Annotated Bibliography - Solitary Confinement PDF

Title Annotated Bibliography - Solitary Confinement
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Felisia Trujillo Zachary Villegas ENG 122 22 April 2020 Annotated Bibliography Smith, G. Dana. “Neuroscientists Make a Case against Solitary Confinement.” Scientific American, 9 Nov. 2018, This article discusses why neuroscientists are against solitary confinement. The author reveals how damaging the brain can be after inmates go through this traumatic experience. For example, chronic stress damages the hippocampus, a brain area important for memory, spatial orientation and emotion regulation. This source is credible because it’s well written and the author states where the information was found through the little hyperlinks. It’s also credible because it comes from a science based website. In the left corner, it talks about the corona virus and that’s something that we are dealing with today. Therefore, this site is up to date and people are using it. This source is also scholarly because scientists from multiple universities are being quoted in the article. People who are very educated, like scientists, can make an article scholarly. I will be using this source because it will help me explain why solitary hurts the brain. It will also help me explain how inmates developed many different mental disorders for being trapped into a cell for a long time. Humans are meant to socialize, not be isolated. This source will allow me to show different studies, and it will for sure make my paper stronger.

Regoli, Natalie. “13 Most Valid Pros and Cons of Solitary Confinement.” Connect Us, 7 Sept. 2015, This article gives 13 most valid pros and cons of solitary confinement. This site will help me with my counterargument. Where I have to argue the other side and voice their opinion as well. Most of the cons of solitary confinement were valid, so this is a good article. This source is credible because it is professional, well written, and provides credible information. On the bottom of the article, there is an author’s note, telling readers who the author was and to contact them if they have any questions. Because the author got her Masters Degree in Law from The University of Texas, she is credible. I will be using this source in my essay because it was the only good source I could find to back up the other side of the argument. It was really hard to find someone who had valid points on why solitary confinement was good, but the author really gave out points that were understandable and worth listening to. Therefore, this will fit perfectly in my research paper.

Voices from Solitary. “I Am Somebody's Daughter.” Solitary Watch, 24 Feb. 2015, This online journal tells a personal story of an inmate who suffered in solitary, Nicole Natschke. Nicole explained to her readers her life in solitary by telling us that officers would treat other inmates poorly. For example, restricting them from their basic rights of self care. Nicole went days without showering and whenever she asked guards for feminine care, they would ignore her. This source is credible because it’s an actual person who survived solitary confinement,

that’s telling their story. In this online journal, there are other inmates who got the chance to tell their story which is really amazing for my paper. The source was clearly edited and looked through by a publisher, first, before being published. It’s a very professional site, enabling others to share their voices. This source will be good for my paper because it talks about an inmate’s personal experience in solitary. When writing a paper, it’s good to find a lot of good information through articles and all that good stuff. But personal stories like Nicole, make a paper even more strong because it’s a real experience someone has. I will be using this source in my essay.

Gonnerman, Jennifer. “Kalief Browder Learned How to Commit Suicide on Rikers.” The New Yorker, 2 June 2016, de-on-rikers This online article, written by Jennifer Gonnerman, tells the story how Kalief Browder learned how to commit suicide on Rikers Island. This article explains the different ways Kalief learned how to kill himself and what he saw other inmates do as well. It also explains how many times Kalief failed to kill himself in jail, but how he realized that he was scared of death. This source is reliable because it’s written by a person who’s written many articles about the Kalief Browder case. Therefore, the author knows a lot of this case and has a lot to say about it. The author is also reliable because her writing is professional and easy to understand. She did a good job writing this piece of text and it was very interesting to read about. This source fits well into my paper because it will be included when I talk about the

Kalief Browder case and how he faced so many horrors in solitary confinement. This source also fits well into my essay because it shows how mental health can affect someone so much to a point where they feel as if their lives don’t matter. This is not okay to feel, which is the reason why solitary confinement should be prohibited. Regoli, Natalie. “13 Most Valid Pros and Cons of Solitary Confinement.” Connect Us, 7 Sept. 2015, This article gives 13 most valid pros and cons of solitary confinement. This site will help me with my counterargument. Where I have to argue the other side and voice their opinion as well. Most of the cons of solitary confinement were valid, so this is a good article. This source is credible because it is professional, well written, and provides credible information. On the bottom of the article, there is an author’s note, telling readers who the author was and to contact them if they have any questions. Because the author got her Masters Degree in Law from The University of Texas, she is credible. I will be using this source in my essay because it was the only good source I could find to back up the other side of the argument. It was really hard to find someone who had valid points on why solitary confinement was good, but the author really gave out points that were understandable and worth listening to. Therefore, this will fit perfectly in my research paper. Dimon, Laura. ¨How Solitary Confinement Hurts the Teenage Brain.¨ The Atlantic. 30 June 2014. e-teenage-brain/373002/ This online article, written by Laura Dimon, reveals the negative impacts solitary confinement has on young teens. This article explains that the effects of solitary confinement are

