Content and Contextual Analysis Kartilya ng Katipunan PDF

Title Content and Contextual Analysis Kartilya ng Katipunan
Author Fonzy Bilbao
Course Accountancy
Institution University of St. La Salle
Pages 8
File Size 269.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Kartilya ngKatipunan1. Author’sBackground The Author of the document is Emilio Jacinto  He was born December 15, 1875  Son of Mariano Jacinto and Josefa Dizon.  He went to a private school for his primary education and Colegio de San Juan de Letran for his secondary education and his college sch...



Kartilya ng Katipunan

1. Author’s Background

 The Author of the document is Emilio Jacinto  He was born December 15, 1875  Son of Mariano Jacinto and Josefa Dizon.  He went to a private school for his primary education and Colegio de San Juan de Letran for his secondary education and his college school, and The University of Santo Tomas for his law studies.  Emilio Jacinto dropped out of college at the age of 20  He joined the Katipunan, a secret revolutionary society,  Emilio became the secretary of the one who reports directly to the leader of the Katipunan.  He also became the chief advisor on fiscal matters concerning the society.  He wrote the society’s newspaper called the Kalayaan.  He was also referred to as the “Utak ng Katipunan”.  “Dimas-ilaw” was his pen name.

 He was also known by the group as Pingkian  Emilio Jacinto was in charge in creating the guidebook for new members which was called “Kartilya ng Katipunan”  He died April 16, 1899 at the age of 24.

2. Historical Background of the Document 3.Content Analysis: Understanding the historical information

 The original version of the document has 14 paragraphs that contains the values that Katipuneros should possess.  The name of the document was supposed to be Katungkulang Gagawin ng mga Z.LI.B. (Duties of the sons of the People).  In 1986, Andres Bonifacio the father of the Philippine Revolution and once the President of the Supreme Council of the Katipunan, penned the duties of the sons of the people, a list of the duties and responsibilities to be followed strictly by every member of the organization. The rules constituted a Decalogue, and embodied Bonifacio’s passionate beliefs  Katipunan(KKK)  KKK stands for the “Kataastaasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan.”

Identify and describe the content of the primary source.

 A revolutionary society that aims the independence and freedom of the Philippines from the oppressors.  To those who want to join the Katipunan  They have rules for those who wish to join the KKK  True love of the native land and genuine compassion for one another  The applicant should be renounce all acts of evil; hence, he shall submit to the authority of the sacred commands of the Katipunan.  For those who wants to lead a life of bodily comfort and ease, he should not proceed for the task of a Katipunero is weighty like protecting those who are oppressed and the relentless fight for the evil.  Payment of due is required upon entry(12 ½ cents each month)  The 14 rules of the Kartilya ng Katipunan  The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree without a shade, if not a poisonous weed.  To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.

 It is rational to be charitable and love one’s fellow creature, and to adjust one’s conduct, acts and words to what is in itself reasonable.  Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by nature.  The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to honor.  To the honorable man, his word is sacred.  Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost.  Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the field.  The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets

 On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the children, and if the guide leads to the precipice, those whom he guides will also go there.  Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful companion who will share with thee the penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will increase thy interest in her and she will remind thee of the mother who bore thee and reared thee.  What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters, that do not unto the wife, children, brothers and sisters of thy neighbor.  Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is aquiline, and his color white, not because he is a

*priest, a servant of God, nor because of the high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who is a man of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland, though he be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own.  When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy portion of the globe and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the confederated brethren of the same rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues and

the well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to enter (the Katipunan) has informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to perform what will be his duties, he may fill out the application for admission.

4.Contextual Analysis: What are the factors that could have influenced the author in the writing of the document? Explain.

5. What is the relevance / contribution

 The document was written prior to the August 1896 revolutionary movement of the Katipunan. The Katipuneros upon joining the Katipunan were required to read the Kartilya and adhere to its code of conduct. The Factors that Emilio Jacinto considered in writing the document were to make sure that members of the society has the quality of a Katipunero. The document also intended to make the Filipinos understand what a real Katipunero is.  The relevance or contribution of the document in the Philippine history are the morals and intellectual foundation of our people the Filipinos. That they had a goal and set of rules, clearly a work of an intellect thus

of the document in Philippine history?

showed that our heroes has the intellectual capacity to rival those who have better education. The document also showed that Filipinos have dignity and treat people equally. They fought with awe for our independence.

6. What are the author’s main arguments?

 The author’s main arguments were;  To have a set of rules for a better understand for the new members  To avoid conflict and change of heart for those who joined.  To make sure that they are ready for what they are joining upon.

7. Your own overall observation and insights on the primary source.

 My overall observation and insights on the primary source were that the Filipinos have dignity and patriotism back then. That they value life and have noble intentions. That our heroes did everything in their power to liberate us from our oppressors....

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