Group Persuasion Speech PDF

Title Group Persuasion Speech
Course Personal and Public Speech
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Persuasive Speech Preparation Outline TITLE: The Importance of Sunscreen GENERAL PURPOSE:

To persuade... INTRODUCTION (Attention)

I. (Attention getter): Start off with questionnaire ○ Who here wants to die from skin cancer? ○ Who wants to increase your aging process and look older? ○ Who wants to get sunburnt? ● Well, did you know that the simple act of applying sunscreen could significantly prevent skin cancer, aging, sunburns, and even more? II. (Direct audience to need): ● Purpose statement: And that is why we’re here today. To persuade everyone to add sunscreen application to your daily routine. ● Since we all live in Hawaii where sun exposure is all year round, it’s important for us to protect ourselves from the sun’s uv rays and take measures to prevent our skin’s health from declining. III. (Credibility Statement): ● As residents of Hawaii, we all understand the harm that constant sun exposure is to our skin which is why applying sunscreen is so important. ● We have also conducted extensive research and pulled information from outside sources like the Skin Cancer Foundation, Huffington Post, Smithsonian, and more to illustrate the importance of using sunscreen. IV. (Preview of main points – Central Idea): To start off with, we will… ● First illustrate the need for Sunscreen in regards to our skin’s overall health. ● Second, we will provide information on how Sunscreen protects our skin’s health. ● Lastly, we will depict all the negative side effects that can happen from not using sunscreen Connective: Now’ve that we reviewed our main points, let’s discuss the dangers that sun exposure has on our lives. BODY


State the NEED: With the constant sun exposure that we get here in Hawaii, we need to take precautions in order to minimize the long-term effects sun exposure can have on our skin’s overall health. A. Subpoint 1: One effect that can occur is premature aging. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: Ultraviolet A rays, UVA, accounts for 95% of radiation that reaches the earth. Compared to UVB rays which contributes to sunburns, UVA penetrates the skin more and plays a major role in skin aging and wrinkling as stated on Skin Cancer Foundation’s Website (2017). 2. Sub-subpoint 2: In an article by Jacqueline Delange at Huffington Post (2017), she writes about a truck driver, Bill McElligott, who experienced physical damages on the left side of his face from UVA rays seeping through the window during the 28 years he spent driving. Due to this, the left side of his face looks about 20 years older than his right side as you can see here. B. Subpoint 2: Being diagnosed with skin cancer is another long-term effect that could occur. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: As we mentioned earlier, UVA rays can affect your skin’s aging process. However, it is also stated by the Skin Cancer Foundation that these rays can also damage cells that exist within the innermost layer of the epidermis which is the outermost layer of your skin. This is where most skin cancers occur. 2. Sub-subpoint 2: According to the Skin Cancer Foundation (2018), more people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the United States than all other cancers combined. This emphasises the concern that people in the United States are not taking care of their skin. a) In the U.S alone, 1 in 5 Americans develop skin cancer by the age of 70, this means that at least 3 people in this class may develop skin cancer later in their lives. 3. Sub-subpoint 3: According to (Thomas C. Frolich, 2018) in Hawaii for about every 100,000 residents, 20.3 of them are diagnosed with skin cancer every year, and for every 100,000 residents, 1.6 of them die from skin cancer every year.

Transition: Now that we are aware of how sun exposure can diminish our skin’s health, let’s discuss how daily sunscreen usage can prevent our skin’s decline II.

State the SATISFACTION: All of the negative side effects of increased sun exposure can be prevented by using Sunscreen.

