Animal skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ggjgj PDF

Title Animal skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ggjgj
Author tommy turn
Course Business Statistics
Institution Kingston University
Pages 9
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Ani mal

Ani mal sar ecr eat ur esi nt heki ngdom Ani mal i a,oneoft hefiv e maj ordi vi si onsofor gani sms .Theyar emul t i cel l ed,eukar y ot i c ( pr onouncedy ook ar eeAHt i k)or gani sms ,meani ngt hei rcel l s cont ai nnucl eiandot herst r uct ur escal l edor ganel l es ,al lofwhi ch ar eencl osedbyt hi nmembr anes .( Euk ar y ot emeans" t r ue nucl eus. " )Unl i k epl ant s,t hei rcel l sdonothav ecel lwal l s .Ani mal s ar ecapabl eofmovi ngt hei rbodi es ,of t eni nr esponset owhatt hey sensei nt hei renvi r onment .Forf ood,ani mal si ngestpl ant sand ot heror gani sms .Thesci ent i ficst udyofani mal si scal l edz ool ogy . Ani mal shav eexi st edf ormi l l i onsofy ear s ,buti ti snotknown whent heyfir stappear edonEar t h.Theear l i estani mal swer esof t bodi ed,mul t i cel l ul arl i f ef or mst hatdi dnotpr eser v ewel las f ossi l s.( Af ossi li st her emai nsorpr i ntofanor gani sm f r om l ong agot hathasbeenpr eser v edi nr ock. )Byt het i meani mal par t s becamehar denedi nr ockabout640t o670mi l l i ony ear sago, numer ouswel l dev el opedmul t i cel l ul arani mal sal r eadyexi st ed. Ther ef or e,t hebegi nni ngsoft heani malki ngdom mus thav e occur r edear l i er . GetThi s&Mak e£1750ADay-Pet erJ onesI nv es t edBi gOnI t Af t erTheI nv es t i ngSec r etRev eal edOnDr agon' sDen,Al lPeopl eAr eGoi ngCr az y ! bus i ness f r ont ga. c om |Spons or ed▼ Report Advertisement

Mos tz ool ogi st sr ecogni z et heexi st enc eof30t o35phy l a( r el at ed gr oups)ofani mal s,someofwhi char eext i nct( nol ongerex i st ) andar eknownonl yf r om t hei rf oss i lr ecor d.Ani mal st hatl i ve t odaycomei nmanyf or msandsi z es ,t hev er ysmal l estvi si bl e onl yunderami cr oscopeandt hev er yl ar ges t ,t hebl uewhal e, r eac hi ng100f eet( 30met er s )i nl engt handwei ghi ngupt o 300, 000pounds( 136, 000ki l ogr ams) .Ani mal sar ecl assi fiedas

v er t ebr at es( havi ngbackbones)ori nver t ebr at es( wi t hout backbones) . Amongt hemos tpr i mi t i v eoft heani mal sar et hesponges , i nv er t ebr at est hatl i v ei nwat er .Spongeshav enoner v ecel l sor mus cl es .Theyar eshapedl i k ev ases,wi t hwat erflowi ngi n t hr oughhol esi nt hei rsi desandl eavi ngt hr oughanopeni ngi n t hei rt op.Spongesar er emar k abl ef ort hei rabi l i t yt or egener at e. Al t houghmanyi nv er t ebr at esar ecapabl eofgr owi ngnewbody par t s,spongesar ecapabl eofgr owi ngi nt oanewi ndi vi dualf r om ev ent het i ni estf r agmentoft heor i gi nalbody .I ti sbel i ev edt hat al t houghspongeshav el i v edsuccess f ul l yf oraboutonebi l l i on y ear s ,y eti tseemst hatt heydi dnotgi v er i set oanyot herani mal f or ms. BuyB. TC&Mak e£1750Dai l y-Wor k sEv enThoughB. TCI sDown Pet erJ onesI nv es t edBi gI nThi s .AndI tAppear edOnDr agon' sDen. s ur pl us i ncomeat l . c om |Spons or ed▼

