Assignmnt Group - Speech Analysis Draft (Q7-Q9) PDF

Title Assignmnt Group - Speech Analysis Draft (Q7-Q9)
Author Nur Imane Safira Rosli
Institution Universiti Utara Malaysia
Pages 3
File Size 81.4 KB
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Download Assignmnt Group - Speech Analysis Draft (Q7-Q9) PDF



Explain the speaker’s voice during the speech. There are several aspects that need to be consider about speaker’s voice while presenting

the speech. The aspects that should be considered are volume, pitch, rate, pauses, vocal variety, pronunciation and articulation. Based on speech Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique by Cynthia Thurlow, while relying the speech, the speaker used softness voice within an acceptable middle range. This is where she capable to bring the ideas to life. The speaker handle the inflections of voice very well when she give a speech where she make a change in her pitch or tone. For this speech, the rate of speaker voice is in the middle range. The speaker also make a momentary break in vocal delivery. When giving the speech, the speaker strive for vocal variety where she changes in rate, pitch, and volume to make her voice interest and expressiveness. This can make her audience feels interested to hear her speech. The speaker pronunciation is clear and no articulation during her speech. Beside that, there is no vocalized pauses during the speech.


Explain the speaker’s body during the speech. There are some physical actions that the speaker will show when presenting the speech.

This physical actions will affect the way listeners respond to a speaker. The major aspects of physical actions that need to be considered during speechmaking are personal appearances, body movement, gestures and eye contact and facial expressions. Firstly, personal appearance is very significant role in speechmaking. It can affects the audience perception toward the speaker. This is because audience will observe the speaker appearance first before they hear the speaker’s speech. From this video, we can that that the

speaker dress up properly where she choose to wear formal attire. From that attire she can get good impression from her audiences. Secondly, about the speaker’s body movement is she often pace back and forth across the podium during rely her speech. From this, we can know that the speaker try to cover her nervousness while relying the speech to convince her audience. Stand tall and straight during give a speech is very important. Because, this can show to audience that the speaker really confident about her topic or ideas. On the other hand, hand gestures play a significant role during a speech. The right hand gestures essentially supplement or strengthen the verbal message, so it resembles that you are getting two clarifications rather than only one. While relying her speech, what we can see that the speaker often move her hand while give explanations and examples to her audience. Finally is about the eye contact and facial expressions. The speakers wisely used eye contact and facial expressions to create a bond with her audience. Even though eye contact is different from culture to culture, there is wide agreement across cultures on the importance of eye contact in public speaking. This is because, it can establish a communicative bond with the audience. The speaker need to look at them personally and pleasantly. Avoiding their gaze is one of the surest ways to lose them. Because face can say so much about you and it cannot be control.


What kind of reasoning does the speaker rely most throughout the speech? Explain. Reasoning is the process toward reaching a conclusion dependent on the evidence.

Reasoning in public speaking is an expansion of reasoning in different parts of life. As a public

speaker, there are two significant that the speaker need to concern regarding the reasoning that speaker want to use. To start with, the speaker should ensure your own reasoning is sound. Second, the speaker should attempt to get audience to agree with their reasoning. There are four basic methods of reasoning which are reasoning from specific instances, reasoning from principle, causal reasoning and analogical reasoning. The type of reasoning that the speaker rely most throughout her speech is the speaker use causal reasoning when she rely her speech. The speaker use this reasoning when she trying established the relationship between the causes and the effects. From the speech, she said that “Americans is eating three meals a day and snacking all day long. Eating all day long overtaxes our pancreas and our digestive system. It overtaxes it so much that it cannot work properly. And if it cannot work properly, we cannot absorb our food or the nutrients in that food”. From this example, we can see that she want to inform if we eating all day long it can cause our pancreas and our digestive system overtaxes. Then, the effects from that, our body will cannot absorb the food and the nutrient from the food properly....

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