ART- Appreciation TOOLS PDF

Title ART- Appreciation TOOLS
Author Anonymous User
Course Computer Programming 2 Lec
Institution Adamson University
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ART APPRECIATION – PRELIMs – FINALS [2ND SEMESTER]MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF ARTArt is a subject under humanities. Since art is subjective in the sense that people differ in their perception of an object or thing. Hence, there can be no one universal definition of it. What may be beautiful and meanin...


ART APPRECIATION – PRELIMs – FINALS [2ND SEMESTER] MEANING AND IMPORTANCE OF ART Art is a subject under humanities. Since art is subjective in the sense that people differ in their perception of an object or thing. Hence, there can be no one universal definition of it. What may be beautiful and meaningful for some people may be considered as something ugly and meaningless to others. In other words, different authors and writers define art in various ways as they perceive it. Moreover, the meaning of art has changed throughout history due to multicultural settings. Thus, every time a new movement in art emerged, the meaning of what is art, what is acceptable as art, is being challenged. Hereunder are some of the definitions of art given by various authors and writers. Art is derived from the Latin word “ars,” meaning ability or skill- J.V. Estolas Art is a product of man’s need to express himself- F. Zulueta -emotions need not only be felt but expressed. These are emotions transformed into something that is beautiful worthy to be shared. Art lets people express their emotions creatively and productively. Art is that which brings life in harmony with the world- Plato -art is meant to “express only images of good, and to prohibit them from exhibiting the opposite forms of vice and intemperance and meanness and indecency” the main moral concern is the effect of art on minds and development of the character of citizens. Art is not what you see but what you make others see-Georgia O’Keeffe & Edgar Degas -one of the things that makes a great art is its ability to convey message and its efficiency to stir up people’s ability to think and interpret the artwork. Its influence or its impact on the viewers must be considered. Art is the right reason of making things. It is the process of creating things that is guided by good intention and it does not violate the universal concept of justice.- Aristotle There are many reasons to make art. Some make art to make money. Well this is just fine, but Aristotle has his own standard of what a real art is. For him, the artist must take into consideration the impact of a particular artwork to its viewers. It must be created with good intention and for the greater good of all the people and not to demean or to cause injustice/s to the people. From the above definitions of art, it can be concluded that there are several ways of defining art as there are many people, authors, and writers in the universe. Each definition is influenced by the unique perspective of the above authors and writers as well as their own personality and character. Nevertheless, a glimpse of the above definitions bring us four (4) common essentials of art. 1. Art is man-made, not God-made -Art is a perceived, conceived idea on many items designed by man. We are driven to arrange our surroundings which for want of a better term we call nature. Art is nature framed by the artist to reveal something specific about it. It reflects the artist’s view of nature.

2. Art is creative, not imitative -Art must be creative because it’s a product of our imagination. We can use art as an expression of our feelings, emotions and selves. Art must be not imitative because every piece of art has its own artist. The artist has the property of those artworks. We can adapt other people’s style but not the work itself.

3. Art benefits and satisfies man-when he uses art in practical life through artistic principles, taste, and skill. -Let’s take into account the University’s Kaibigan ng Kalikasan Program (KKP) activity. The main purpose why we implement this program is because of our care for the environment. Do we

benefit from this? The benefit afforded to us by the program is enough example to speak of art benefiting and satisfying man.

4. Art is expressed through a certain medium or material by which the artist communicates himself to his fellows. -The Spoliarium of Juan Luna would give us a message that Spanish friars are too much in handling the Filipino people due to abuses suffered by the latter under their hands. What are the importance of arts to my life as a student? Arts play a valuable role to students in such a way that: 1. Through participation in arts-music, dance, drama, media arts, and the visual arts

students can develop their creativity, self-awareness, self-confidence, sense of wellbeing and to learn about their identity Arts create a safe space for students to explore talents and build their confidence

2. Through intense involvement in artistic activities 

students experience a sense of wonder and joy when learning though the arts

Working together for a common purpose teaches students that their contribution is important, which is perfect for the collaborative nature of the arts. 

students can be motivated to participate more fully in cultural life

Arts provide a unique platfom to discuss many different cultures, socioeconomic levels, and current events. Through arts, students have a place not only to learn about different cultures than their own, but also to ask questions and be more informed about the daily struggles and realities of people who may seem different. 

students are able to gain educational opportunities which they can use later in their career life.

By working collaboratively on a project, students learn to communicate more effectively , compromise when necessary, and work hard even if their role may seem small. Other definitions of art 

Ancient Latin, ars (“craft” or specialized form of skill)

Art then suggested the capacity to produce an intended result from carefully planned steps or method. (Build a house) 

It is considered as the “Lifeblood” of humanities

Without arts, it is impossible to speak of a human person. As a human person is bound to express his ideas and thoughts. Such can be done only through medium of expression which is propounded by arts. Everything around us, all that you can see is an art, and without it, man cannot survive 

Any creative skill, a talent, a painting, a design, a colorful creation, an original composition and a masterpiece.

