Course Ancient History
Institution Macquarie University
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The plague had not existed more than one month before it first broke out across the world. News of this new virus seemly felt insignificant to the people, as they went along their lives as usual, unaware of the plagues plan. It is said that the plague escaped from of an exotic food trade of the far East Orient. Where all types of rare and wonderous animals were sold for their meat.

Travellers spread the plague away from its birthplace. Soon announcements were made by leaders shaking the world “We have rung the alarm bell; we have called for all countries to take urgent action. A plague has now begun.” Number of the infected began to grow in their hundreds of thousands, per day encroaching from to country to country. No one seemed safe from the effects of the plague.

This news shocked all, as an influx began of people retuning home, some too stranded in foreign nations without hope, not knowing the safety of their own home. The plague grew closer and closer to homes, inflecting those in their city, in their province. The suffering was made worse through the confusion and unreadiness. All were awaiting guidance from their leaders, to which for some arrived too late.

The plague effected the people vastly. Indeed, the pathology of the disease defied modern explanation. The plague attacked the respiratory health causing a dry cough, a companied by a high fever breaking heat of the body, sore throat, headache, congestion, difficulty breathing then internally a loss of taste and smell. Some too effected severely, which symptoms included Redding of the skin, a discoloration of fingers and toes, further a loss of speech and movement that was once known. The plague held no bias effecting and killing the young, old, sick and well, all it came across. People were infected through breathing out vapours in the


plague if you were close to those infected. The touching of the sicks possessions too spread the plague. Worse yet those who contracted the disease could show no symptoms, appearing in perfect health allowing it to infect those they loved.

Many of the sick were connected to great bellows that pushed the humours of the plague around the body. With medicine, the bellows and the skill of many doctors and nurses many lives of the victims were saved. Some still died and were twice wrapped and sent to the overflowing necropolis. All previously known death rituals were abandoned, in a way that accommodated to death in its thousands. As a result of the overwhelmingly infected, the plague ripped through families and friends leaving none to grieve at their funerals.

To avoid the grasp of the plague, leaders told their citizens to wear cloth on their face and stay within their province inside their dwelling. Where the people listened, the vapours stayed within the home and the plague did not spread. In places where they defied their leaders more became ill, and the plague did spread.

Scenes in Italy America and India set fair warning to the Globe. Millions contracting the plague as the symptoms consumed their health. Broadcasted images of the dead and dying roaming the decollate streets searching for assistance to which they would not find. Doctors could offer little hope with scarce medical resources and overflowing hospitals. No one was prepared to persevere through this plague, unknown for a generation of our fathers and forefathers. The plague changed the social world we once knew it, people afraid to see one another, many victims died in isolation and fear, no one could enjoy the indulgence of pleasures. Unable to live in luxury as we once knew, retreating to their respective homes.


The plague saw a divide of the people that grew wider than seem before. The people grew angry with each other, blaming this one for wearing a mask or that one having no mask at all. Some believe the plague was not real and turned-on others claiming they were sheeple, a beast half sheep and half man. In America, a leader named Trumpus who seeks to become dictator fanned the flames of this confusion. Trumpus ignored the doctors and said the plague could be cured by injecting poison or by exposure inside the body by a great light. Numbers of those inflicted under the rule of Trumpus grew in their millions, under his rule there was no escape from the plague.

In Italy the dead were found in their homes, if they died alone or died in the great temples of healing, the Intensive Care Unit. Many Doctors and nurses, exposed to the plague so closely, fell too. So many citizens died in Italy that they bodies needed to be stored on in ice where children and skaters should play. In India where the plague had grabbed the poor and destitute in its grip, the smoke from the many funeral pyres hung heavy in that rivered land. In Australia the Island citizens withdrew from the world and stopped all who might bring the plague. Including Australian families stranded on foreign soil, international travellers and refugees. Their leader, Scotus Morrisonous prayed his Island nation would be spared. But dark fate in the form of a driver, brought the plague into that fair country. The nation began experiencing cases of 1000 infected a day, no one could leave their dwelling without a mask on, no one could live in luxurious social world we once know, when not when the plague was around every corner. We were told to have “faith in Morrisonous” even when there seemed nothing to be hopeful for.

Many great thinkers and noble doctors worked on treatment for the plague. With great ingenuity they developed medicines that would protect the healthy from developing symptoms of the disease. These treatments were spread throughout the world and many were


protected. But again, this treatment divided the people. Those who had lost trust in their leaders claimed these treatments were a great poison that not only effected the body but also controlled the mind. Again, anger and confusion gripped the people and again they turned on each other. With this one blaming for receiving the treatment and that one blaming that one for refusing it. Some of the people marched in the street and spread the vapours further added to the confusion.

The future is by its nature unknowable. Two years the plague has gripped the world. Like the Hydra as one head of the disease is controlled, another head rises. The people are still frightened, they mill and fight and their leader’s struggle. This is indeed a most terrible of times, and when this will be over no one knows.


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