Annotated Bibliography Example PDF

Title Annotated Bibliography Example
Author David Flores
Course Scientific World
Institution The City College of New York
Pages 7
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An example of how an annotated bibliography should look like...


Annotated Bibliography Expository Essay: Pros and Cons of Fracking 1. Dong, Linda What Goes In and Out of Hydraulic Fracturing [GaslandTheMovie] (2015) Web. This was a playful animated type of website that taught about the dangers of fracking by scrolling down. It spoke about what fracking is and the process it goes through. Afterwards it spoke about the dangers of fracking and the different harmful things that fracking causes. Its main purpose was trying to convince people that it isn’t worth investing in, and that it would cause more harm than good, considering companies don’t need to disclose certain chemicals and would decrease quality of water of places located in the vicinity of fracking plantations. This resource is useful for those who oppose fracking, and its animated effects make it a less tedious read. In my essay I used it for a quote, and to exemplify why people would oppose fracking, and then I countered these arguments because I was pro fracking. 2. What is Hydraulic Fracturing? Pro Publica Inc. (2015) Web. This resource gave a visual perspective on the process of fracking and gave indepth explanations of each little detail on the picture. It was a picture mainly meant to educate people on the process and gave an insight as to how it looked, essentially making it an easy to understand resource, not requiring much reading. In the headline however, it was trying to explain somewhat one danger of fracking which is leakage of dangerous chemicals into water. This picture was useful because it wasn’t too complicated and got right to the point. A person like myself, who dislikes reading would find this useful because it teaches the process through visual depiction, and it gives all the information you need without much of a bias. I used it in my essay only to explain the process of fracking. 3. Shukman, David What is Fracking, and Why is it Controversial BBC (27 June 2015) Web. This resource made an in depth analysis of fracking in general, talking about

almost all aspects of fracking. It gave a video explaining fracking, briefly talked about the reason why it’s called fracking, what is fracking, a visual depiction of fracking, reasons as to why it’s controversial, advantages of fracking, and where fracking is taking place. It was very useful because it explained nearly all aspects of fracking and was an essential aspect to my essay because, my essay was a culmination of all these facts supporting fracking, and opposing sides. It would be useful for anyone that just wants to be educated on the subject of fracking, and it served my essay’s purpose in discussing why fracking shouldn’t be discontinued.

Critical Analysis: An Inconvenient Truth 1. Steig, Eric J Another Look at ‘an Inconvenient Truth’. GeoJournal 70.1 (2007): 5–9. Web. This scholarly article was an in depth analysis of the film ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’ It was mainly a review and the central message was about how the film was flawed in some aspects but was important in educating people about global warming and how we should be working together in trying to stop it instead of arguing whether or not it exists. Steig talks about how Al Gore’s science is flawed in some aspects of the film, but it doesn’t negate from its main idea about the varying consequences of global warming. The article was useful in invoking different opinions on Al Gore’s film and pointing out some flaws, and in my essay I tried to use it to demonstrate the fact that exact same point that Steig was. 2. Scott, A.O. Warning of Calamities and Hoping for a Change in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ [New York Times] (24 May 2006) Web. This resource explains how ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ was a great film and has a heavy political aspect to it. The beginning explains that it shouldn’t even have to exists, and that politicians should’ve already reached the consensus that global warming exists rather than delaying the inevitable. It was an overall positive review of the film and I used this webpage to inspire some of my own thoughts about the film. He talks about how the film explored different possible consequences that may be too graphic and upsetting, but essentially is an inconvenient truth. This article would be useful for those

who are a little fuzzy on the film and want a refresher, because the article doesn’t exactly explore specific examples but instead talks about the essence of the film. 3. Masters, Jeffrey Al Gore’s an Inconvenient Truth Weather Underground Inc. (2015) Web. This webpage was a review and was almost identical in its main ideas to Eric Steig’s article. They both explored different examples of the film being somewhat flawed but overall accomplishing the job of conveying the consequences of global warming. He talks about how the film isn’t one hundred percent correct, and that it isn’t completely political objective. The film was useful in further explaining the idea that this film was necessary to educate Americans and that it’s a great educational movie providing shock value and visual depictions of what’s to come if we don’t do anything now. I used it to further enhance this point. 4. Is Human Activity Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change? (7 April 2015) Web. This webpage had a long list of pros and cons based on several different professors and scientists’ claims with their background knowledge on the subject of human activity on global warming. It was an interesting read and showed the perspectives of both sides giving ground to both sides and had several different articles you could navigate to and read to further explore these theories. The great thing about this webpage is that it helped to understand both sides of the argument, and I used it in my essay to show why some people might be against Al Gore despite the overwhelming scientific evidence presented in the film. 5. Moore, Patrick Natural Resource Adaptation: Protecting Ecosystems and Economies (2014 February 25) Web. This was a long article detailing several reasons as to why global warming isn’t completely artificial, and shouldn’t be treated as such. I specifically read an excerpt from that talked briefly on evidence behind this idea such as the fact that at onepoint carbon emissions were a lot higher than today’s yet there was a huge flourish of

