American Dream - free composition example PDF

Title American Dream - free composition example
Author Ella Unso
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 1
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Nowadays the American Dream is just that – a dream. Discuss. Task: Write a free composition on the given topic. If you need help, see the following page.

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Nowadays the American Dream is just that – a dream. Discuss. Nowadays the American Dream is just that - a dream. What is the American Dream and is ist possible for everyone to achieve and live it? As a matter of fact there are two types of the American Dream. The materialistic sight of it is based on wealth and power in opposition to the “democratic” sight that is focusing on freedom and equal rights for everyone. There are more then enough examples of people that made it up and established themselves in the upper class of the high society, even though the majority have given up after having no success in their work. So is it possible to achieve and live it nowadays? Here is some help for you and my impersonal opinion. The American Dream is not attainable nowadays, not for individuals and definitely not for everyone: - according to statistics, social mobility in the US is rather limited if compared to other countries. - being poor is usually seen as a personal fault and the person is getting told to get a new job. - sometimes it is not possible to do every job but then -> “no money, no honey”. - as a handicapped person it is even more difficult to reach the American Dream because of the financial help system in the US and lack of possible jobs to do, in European countries people get more money and support then in America. - good education is needed to get a good job and high career prospects but mostly high quality schools in universities are expensive and tuitions are not affordable for poor family’s or getting them in an”debt hole”. - inequality between people, doesn’t matter if it’s their sex, skin color or religion is a reason for unfair career chances. - in real life the American Dream is attainable only for rich, white (American) people. - motivation and optimism to run for the American Dream is falling when people that reached it make headlines and the rest is being unnoticed and unmentioned. - the rich become richer, the poor stay poor, the middle class decreases in size. (cf. "Occupy Wall Street" protests) The American Dream is not easy to get but is possible for everybody who gives it a try and work hard: - the American Dream is about the equality of chances and opportunities to get wealth and not about being born in a poor or rich family. - the American Dream is different and individual for every person, and is not always materialistic. - education in the US is free for everybody and most of the colleges and universities offer scholarships for “smart” and hard working students. - the American Dream means that children are going to have a better life than their parents but it doesn’t mean that all of them will become millionaires. - the American Dream is an ideal to encourage people to give their best. - success stories of people that attained the American Dream are always about people that started as a dishwasher and end up rich, famous and powerful (Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos...) - there is no communism or socialism that could destroy the equality of opportunities in the US. - all people have the same chances and opportunities and not succeeding because of any other reasons then inequality, doesn’t mean that there is no chance to live the American Dream. So, as you can see there is a chance to attain the American Dream even though it needs endless amount of hard work and maybe a little bit of luck. In my opinion, it is possible to get wealthy and powerful in America and to make it up a lot higher then your parents does because of the high numbers of opportunities and supporting like a better education, social mobility, equality (maybe not 100% but surely better then 50 years ago), etc... If you invest yourself, your time and use all your skills and talents in the work, it will be possible to reach every goal that you set, regardless of where you live, what your skin color is and which religion you follow....

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