Ang Kartilya ng Katipunan PDF

Title Ang Kartilya ng Katipunan
Course Readings in Philippine History
Institution University of St. La Salle
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Ang Kartilya ng Katipunan Assignment for Readings in the Philippine History....


Sheena Marie P. Bando BSPS4B RHIST Content and Contextual Analysis: Kartilya ng Katipunan

1. Author’s Background

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 2. Historical background of the document

Kartilya ng Katipunan The Kartilya ng Katipunan was written on 1892 by Emilio Jacinto Emilio Jacinto was an eloquent and brave young man, known as both the soul and the brain of the Katipunan. His pen name was “Dimas-ilaw”. He was born in Manila on December 15, 1875 to Mariano Jacinto and Josefa Dizon He wrote the society’s paper called Kalayaan. In his short life, Jacinto helped to lead the fight for Filipino independence from Spain. He laid out principles for the new government envisioned by Bonifacio He received a good education, and was fluent in both Tagalog and Spanish. He served as the spokesperson for the Katipunan, as well as handling its finances. Jacinto became a general in the group's guerrilla army, taking an active role in the fight against the Spanish near Manila. Emilio Jacinto lived and fought the Spanish in Magdalena, Laguna. He was seriously injured in a battle at the Maimpis River in February of 1898, but found refuge in the Santa Maria Magdalena Parish Church, which now boasts a marker noting the event. He died on April 16, 1899, of malaria. General Emilio Jacinto was just 24 years old. Supposedly the name of the document was Katungkulang Gagawin ng mga Z.LI.B. (Duties of the sons of the People). The original version of the document has 14 paragraphs that contains the values that a Katipunero should have. Each paragraph contained unique discussion of the different

3. Content Analysis: Understanding the historical information Identify and describe the content of the primary source.

aspects of a person’s life. Andres Bonifacio first wrote “Duties of the Sons of the People” which were strictly followed by the members of the Katipunan. This Decalogue showed the beliefs of Bonifacio. Later on, Bonifacio adopted Emilio Jacinto’s Kartilya ng Katipunan as the official teaching of the Katipunan. The difference between Bonifacio’s Decalogue and Kartilya ng Katipunan is Kartilya ng Katipunan is much longer and philosophical which showed concepts of virtuous living as lessons for selfreflection. Kartilya ng Katipunan was not only a leading for the members of the Katipunan but it embodied moral and nationalistic principle for all Filipinos. It can also be noted that this document shows about life philosophy in life, exhibiting human greatness within, to appreciate the authenticity of local traditions, spiritual beliefs, family idea and cultural diversity, a collection of the Katipunan’s ideas and principles and its significance, and to bear in the minds of the members that they are their own people, Filipinos, uniting for the betterment of their country. Katipunan (KKK) is an organization with the goal of liberating from the West. It also aimed to teach Filipinos good manners, cleanliness, fine morals, and to encourage the people to help themselves and defend the oppressed. The order for those who want to join the association shall have the full understanding and knowledge of its guiding principles and main teachings so that they may perform their duties wholeheartedly. Applicants who are merely there to know the secrets of the Katipunan, seek personal gratification, sell the association handful of silver, cannot proceed, seek financial support relief should not proceed. Katipuneros have weighty tasks that is why it is

important that those who will join will have sense of responsibility and are ready to fight in order to protect the association and the Filipinos. The punctual payment of dues is required: one peso upon entry and then twelve and a half centimos each month. The custodian of the funds will periodically render an account to the members, and each member has a right to examine the accounts, should he so wish. Katipunan emphasized the fourteen rules which they need to live by o A life that is not dedicated to a noble and divine cause is like a tree without a shade, if not, a poisonous weed. o A deed that is carried out for self-interest and is without sincerity lacks nobility. o True piety is the act of being charitable, loving one's fellowmen, and being judicious in behavior, speech and deed. o We are all equal, regardless of the color of their skin; while one could have more education, wealth or beauty than the other, none of them can overpass one's identity. o A person with a noble character values honor above self-interest, while a person with a base character values self-interest above honor. o To a man with a sense of shame, his word is inviolate. o Do not waste your time; lost wealth can be retrieved, but time lost is lost forever. o Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor. o A wise man is someone who is careful in all that he says; learn to keep the things that need to be kept secret. o In the thorny path of life, the man leads the way and his wife and children follow; If the leader goes the way of evil, so do the followers.