life. This was useful in giving an opposition in my essay and providing an argument in my writing so that it could be countered. I specifically used it in saying that things like these are reasons why some people don’t believe in Al Gore’s film. I think that the author of this article is credible, however this article is invalid in the modern day where we all agree that global warming is caused by human activity. 6. Ball, Tim, Alarmists Use Weather to Promote Global Warming Hoax (2015) Web. This is another article I used for the same thing in providing an opposition. It was an article saying that just because weather patterns are a little different, does not mean that it’s all happening because of global warming or even human activity. It goes almost completely against the ideas throughout Gores’ film, and I used this article to further exemplify an opposition. His argument in this article seems to centralize around the idea that correlation does not mean causation. It’s a good article in a sense that it backs its points up but it’s just not reliable because it’s not factual by today’s interpretation of global warming. Research Paper: Wind Power 1. Lau, Ada, and Patrick McSharry. Approaches for Multi-Step Density Forecasts with Application to Aggregated Wind Power. The Annals of Applied Statistics 4.3 (2010): 1311–1341. Web. This article talks about different methods used to forecast wind power. It’s essentially talking about different unrefined methods, that if done more research on will prove to benefit us. The complicated equations discussed throughout the article are a testament as to how people in other countries are trying hard to implement wind power entirely as their primary source for electricity. These equations would be vital for giving us an idea as to how we can pick the most efficient location for a wind turbine. The article was useful in my essay when I talked about the unpredictability of wind patterns. This article would be able to function for both sides of my argument in this essay, but I only chose to argue against my point because I lacked in that department. 2. Energy Source Comparison [Energy For Me] Web. Dec 2015

This article features a table that explores different energy sources with their pros and cons. It gives 3-4 pros and cons for each of these energy sources that aren’t fossil fuels. The aim in this article is to present us with the main points from both sides, however it doesn’t elaborate on these points, so this article would only be useful for citing main points in a paper, but wouldn’t help you to do elaborate in them. It’s still very informative in its intent to show pros and cons but fails to show specific details, making it an article that simply introduces new ideas to people. This could very well serve as an outline for what you should be looking for when writing papers on each of these sources of energies, which is mainly what I used it for. 3. Wind Power [National Geographic] Web. Dec 2015 This resource talks about the different aspects of wind power such as how it functions, some pros and cons of it, and the overall incentive for pro use. It’s useful in providing some useful information such as the fact that the largest of wind turbines is able to produce electricity for up to 600 homes. I think that this was a good article because it basically summarizes wind energy, and it helped me format about two paragraphs from my essay. It’s informative but not to the extent that you can base an entire essay on it. It basically scratches the surface of what wind power is and helps you grasp the idea. 4. Wind 101: The Basics of Wind Energy [American Wind Energy Association] Web. 2015 Wind 101 gives a more in depth summarization of wind energy. It gives you aspects of what it is, ways it would benefit us, how it works, the way it’s transported and utilized, and briefly talks about wind farms. The article is very informative on the subject of wind power and helped me to elaborate on all aspects of wind energy. It helped me to further employ my argument that wind should be implemented a lot more often, and it also allowed me to provide background information on wind power. 5. Hydropower: Going with the Flow [National Geographic] Web. Dec 2015 This article looks at hydropower which has been utilized for mechanical energy

for thousands of years and today, using the flow of water, we are able to use it as a source of electrical energy. The plantations essentially use the same technology as in wind power, but in this case, instead of using air motion, we use water motion. It’s a great source of energy and when I went back to this article from my presentation, I actually regretted choosing wind power as the topic for my essay. It’s a longer article and talks about hydro power as a great unlimited source and almost flawless, with the flaws being land usage and marine life disturbance. In my essay I simply use it to explore different sources of energy and trying to imply that all sources of energy have the common flaws that wind energy does. 6. Biofuels: The Original Car Fuel [National Geographic] Web. Dec 2015 This article talked about biofuels and how great an energy source it is with it originally going to be the fuel for cars. Although it has plenty of strong suits, the source of energy was flawed in the fact that it’s less efficient than fossil fuels, and the fact that it requires a lot of energy to be ran. It contributed to my argument in my essay that all sources of energy are flawed in one way or another. This article is very informative and probably be a good enough source of energy to centralize an essay on. It gives us the basis of what biofuels are, what they use to be made, how efficient it is, and an example on how it could possibly be a replacement to fossil fuels with the whole car aspect.

7. Geothermal Energy [Renewable Energy World] Web. Dec 2015 This topic to me was a bit more complex because it uses steam to activate turbines. Eventually I was able to grasp this idea with two articles, but this gave me the background of what geothermal energy is and what it requires. It’s basically heat energy from beneath the Earth’s surface being converted to kinetic energy then electricity. The article provides a video to further explain this idea of geothermal energy and help us to understand what it is. This helped me contribute to the list of resources in my essay that share the presence of a flaw. In the end of this paragraph I tried to imply that fossil fuels quite possibly have the biggest flaw of all, however I failed to articulate this and I think it didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. Geothermal energy was interesting because it was

something new I never heard about before, and the article was great, especially the video explanation

8. Wallis, Kevin High and Low Pressure Wind Movement [Surfline] Web. 7 May 2008 This article discusses wind patterns and how it travels from high pressure to low pressure. It’s not particularly hard to grasp, but it tells us that the Earth is constantly trying to establish equilibrium which can be attributed to the sun shining on it and the Earth’s constant rotation from orbiting the sun. I think it was very informative and did a good job in establishing its points. It helped me in my essay to show that weather patterns are somewhat predictable and can be used to determine the locations of turbines and wind farms in general, however it also helped me to elaborate on the idea that the weather isn’t restricted by patterns and are on the other sometimes unpredictable. I use this to say that wind power isn’t always reliable because it’s dependent on nature. It’s a great informative article and can be used for several purposes. 9. Number of Households in the U.S. From 1960 to 2014 [Statista 2015] Web. 2015 This webpage was just a graph that showed the statistics of how many households were in the U.S from 1960 to 2014. It was a great graph because it showed exactly what I was looking for. This gave me the idea that although the problem of inefficiency in sources of energy can be solved, eventually our need for more energy will increase because of population, which helped be to show the opposing sides perspective in my essay....

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