-Art can be expressed in many forms and it is commonly manifested by the skills embedded in person. Our innate gifts and talents are enhanced through different art activities

It is an essential factor that motivates an individual to create and appreciate a thing of beauty.

-It is impossible to appreciate something without our own standard that will help us to give our opinion about a work of art. The existence of standards that we have will always motivate us

to improve further as to our satisfaction level of arts. In this case, it will motivate us to either create or improve further. What is the significance of Humanities? 

It introduces us to places we have never visited.

-It gives us a vicarious experience of going to places we have never been before by means of paintings, films, books and the like. More so during this whole pandemic thing. We’re all kind of deprived to visit places we want to visit face to face. But with the different products of arts, we can somehow experience going to places that are deemed impossible to go to. It is just amazing how we could get a glimpse of what is happening in a place, real time with real people and get to feel how they are feeling too. By just simply reading a fiction book where a character gets to travel to Dysney land gives us also the opportunity to experience the place. This could be the cheapest way possible for us to go to places we have never visited and yet provides all sorts of experience. 

It introduces us to ideas that never crossed our minds.

-By just merely looking at someone else’s creation, it gives us the opportunity to reflect and or formulate ideas that never crossed our minds. You may even get to say, “oo nga ano, pwede pala to” or “ang galing naman ng gumawa nito, magaya nga din”. That’s another thing about arts. It activates our creativity in the sense that it introduces us to concepts that we never have thought of and not alone just to do the same but to have it as our basis in refining whatever is in our hands and in our minds. 

It introduces us to persons we never met

-You may never get to experience a face to face interaction or encounter with your favorite artists but you know a lot and you have a lot to say about them for you have been watching them through televisions, hear about them through radios and read about them through books/newspapers. It gives us some sort of a connection to people who are beyond our reach, even beyond our knowledge. A person can get inspired by a stranger he/she just met from a newspaper being read , or the journal being studied. Thanks to youtube you’ve got to know and let yourselves be entertained and or even influenced positively by your favorite vloggers. 

By showing how others have lived and thought about life, it helps us decide what is important in our lives and what we can do to make them better.

-It gives us the chance to discover other people and their way of living, thinking and feeling. We get to see through them how we can improve and decide for ourselves in a way that does not destroy us, rather to make us reach our potentials and grow as a person. We have been so openly presented with a lot of stories from which we are drawn to reflect on, to criticize, to look up to and or to study and all of these are meant not only to touch our senses but to touch even the deepest of our core as a person. 

By connecting us with other people, they point the way to answers about what is right or wrong, or what is true to our heritage and our history.

-It’s always nice to connect with other people. Through them we get to learn a lot of stuff like things our immediate family members or friends have never taught us or have made us realize. As we broaden our connection, we enrich our lives as well with life lessons and wisdom. Their experiences and opinions help us become critical of what is good and bad, what is true to our heritage and to our history. Indeed it is just beneficial to get to know other people apart from our close ones. We get to hear variety of stories not only of their present, but even stories of their past where we can learn all sorts of things. It is just fair to say that we learn from all the people that we meet or have met even if it’s just one or two or too many. We learn from even the littlest of things. 

It helps us address the challenges we face together in our families, our

communities, and as a nation. -It helps us build better relationships and helps us cope with the different adversities of life by means of enlightenment. It inspires us to get united and not divided.

By now, we are living in a world that needs more of unity, compassion, and resiliency. What better way is there for us to overcome so many adversities in life but to have ourselves be enlightened of what really is happening around us. 

It develops ones critical and imaginative thinking

-It broadens your perspective. You may be able to use your critical and creative thinking skills to dissect the steps it took to create a world-famous sculpture or painting. In this scenario, the humanities degree is less about you and more about your ability to appreciate another person’s hard work. It makes us understand and appreciate the experiences of others. Because by appreciating alone means we give respect of the artist’s talent, hardships and intention of creating such beauty. In turn, we get not only the pleasures of experiencing the artwork but the wonders it could create from the inside of your intellect. You must have experienced just merely looking at an artwork and you were just so entertained and amazed by how one could even possibly think of it, how such ideas could come across the that person’s mind and how thrilled you could possibly be to be as creative and as imaginative. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arts and humanities are considered as two of the oldest fields of knowledge available to man. The difference between the two is often seen with ambiguity. While art is seen as more allinclusive field, humanities, on the other hand, takes into consideration a diverse and oftentimes unrelated set of disciplines from literature to political history. Both humanities and arts can prepare you to think critically, act creatively, and succeed in a rapidly changing world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kinds of Art The following are the different kinds of art. Definitions and examples are included below for you to better understand the lesson. Kinds of Art Visual Arts



