Aims and objectives of physical education PDF

Title Aims and objectives of physical education
Course Teacher Education
Institution Jamia Millia Islamia
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The majority of primitive man's activities were physical in nature, such as hunting, running, jumping, and fighting, with the primary goal of securing the means of survival and adapting to the environment. Given the foregoing, it is reasonable to conclude that the first form of imitation education w...


Aims and objectives of physical education

Physical education's definition and concept are as follows:

The majority of primitive man's activities were physical in nature, such as hunting, running, jumping, and fighting, with the primary goal of securing the means of survival and adapting to the environment. Given the foregoing, it is reasonable to conclude that the first form of imitation education was nothing more than education through physical activity, or physical education in the contemporary sense. Changes in our social system resulting from the passage of time Changes in our educational methods have also occurred as a result of time. Fropel, the founder of the Kindergarten system, was a strong supporter of children's recreational activities. He believed that children benefitted greatly from play. It makes learning enjoyable and effective, and it was itself a form of education. The term "physical education" has become an awful misnomer. As a result of the mediaeval dualism view of body and thought, which was deceptive. The current trend is to place a greater focus on the noun Education than on the adjective

Physical'. Physical, mental, and moral education could never be separated. This will be a futile attempt to split a single whole. In other words, rather than focusing on health or fitness, the focus will be on education. Physical education must be a part of general education if it is to be effective and contribute as much as possible to the growth and development of every young person in our country. Physical education has gradually gained acceptance as an effective educational tool as the goals of education have broadened. The education of the body is a means to and end for which the whole man has been created, so that an individual may grow and develop fully and be able to live the abundant life" now as a kid and later as an adult." As a result, true physical education is both physical education and education through the body. Physical education, in its approach, development, and outcomes, is nothing if not educational. In the right-hand side of the preceding facts, where the physical education part is concerned, We might refer to Brownell & Hagman's most enlightening definition of physical education as "the accumulation of healthy experiences through involvement in big muscle exercises that promote optimum growth and development." That part of education and development is physical education. A.R.Wayman, who is concerned with the growth and education of their entire population, says

"Physical activities shape a person's personality."

"Physical education is the whole of man's physical education," writes J.F.William activities, chosen according to type and carried out according to results." "Physical education is the social process of change in human body behaviour, resulting primarily from the stimulus of social, huge muscle, play, and related activities," according to C.C.Cowell.

Physical Education's Goals and Objectives:

Aims Many individuals use the terms aims, objectives, and goals interchangeably. They lack differentiation and defined functions, though. Aims are the overarching goals that all education is geared toward. It refers to a generic purpose, which is a term for a broad category in which general goals can be found.

The goal of physical education is to help people develop their entire personalities or to live a full life. "Physical education should attempt to create a chance for the

individual to behave in situations that are challenging," writes J.F. Williams are healthy on a physical level, mentally challenging and fulfilling, and socially acceptable. " Physical education's principal goal is nearly identical to that of all education: to provide a child with a full existence each day. Objectives are more concrete, certain items that build up to and aid in the achievement of the goal. These are more practical, more attainable, more significant in terms of achieving goals. The most important steps or points of importance for aims and objectives are that they are not only declared and accepted, but also pursued and laid out in action. Objectives assist the physical educator in better understanding what he is attempting to accomplish. The objectives serve as a guide for creating a meaningful and worthwhile programme. The objectives are relevant to the needs, experiences, and interests of the participants. Long-term goals or general expressions of intent are frequently used to describe objectives. The vehicle through which physical education and sport achieve their goals is movement. Fun, recreation, physical fitness, sociability, emotional release, communication, and healthy growth are all possible through

movement. As a result, objectives are desired learning outcomes that can be achieved by participation in an effective physical education and sport programme.

Physical Education's Goals:

Educationists have made a variety of statements about the goals or realistic consequences of a physical education programme, and it's worth analysing a few examples: 1. The American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Sports Medicine is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving people's health recreation:

(I) Achieve and sustain peak physical performance. (ii) hone useful abilities (iii) Act in a socially acceptable manner. (iv) Engage in healthy recreation (v) Through sports, develop individual and inter-cooperative relationships.

