Art appreciation notes PDF

Title Art appreciation notes
Author Brian Walker
Course Art Appreciation
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 6
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Art notes short hand Egyptian writing. The Palette of Namer ca. B Cosmetics, story of how the Egyptian state was formed Namer was the first king of the state. Not a happy story in the carving (relief) Namer he is larger than most only wearing a kilt to show his bod and there is a god (Horus) doing t...


Art notes 7-13-15

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Hieratic- short hand Egyptian writing. The Palette of Namer (=Menes), ca. 3000 B.C Cosmetics, story of how the Egyptian state was formed Namer was the first king of the state. Not a happy story in the carving (relief) Namer he is larger than most only wearing a kilt to show his bod and there is a god (Horus) doing the same as the human representation. Bull represents the divinity Hathor and his shown killing a human. The lead of troops holding standards in the taking of state. Pyramids- Ben-Ben, Pyramid like structure that rose from the primordial waters. Pyramid were part of a large funerary complex. Imhotep- architect part of the old kingdom. For Pharaoh Dzoser. Mastaba- Underground tomb gateway to a lower chamber. He designed the “step pyramid for Dzoser. Pharaoh- Mean’s great house. Represented by Horus. Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis the evil brother Seth killed Osiris. Pyramid of Khufu, Giza- Had false chambers and possible airflow, dug out by thieves.

Sphinx- Lion man, “land art to represent the king”. The metaphor with the king was strong

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and noble. 

Statue of Khafre- Pharaoh with Horus on his backside, wearing a nimus “head dress” and the only thing he is wearing is kilt to show his bod, the clenched fist and flat hand decides

whether he will be show anger or calm and composure.

Painted relief sculpture on the wall- Traditional Egyptian art is ‘Non Functional” coined by Henrietta Groenwegan Frankfort. Refers to the timeless and inconsistent quality. Painted red to how gender men (dark) women (light). The background lines hand no

place in our minds. Lines show what one would do forever more after

death. 

The Scribe of Kay- Showed that we they wanted to they could realistically represent humans.

New Kingdom- Had a women Pharaoh after her son who was Pharaoh disappeared. In her statue showed bod in that she is only wearing a kilt and did not have Horus. Shows that she is

a women in power.

Akhnaten- Moved the capital from to Thebes to Aketaten his style of Art characterized as the Amarna Period. His old name was Amenhotep IV, claimed there was one god


Atem of Ra. Shown as king because of the kilt and bod. Looks feminine and


to be from a long line of incest.

Plaster Nefertiti- (sister wife) long neck.

QUIZ QUESTIONS 3000. BC Namer Nonfunctional – incorrect answer is tends to commemorate single events in time Tutankhamun- New kingdom 

Egyptian concept of soul was a KA and the spirit went to small figures

Minonan art demonstrates these traits 1. Interest in the natural world 2. A sense of flow and movement that is achieved through irregularity. 3. An appeal for bright and shiny things 4. Evidence for elements of a complex society.



Corbel molding

Schliemann- Mask of Agamememon

Bronze dagger with Niello painting in silver and gold

Fresco fragment- is part of larger composition with similar figures.

Pilgrim- flask from palaikastro had a Mycenaean counter-part.


Trojan war fought in the 12th century B.C

Odyssey and illad both written in the 8th century B.C before oral tradition

Sculpture, vase painting, architecture

540 anavssos and peplps found in Africa and Athens

Temple of Hera the called Basilica at Paestum near Salerno in Southern Italy

Amphora in the red figure technique by euthymides

Folded arm figures from Cycladic WERE NOT CLAY IT WAS MARBLE

The urban aesthetic of minon is manifest it is NOT rigid geometric compostion

Removing a top stone will not cause a fall

The process for red and black figure is not the same

The temple of Athena is purely doric false

7-17-15 notes

Persia capital  Persepolis

The arrival of spring ---- Relief image lion attacking s bull in an allegory

Cuneiform- Persian writing script

The romans believed that the small founder of their city was descended from a small band of refuges led from the burning city of troy by Aeneas, after it had been sacked by the Greek.

Greek mythology- said that to brothers Romulus and Remus who were fed by a lion.

Rome is on the tIame River controlled by the truscans who gave them culture for example the language of Latin.

“world wide destination”

Aquaduct for the gard river near Nimes France

The Tetrachs monument, on a corner of saints mark cathedral brought from original locations in Byzantium (constantiopal aka Istanbul)


Scream , shows line the medium is a lithographic print.

Shape is gus randolphs painting

Mass, in the sculpture of the two stones kissing, closed

Myran sculpture, shows a well-balanced figure, open figure discus

Brass form, time and motion

Furry breakfast , texture

The paintings in the cave were added over time and to be seen through a candle and seen in twisted perspective to see everything

Art Appreciation notes 7-10-15 

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“The well scene” found in a deep well where water drained and preserved the art work. It shows an image of a bison that is bleeding out and also a representation of a human with a broken spear being killed. Shows a NARRATIVE AND COMBINATION OF SCENES. Therian Thropes “Beast Man” travels of the shaman David Williams Lewis 3rd level of shamanism to travel across the boundaries of different Dimensions. In palotheic times art was visited with a lamp Lascaux Cave date: 15,000 B.C The Sorcerer is evidence for Shamanism Narrative art does not appear prior to the third millennium FALSE

The threshold criteria for civilization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Writing Settlements of at least 5000 inhabitants. Monumental Ceremonial Centers. Complimentary religious and political Hierarchies. Government official and fill time craftsman alongside a mass of peasant producers.

Peasant- someone who works the land whose life is the land. Noah Kramer- History begins in the Sumer Cuneiform- Wood form carvings Warka (ancient Uruk), The White temple, Ca. 3000 B.C

The Warka Vase- Smuggled out of an Iraqi museum made from alabaster and was carved and used a register a series of pictures. Depicts kings and farmers and deities to whom gifts were offered to care for the land and society

Stele of Naram-Sin of Akkad- Tells the story of the triumph of a king in Paris France Metaphor-stands out and has a larger meaning 500 or more people is NOT a criteria Limestone false The concept of law was illustrated by Harmabi...

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