Álvarez Fernández, Nuria PEC 2 Literatura Inglesa II PDF

Title Álvarez Fernández, Nuria PEC 2 Literatura Inglesa II
Author Nuria Álvarez Fernández
Institution UNED
Pages 2
File Size 79.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Esta PEC consta de dos temas de desarrollo, debiendo redactarse ambos y en inglés. Los estudiantes pueden obtener un máximo de 2 puntos: cada respuesta se puntuará entre 0 y 1 punto. Lea atentamente los enunciados y ajústese al límite de palabras. Deberá hacer llegar sus respuestas a su tutor/a a través de “Entrega de trabajos”, en el curso virtual.

Esta PEC representa el 20% de la nota final de cada cuatrimestre (la prueba presencial representa el 80%). Si entrega esta PEC, la nota obtenida (sobre 2 puntos) se sumará a su nota de examen (sobre 8 puntos), siempre que haya obtenido un mínimo de 4 puntos en el examen. Si no entrega la PEC, la nota máxima a la que podrá aspirar en cada cuatrimestre será la del examen, es decir, 8 puntos.


Write one essay (250-300 words each) on each of the following topics.

1.-Past, present and future in William Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”. (Up to 1 mark) “Tintern Abbey” is composed in blank verse (unrhymed lines in iambic pentameter). This poem was written in July 1798. The subject of “Tintern Abbey” is memory—specifically, childhood memories of communion with natural beauty, a subject very important in Wordsworth’s work. The poem is a monologue, imaginatively spoken by a single speaker to himself, referencing the specific objects of its imaginary scene-. The language of the poem is striking for its simplicity. It was one of the nineteenth poems that Wordsworth contributed to Lyrical Ballads. Romanticism emphasizes the feeling of hearts against reason and intellect. Tintern Abbey is the perfect example of the emotional change in poetry that Romanticism defines as the power of the Nature that inspires the man´s imagination and creativity. In the poem, the author William Wordsworth illustrates his philosophical beliefs through his interest in Nature and the belief in spiritual power in it (nature). The poem opens with the speaker’s declaration that five years have passed since he last visited this location. He describes the objects he is admiring again and their effect upon him. The speaker then describes his memories while he was away in crowded towns and cities, and how they provided “tranquil restoration” to his mind. Even in the present moment, the memory of his past experiences in these surroundings floats over his present view of them, and he feels bittersweet joy in reviving them. He thinks happily, too, that his present experience will provide many happy memories for future years. The speaker acknowledges that he is different now from how he was as a boy. And now he can sense the presence of something far more subtle, powerful, and fundamental in the light of the setting suns, the Ocean, the air itself, and even in the mind of man.



2.-Discuss the importance of the Lowood episode in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. (Up to 1 mark) Lowood was a very important episode in Jane Eyre´s life. Jane is relieved to leave a house in which she is not loved. She will arrive at a new place full of rage and anger but she feels happy to leave there. In Lowood, she meets two very important women who will help on her way to maturity and learning. With Helen Burns, Jane discovers the power of tolerance and patience and although Jane doesn´t believe in Christian Faith, Helen´s endurance and love help Jane see God as a source of guidance and support along the way. This makes her better as a person towards the future, as she develops broader perspective of life and she makes less closed in terms of her own ideas. Their life together is short due to Helen´s untimely death but what Jane learns from Helen it will help her grow personally. After her friend´s death, life in Lowood improves and Jane becomes a teacher there but the departure of Ms Temple, the second person from whom Jane learn to mature causes in Jane an effect of liberation and wanting to undertake a new life outside the walls of Lowood. As an educated and capable woman, she places an advertisement offering herself as a governess and being able to fly to the outside world. In my opinion, Lowood is a place of mental liberation for Jane that enriches her intellectual curiosity but at the same time, as the deep knowledge of human faith reflected in the stoicism and the strength that Helen shows in the last moments of her life....

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