Course Lingua inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Verona
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“ANIMAL FARM” Animal Farm is a book written by George Orwell. About book: the book was published in England on 17TH August 1945. George Orwell was a democratic socialist who was angere at Joseph Stalin for betraying the ideas of the Russian Revolution. In fact, the basis of Orwell's book. The characters in Animal Farm resemble significant people that impacted the Russian Revolution. These characters act similarly to the real people and repeat actions that were done in the past. Through this book, Orwell exposes Stalin's true nature and evils using a corrupt pig named Napoleon that eventually dictates the farm. PLOT Animal farm, controlled by Mr. Jones, feel that they are working too hard to fulfill the needs of the people. Therefore, an old bear named Old Major decides to start a revolt. However, a few days later he dies and two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, feel that is necessary to drive Mr. Jones away. The rebellion is successful, and the animals rename the farm to the “animal farm”. They created “Seven Commandments of Animalism” which serves as the basisof their laws. Quickly, the animals learn how to read and write, and there's already an election between Snowball and Nepoleon. Nepoleon who fears that Snowball will triumph from the election commands his guard dogs to chase Snowball out of the animal farm forever. Hence, there is no one to oppose him for leadership, and he wins by default. In the begininng, animal farm propsers and the animals enjoy themselves. Soon, however, the pigs realize the amount of power they have obtainedand alter a few parts of the “Seven Commandents” in their fevor. Squealer, a pig that speaks for for Napoleon's plans, makes sure the animals do not get suspicious of their corruption. In spite of this, some animals are not conviced that their lives are easier than before. To confirm they will not be any trouble, Napoleon simply kill them. After few years, the pigs begin socializing with neighboring farmers such as Mr. Fredrick, Napoleon bargains with Mr. Fredrick only to find himself tricked and attacked. THEME: throughout the book, a costant theme that kept revealing itself was leadership and corruption. I mean, depite the great start: the pigs who garanteed equal roule and make everyone work together, the power is proving to be too much for the pigs who begin to create small privileges for themselves. Hereafter , these privileges expand into huge advantage and corruption. In addition, all the other animals cannot do anything about the unfairness without being slaughtered. Morever, the pigs start to look and seem more like who they replaced, the people. The evil pigs walk on two legs, wear clothes, and even drink alcohol. While reading this book, I realized how it could be relate to the real world. There are many cases of corruption everywhere. CHARACTERS: Old Major- Vladimir Lenin: they both inspire their followers to overthrow the leader. Napoleon-Joseph Stalin.:leaders of their country, they seem promising at first, but then eventually take advantage of their power which lead to breaking promises. Snowball-Leon Trotsky:they are stalin's/napoleon's rivals and want to carry out a beneficial revolution. Squealer-Vyacheslav Molotov. They are stalin's/napoleon's right hand man/pig. They defend every thing that stalin/napoleon said. Mr. Jones- Tsar NicholasII. These people are the leaders befpre the russian revolution. They cause many problems for their subjects which lead to a revolt against them. They are both executed along their families. Me. Fredrick-Adolf Hitler. They both form an alliance with sralin/napoleon. However, they later break that alliance by invading the SOVIET UNION/FARM. COMPARASIONS BETWEEN RUSSIAN REVOLUTION AND ANIMAL FARM ANIMAL FARM RUSSIAN REVOLUTION 1. The animal's rebellion-the animals believe Mr. Jones is working them too hard, and he is cause to all their problems.

1. revolt against Tsar Nicholas II- the people thought he did not provide for needsof the country.

2. Trotsky is laso chase out of the Soviet Union- Joseph Stalin 2.Snowball is driven away-Napoleon is scared that snowball would be elected as the leader of the farm. Therefore, he uses his feared Trotsky would take power instead of him from the USSR violent guard dogs to chase Snowball away and not allow him to permanently. come back. and battle with Mr. Fredrick-Napoleon sells timber to Mr. Fredrick, but in return he received forgeries of bank notes. He was tricked.

3. Deal and battle with Hitler- Stalin and Hitler had made an alliance to team up against Eastern Europe. However, the Nazi's were not true to their word and attacked the Soviet Union instead.

CONCLUSION When i read animal farm for the first time, I found it very difficult to countinue. However, that was before I knew what each animal represented and why this book was written. Its was not until then when I truly apprecited and understood how well-written animal farm is. I strongly recommend everyone to read this book because it was fantastic book that used fiction to reflect upon the past....

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