damaging and lasting, and ultimately, they’re not just a problem for the child, but for society as a whole. This source is reliable because it's a well written article, professional, and uses different outside sources to back up their claim. This source is also scholarly because it references professors from different universities. It also uses factual statistics that are relevant to the article. The goal of this source is to inform readers that solitary confinement amongst teens should be prohibited because it's unhealthy and causes a lot of health issues. This source goes well with my research paper because it's about young teens. The youth are the future and it's up to the young ones who determine what the future looks like. Especially when it's affecting their mental health and they are not getting the resources they need in order to live a healthy life. Therefore, this source is a good fit for my research paper so that it shows the youth that actions need to take place in order to prevent this cruel punishment from happening in the future.

Metzner, Jeffrey and Jamie Fellner. “Solitary Confinement and Mental Illness in U.S. Prisons: A Challenge For Medical Ethics.” American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, vol. 38, no. 1, 19 Mar. 2010, pp. 104-108, This online journal, written by Jeffrey Metzner and Jamie Fellner, describes how solitary confinement affects mental illness in U.S. prisoners. This journal points out the negative impacts of solitary confinement and how professional organizations should acknowledge that it’s not okay to place prisoners in solitary confinement; it violates their human rights. This outstanding source is not only credible but reliable as well. Although the journal was published in 2010, solitary confinement is an issue the United States deals with today. Even after

nine years, there are no laws enough forced into abolishing the cruel punishment of solitary confinement. The journal is professional, well written, and provides credible information. For example, on the bottom of the online journal, there are references placed showing where the authors got their information from. The goal of this source is to inform readers that solitary confinement affects mental health and is something that should be prohibited. This source fits perfectly into my research paper. This is because it’s relevant and discusses mostly everything I want to incorporate into my paper. This source was interesting and informative to read about to a point where it opened my eyes about the horrors of solitary confinement. Therefore, this amazing source will be placed into my paper.

Smith, Gillian. ¨Solitary confinement significantly increases post-prison death risk.¨ EurekAlertt! This source explains how solitary confinement significantly increases post-prison death risk. Meaning that inmates who didn't serve time in solitary confinement are more likely to live, once they're out, than those who did serve in solitary confinement. The fact that inmates are dying from this cruel punishment, proves that solitary confinement should be banned. This source is scholarly because the research is based upon a professor from Cornell University. This source is also relevant because it was updated in 2020, which is this year. This source is professional, well written, and provides a lot of facts that will help me with my research paper. The goal of this source is to educate others that solitary confinement leads to death amongst many inmates. It's an issue that needs to be solved quickly in order to prevent future deaths. This credible source fits into my paper perfectly. This is because it shows actual statistics

of how many people are dying from serving time in solitary confinement. This source can relate to the Kalief Browder case because once he got out of jail, he was mentally ill to a point where he thought that taking his life would be more beneficial for him. It's truly sad how solitary confinement can change a person's brain into thinking that they don't deserve to be on this Earth.

Weiser, Benjamin. ¨Kalief Browder’s Suicide Brought Changes to Rikers. Now It Has Led to a $3 Million Settlement.¨ New York Times. 24 January 2019. This source reveals how Kalief Browder´s Suicide brought changes to Rikers prision. Rikers Island became a symbol of the breakdown in criminal justice in New York and led to the idea that solitary confinement should be prohibited, especially for the youth. Kalief´s story is important and should be told all over the world. This source is reliable because it comes from the New York Times. A newspaper article that is very known for putting information out. This source is credible because it states where they got their information from. When the words are highlighted in blue, people can click on the words and see where the information came from. I would love to use this source for my research paper. This source fits into my research paper because it talks about a case that serves the point on why solitary confinement should be abolished. Kalief Browder was falsely accused for committing a crime and was sent to solitary confinement for most of the time he was there. He did not get a fair trial and once he got out of prison, he was so depressed that he killed himself. This beautiful man did not deserve what he went through and I would love to share his incredible story in my research paper....

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