4. Contextual Analysis: What are the factors that could have influenced the author in writing of the document? Explain.

o Never regard a woman as an object for you to trifle with; rather you should consider her as a partner and a friend in times of need; Give proper considerations to a woman's frailty and never forget that your own mother, who brought you forth and nurtured you from infancy, is herself such a person. o Do not make to the wife, children and brothers and sisters of others what you do not want others to make to your wife, children and brothers and sisters. o Worth is not measured by one’s status in life, neither by the length of nose nor the fairness of skin, and certainly not by whether he is a priest claiming to be God's deputy. Even if he is a tribesman/tribeswoman from the hills and speaks only his/her own tongue, one is honorable if he/she possesses a good character, is true to his/her word, has fine perceptions and is loyal to his/her native land. o When these teachings shall have been propagated and the glorious sun of freedom begins to shine on these poor islands to enlighten a united race and people, then all the loves lost, all the struggle and sacrifices shall not have been in vain. Emilio Jacinto being one of the leaders of the Katipunan viewed the ideas of Right and Light with utmost importance. As the Katipunan, they saw themselves as intellectual and moral revolutionaries fighting to become free from the captivity of the West and become an independent nation who lives according to their own unique culture. The Kartilya ng Katipunan was written in order to maintain the standard of what it is being a Katipunero. Being part of the association would mean adhering to the rules and exhibiting virtuous

5. What is the relevance/ contribution of the document in Philippine history?

6. What are the author’s main arguments?

7. Your own overall observation and insights on the primary source

life. Jacinto also aimed to educate the Filipinos what a true Katipunero stands for and that is becoming a person with integrity, courage, stands for equality, and overall bearing the teaching of living life purposively and contribute to the greater good.  The Kartilya ng Katipunan was able to constitute patriotism and nationalism.  The Katipunan was one of the many movements which were established in order to defend our freedom. With their sacrifices, we were able to obtain the life that we had. The document demonstrated the values and beliefs our heroes had before which we can learn so much from.  The document was able to provide us with information in order to fully understand our history.  Also, it can serve as basis for instituting good governance in our present time, teach honor and dignity, generosity, compassion, and to practice respect for women and love for our family.  The document was written in order for the new members to understand what the Katipunan stand for, their principles and teachings.  Also, they want to encourage people to become firm with their decisions and be responsible for those decisions.  The Katipunan also wanted them to understand that being part of the association carries a great role which one must perform because Katipunan was established in order to fight the oppression and protect the people. Emilio Jacinto’s Kartilya ng Katipunan is a diverse document focusing on the aspects of moral lessons, norms, and guidelines during the Spanish Era. The Kartilya can also be a guide not only for the members of the Katipunan but to the general because it entails different beliefs which can contribute to the greater good. For instance, it tackles about having purpose in life, fairness, honor, and respect for women. The 14 rules that the Kartilya contains allows a person to re-evaluate and reflect with his deeds in life. It is not simply about joining

an association which is the Katipunan but it is about your overall life and what are the things that you can do in order to live better. Upon reading I realized that the heroes that fought for the country were not just mere people but they were people with conviction and have dignity. They did not let the oppression took over and change them. They stayed true to themselves and fought with all they can with their passion to become better people. They did not only want to improve themselves but also to spread information and educate others. The leaders guided the new members not only in becoming warriors but becoming people with purpose. Jacinto was a brilliant man with intelligent ideas which he shared to the people in the Katipunan. The Kartilya ng Katipunan, indeed, helped people to have a sense of responsibility and strive to become virtuous people....

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