It takes a lot of effort, time and finance to build and maintain a positive relationship, and a guy must learn to handle challenging situations and develop critical interpersonal skills. To do so, he must perform at a high level of capability and responsibility with some basic attributes. Intimacy: People might think of the sexual side of a relationship when talking about this term, but this relational basic element encompasses far more. It can also be defined as a feeling of connection between people. Deep intimacy in a relationship enables both sides to feel emotionally linked to each other, promotes trust and transparency, and fosters acceptance of mutual notions. While most romantic relationships begin with a lot of love and attraction, closeness takes a little longer to establish. Few people are comfortable expressing their deepest selves immediately, and how the other person reacts to these shows of vulnerability can either strengthen or weaken closeness. Commitment: Commitment can be defined as a deliberate and persistent move to put time and effort into a relationship. This foundational element is what propels partnerships forward in times of adversity and stagnation. It is not the same as simply living together or continuing in a classified relationship without actively participating in it. While some individuals identify specific indicators with commitment, such as marriage or staying together, these are not accurate predictors of whether or not your relationship is committed. Both partners must actively strive toward the evolution of a relationship in order for it to be sustainable and healthy. Communication: Even though a pair has a firm commitment and intimacy, ineffective communication can cause a relationship to be dissatisfied. Learned how to manage conflict in a positive manner can help minimize the degradation caused by careless comments and, in the long run, improve the connection. Communication is an useful trait, and many people grew up in households where good dispute management was neither modeled or instructed to them. You and your spouse must both analyze your current communication behaviors and adopt healthy routines. This can involve learning how to stay calm before entering in a conversation when you are upset or preventing closing down when problems occur. For a young man in his 20s to do such things just for a relationship that he promised to saty committed, is very burdernsome. Not only he is under the pressure of time and financial issues, but he also has to enhance some of the necessary traits to maintain a possitive connection. Being serious with a woman in relationship is super challenging, not to mention, some couples even move to a higher stage of relationship – “Marriage”, which is a greater level of difficulty. Such young men are so lost and fresh to the adulthood society, this just make it even harder for them to handle along side with so much responsibilities.

C. Conclusion Relationships play a vital role in our lives. Many have dedicated precious time in many ways investing in those connections to reinforce our commitment. On the other hand, many people have significant anxiety when it comes to the issue of relationships. Many people have become skeptical, distrustful, and wary of relationships as a result of traumatic and disappointing experiences. Relationships are difficult to maintain and need a lot of effort. If they are to be beneficial, an honest appraisal of where we are in our life is required. To keep a serious relationship strong and steady, young men must scarify many aspects of their lives; they will not be able to concentrate on developing themselves as well as spend time on their interests. Most of those will be invest in the better half which is far more demanding on the marriage level. In the end, this article wants to list some contents that young men would feel difficult in their path of committing to someone as well as a reminder for them to rethink about their decisions.

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