(1) Organic Vigour Development: This is dependent on a wide range of activities emerging from the participant's innate interests and carried out in such a way that the body's normal functions are developed and improved. The activities that have made man what he is today, both functionally and structurally, are those that are racially old, big muscle, or natural. It is also our conviction that moral health is greatly dependent on physical health, or the ability of the vital organs to work properly.

(2) Neuromuscular Development Goals: Individuals and groups can achieve joy and happiness in a variety of ways during leisure time by developing abilities in a wide range of physical activities. Physical activities, games, and sports provided several possibilities to improve neuromuscular coordination, which in turn aids in the execution of skilled, smooth, accurate, and efficient motions. The goal of neuro-muscular development is to improve the connection between the neurological and muscular systems. Neuro-muscular co-ordination also allows people to accomplish simple actions more readily and with less energy

consumption, such as walking, running, jumping, throwing, catching, climbing, and so on, and to delay exhaustion during strenuous physical activities.

(3) Emotional Development: Students gain emotional satisfaction and pleasure by overcoming difficult challenges such as learning to swim or creating a new dance pattern, having a thrilling experience as a result of cooperative success or teamwork, demonstrating team loyalty, or developing aesthetic tastes as a result of dance experience. When pupils participate in various physical activities, emotions such as sympathy, cooperation, hostility, anxiety, jealousy, stress, and tension can be better expressed. When they play together, they also learn to control their emotions.

(4) Character development: In play and physical activities, crop effort, team commitment, and strong bonds are all evident. Physical education is also intended to instil polite behaviour in future generations. Physical education contributes significantly to the development of good moral character.

(5) Development of positive attitudes toward play and physical activities in general: It is not only possible, but also necessary, to build the programme around sound psychological principles in order to instil in the masses a positive attitude toward play and physical activities, as well as healthy lifestyle habits, through long participation in them. This can only be accomplished by providing appealing activities that allow for self-expression and self-improvement, as well as enjoyment in the process and a desire to continue. Physical activities will be viewed as a recreational activity rather than an exercise process or a moneymaking spectacle if people are taught to view them as such.

(6) Cultural goals: Culture is defined as the enrichment of human experience through physical activity. This experience leads to a better awareness and appreciation of one's surroundings, as well as the ability to make the most of leisure time. The development of understanding and appreciation of sports tactics and strategies, appreciation of music, rhythm, and design, leisure planning, and morale improvement through physical improvement are all cultural goals.

(7) The development of good social attitudes and conduct: This can be accomplished by a physical activity programme that focuses on the ethical qualities inherent in playing games with and against others, rather than on spectacular feasts or winning. On the athletic field, the relationship and experience of cooperation and competition necessitate decisions that are quite similar to those that must be made in everyday life. A schedule of activities that does not provide possibilities for the development of ethical principles that can be applied in everyday life is not educationally sound and serves no purpose. Every human person has basic wants such as recognition, self-respect, and affection, as well as a sense of belonging and a desire to win. The satisfaction of these demands results in a socially well-adjusted individual. A good physical educator will design activities that teach social skills such as cooperation, courtesy, sympathy, friendship, honesty, and respect for others. Moral and spiritual qualities are embraced by social efficiency. When these principles are applied to human behaviour, they elevate and refine life and bring it into line with democratic culture's accepted standards of conduct. Willing cooperation, fidelity to the truth, emotional control, and moral responsibility for one's actions are among these values.

(8) Establishing Good Health Habits: Health encompasses all aspects of one's life, including physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. Physical education leaders should work to raise people's awareness of their own health and concerns. Because health is so important, all parts of it must be communicated to the general public, and activities must be offered that will keep them physically active, mentally aware, morally healthy, and emotionally sound. The need of hygienic living should be emphasised.

(9) Development of patriotism: In India, where people of diverse castes, creeds, religions, languages, and so on live together, physical activities allow them to participate in training and numerous tournaments at various levels. This serves as a platform for them to engage, understand, share feelings, and learn to adjust to one another, resulting in the formation of a national integration spirit among the kids....

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