Someoft hesi mpl estani mal swi t ht heol destancest r all i nesar e i nv er t ebr at essuchasj el l yfish,seaanemones( pr onounceduhNEHmuhneez) ,andcor al s ,whi chal sol i v ei nwat er .Theyhav e r adi albodys ymmet r y ,whi chmeanst hatt hei rbodi esar e ar r angedequal l yar oundacent r alpoi nt .Thi sar r angemental l ows t hem t osens ef oodanddangerappr oac hi ngf r om al l di r ect i ons . l at er als ymmet r y( meani ngt hat Thesi mpl estani mal shavi ngbi bot ht hel ef tandr i ghtsi desoft hei rbodi esar emi r r ori magesof eachot her )i ncl udet hei nv er t ebr at eflat wor msandr oundwor ms. Theseani mal sl i v ei nwat er ,onl and,andaspar asi t esi nt hebody flui dsofot heror gani sms.Bi l at er al s ymmet r ywasani mpor t ant ev ol ut i onar ydev el opmentbecausei tal l owedf orf or war d mov ementofani mal s.I tal soi sassoci at edwi t ht hedev el opment ofsepar at eheadandt ai lar eas ,aswel l asadi s t i nct i onbet ween t heupperandunderpor t i onsofanani mal ' sbody . Report Advertisement

Another major step in the evolution of animals was the development of a body cavity called the coelom (pronounced SEE-luhm). The coelom is a cavity in the body between the gut and the body wall that houses the internal organs, such as the liver, stomach, and heart. Animal groups that have coeloms include Mollusca (snails, clams, octopus, and squid), Annelida (earthworms and leeches), Arthropoda (insects, spiders, and crabs), Echinodermata (sea urchins and starfish), and Chordata (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). All of the vertebrates are included in the group Chordata. About one million species of animals have been named. However, biologists estimate that a much larger number of animal species has yet to be discovered; the actual total could be as large as 30 to 50 million species. Words to Know

Bila Bilater ter teral al symmetr symmetry: y: Two-sided symmetry where the left and right sides of the body are identical, with each side containing similar structures. Coelom: The cavity between the body wall and gut that is lined with specialized cells and that serves to protect the organs within. Eukar Eukary yote: Multicellular organism whose cells contain true nuclei and membranebound structures called organelles. Radial symmetr symmetry: y: Identical or similar body shape around one central point so that any line drawn through the center yields similar right and left halves. [See also Ar Arthr thr thropods; opods; Mollusks ] Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography.  MLA  Chicago 


"Animal." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. . 13 Jan. 2019. Learn more about citation styles   Animal The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright The Columbia University Press Animal, any member of the animal kingdom (kingdom Animalia), as distinguished from organisms of the plant kingdom (kingdom Plantae) and the kingdoms Fungi, Protista, and Monera in the five-kingdom system of classification. (Another classification system, suggested by genetic sequencing studies, places animals with plants and some other forms in a larger taxonomic unit called the eukarya to distinguish them from the prokaryotic bacteria and archaea, or ancient

bacteria.) Essentially, animals are many-celled heterotrophic organisms. Plants and algae characteristically manufacture their food from inorganic substances (usually by photosynthesis); animals must `secure food already organized into organic substances. They are dependent upon photosynthetic organisms, which provide oxygen as a byproduct and are the ultimate source of all their food. Animals (as well as plants) provide carbon dioxide through respiration and the decomposition of their dead bodies (see carbon cycle; nitrogen cycle). In addition, most animals have specialized means of locomotion, generally involving muscle cells, and possess nervous systems and sense organs—all adaptations for securing food. In most forms there is a distinct alimentary canal or digestive system. Animal cells do not have cell

walls. Almost all animals, unlike most plants, possess a limited scheme of growth; that is, the adults of a given species are nearly identical in their characteristic form and are similar in maximum size. Most animals reproduce sexually, but some are capable of asexual reproductionunder certain circumstances. With the advent of electron microscopy and advanced biochemical analyses, intricate differences between simple and microscopic organisms were better understood, and many that were previously fit into the animal or plant kingdom were then placed into separate kingdoms (i.e., Monera for the bacteria, Protista for the algae and protozoans, and so forth). In zoological classification the animal kingdom has been divided into the three subkingdoms of Parazoa (the sponges), Mezozoa (wormlike parasites), and

Eumetazoa. Eumetazoa comprises numerous invertebrate phyla and the phylum Chordata. The chordates include two primitive subphyla of a few species each and the subphylum Vertebrata (see vertebrate). There are at least 1.5 million animal species; approximately 95% of these are invertebrates. The scientific study of animals is called zoology; the study of their relation to their environment and of their distribution is animal ecology. For specific approaches to the study of living things, see biology. As you can see, we have some very talented people in the industry of football in could name a whole load of them but we would be here a long time so in would advise your to help us in the industry of college so that we can further our company godfrey opoku

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