Poetry Performance Performance Art



Definition These are art forms that create works that are primarily visual in nature such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, filmmaking, design, crafts and architecture. This is also called a motion picture, a medium used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with sensory stimulations. The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself. It is a poetry that is specifically composed for or during a performance before an audience It is an artwork or art exhibition created through actions executed by the artist or other participants and presented to an audience within a fine art context, traditionally interdisciplinary. It is the integrative discipline of ideation, literary appreciation and multi-modal creative writing. - In the most basic sense, literary art is any form or piece of art, made by use of word’s and language. Like the paint to an artistic painter. Whether this takes form in books, speeches, poem’s, news articles or anything else It is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. It is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers, typically, actors or actresses, to present the experience of a

Theater Applied Arts

real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, called stage. These are arts that apply design and decoration to everyday and essentially practical objects in order to make them aesthetically pleasing.

Nature of Art Art is everywhere -When you wake up in the morning what do you see? When you go to school or hangout in Robinsons place with your friends what do you see? When you shop in Lazada or shopee for a home décor or gadgets or school materials what do you see? Basically, almost everything that we see around us, including the things that we use are all products of arts. You may have just realized it by now that have created not just one but myriads of what we call now as art. Art is part of one’s life. He/she cannot ignore its presence even if he/she tries to. -We are all artists in some ways. Your choice of pairing of clothes is an art. The way you tie your hair is art. The movies you watch, books you read, musics you listen to are all sorts of arts. So basically, arts has been part of our day to day life. In fact, we desperately look for art much as we want to ignore it. Artworks have been some sort of an opium that fills the void in our lives. With it, we kept entertained. Our lives have been so much easier and comfortable with its presence and that is why people, the artists, continuously create more of it up until now. The creations improve and becomes far more impressive as time progresses. ART as expression and communication -Art is the expression of inner feelings, idea, thought about something or the environment. Art is created through expressing ones feelings, emotions, intuitions, and desires, but it is even more personal than that; it’s about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality. Art is not nature A work of art is man-made whereas nature is given around us. Although art may closely resemble nature, it can never duplicate nature. It is only man’s way of interpreting nature. Art perfects nature Although nature displays order and harmony, sometimes it is in its chaotic state. Artist duplicate things they like and eliminate the undesirable elements in nature to convey their message of love and beauty. Art and culture are linked. Art is an expression of a particular person or group of people. Art mirrors the beliefs and practices of a certain group of people. Thus art reveals not only the identity of the artist but even the society he/she belongs to. Art must be universally significant. The works of Rizal and Francisco Balagtas are not read because they are old but because they are beautifully written. Arts, regardless of its origin, time, and place are liked and enjoyed by people continuously. WEEK 3-4 Let us make it our practice to recite the Louisian prayer in every beginning of our lessons. Include also in your prayer the well-being of everybody most especially those who are suffering from any kind of illnesses. To begin with, let me congratulate everybody for a job well done. I can see that everybody are giving the best they can to comply with the requirements of this subject. I appreciate all the efforts and the time you have given in your studies. Keep doing a great job! Let us continue our lesson with the different definitions of beauty. The word beauty connotes balance and proportion, something that is pleasing to the eye, perfection, and pleasure. These are just few of the words that are usually associated with beauty. But what really is beauty?

The term has always been linked with positive qualities but to require for a universal single definition of the word beauty would be considered as an invalid claim as the word itself is relative in nature. What may be beautiful for a particular country may not be considered as such in another place. Given also the fact that the definition itself is indeed fleeting in nature.

Nevertheless, it is, but just acceptable to have it defined based on how a particular society sets standard of their own. Thus, below are some diversified definitions of beauty. DEFINITIONS OF BEAUTY Webster dictionary: Beauty is an assemblage of perfection through which an object is rendered pleasing to the eye. Plato: Beauty is equated with the sublime identity with good. Basically, for Plato, a thing is not considered beautiful if it does not serve a good intention. The same is true to a person as he/she will be considered beautiful so long as the beauty applies both on the outside and on the inside (personality). Aristotle: Beauty is symmetry, proportion, and an organic order of parts into united whole. For Aristotle, what we can certainly state is that our attraction to another person’s body increases if that body is symmetrical and in proportion. *Scientists believe that we perceive proportional bodies to be healthier. Spinoza: A thing is beautiful if we desire it, and desire it because it is good; and if it is good, it is therefore beautiful. He dismisses beauty as mere sensual content. The standards include your desire on that particular thing. Hence, beauty for Spinoza is subjective. Idealist: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” We have different standards of beauty. What may be beautiful for me may not be beautiful to y...

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