A. Subpoint 1: Sunscreen can protect UV rays from damaging our skin’s structural protein and DNA. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: According to (2017) our skin molecules are structured to absorb UVA and UVB photons. The absorption and release of this energy places our molecules into an excited states that undergoes a chemical reaction which ultimately has biological consequences. a) It turns our skin’s natural antioxidant network on, and activates destructive reactive oxygen species that can lead to cellular damage and stress within the skin. In addition, constant sun exposure will interrupt cell signaling pathways and gene expression. Common physical deterioration of UVA rays include increased wrinkles and sunspots. b) Sub-subpoint 2: As stated on the Skin Cancer Foundation (2017), website, UVB rays are the main cause of skin reddening and sunburns. In addition, UVB rays are the strongest during the months of April to October from 10 AM to 4 PM, and as we already know, Hawaii is sunny during all those months. Due to the numerous reflective surfaces the island contains like water and sand, 80% of the UVB rays are then bounced back onto our bodies, thus hitting our skin twice. 2. Sub-subpoint 3: However, all this can be prevented or minimized by seeking shade or more importantly, by applying sunscreen. Sunscreen employ UV filters that are designed to reduce the amount of UV rays that reach through our skin’s surface. The filters form a protective barrier that either absorb chemical filters or reflect UV photons before they can be absorbed and become reactive within our skin molecules. B. Subpoint 2: Common myths revolved around sunscreen include: you don’t need to apply sunscreen when it is cloudy, when you are covered up, or if you have a darker skin tone. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: People tend to think that when it is a cloudy day, they don’t need to use sunscreen. However, an article written by (Hallie Levine Skylar, 2012) says that up to 80% of the sun's UV rays can still penetrate through clouds resulting in your skin still being exposed to those UV rays. Even if it’s cloudy its still important to apply sunscreen. According to the same article, sand reflects 17% of UV radiation, so you are still able to have damage done to your skin even if it’s cloudy or you are under something like an umbrella. 2. Sub-subpoint 2: Sally Wadyka of (2017) illustrates that damaging UV rays penetrate all types of skin, regardless of ethnicity. Although individuals with darker skin don’t necessarily turn red in

pigment under the sun, it does not mean they don’t burn. Since darker skin individuals produce more melanin in the sun that causes the skin to become darker or “tan”. When the body produces more melanin, it’s a protective mechanism our skin cells undergo in reflection of sun damage. 3. Sub-subpoint 3: Along with applying sunscreen in general, it is also important to reapply. a) On the back of any sunscreen or sunblock there are instructions that say how often you should reapply your product to remain protected from the UV rays. (include example picture) For example for this specific brand under the Directions it says to reapply after 40 minutes of swimming or sweating, immediately after drying with a towel, and overall at least every 2 hours. Sunscreen can’t stay on your body forever and protect you forever, so by understanding when you should reapply you can help protect yourself from damage caused by UV rays. It is recommended to purchase sunscreens that are labeled broad-spectrum protection which contain a mixture of chemical and physical active ingredients, that works to absorb and reflect UV radiation. Transition: Now that we have discussed how sunscreen protects our skin’s health, let's discuss what the world would look if we didn’t take action to protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays. III.

Identify the method of VISUALIZATION A. Subpoint 1: A world without sunscreen would lead to an increase of skin cancer, damaged skin, and a lot of sunburns. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: As previously stated, there has been a rise of skin cancer diagnosis in the United States. 2. Sub-subpoint 2: Steven Q. Wang, MD. did a study earlier this year of over 1,600 people and found that regular use of sunscreen has reduced the incidence of melanoma by 50-73% a) This shows how much it helps to use sunscreen. These numbers would be very different in a world without sunscreen. B. Subpoint 2: The reality of the world we live in is that we are experiencing global warming and Ozone depletion. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: According to NASA, “Most of the warming occurred in the past 35 years, with 16 of the 17 warmest years on record occurring since 2001. Not only was 2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the 12 months that make up the year — from January through September, with the exception of June — were the warmest on record for those respective months.” (2017)

a) Global warming itself does not create more UV rays, but it encourages people to go outside more. People in Hawaii love to go to the beach and go on hikes on hot, sunny days. b) Without proper use of sunscreen, people especially in warmer climates will begin to see their skin become damaged or cancerous. 2. Sub-subpoint 2: Eileen Bailey (2017) explains that the ozone hole is currently above Antarctica, but that does not mean it is not affecting the rest of the world. a) The depletion of the ozone is causing the UV rays to become stronger. b) As we learned earlier, the UV rays are quite damaging to our skin. c) According to the World Health Organization (n.d.), there is a direct correlation between the ozone depletion and skin cancer. It was stated that “the equivalent estimation for the US population is for a 10% increase in skin cancer incidence by around 2050.” d) We need to use sunscreen in our everyday lives or these numbers will increase excessively. Transition: These are just some of the negative scenarios that could happen in a world without the use of sunscreen. CONCLUSION (Action) I. (Action): Since we’re here to persuade you to apply sunscreen everyday in order to preserve your skin’s natural health, it wouldn’t be right if you left this room without doing just that. (Pass the sunscreen around for people to apply). While you’re applying this sunscreen, please keep in mind that the few extra minutes it takes out of your day to protect yourself from premature aging, skin cell damage, and more will be worth the while in the long run. II. (Signpost and summary statement): In summary, sunscreen application is essential to our skin’s health, and if applied and reapplied daily will protect our skin from harmful UV rays. III. (Review main points): Although we love Hawaii’s sunny warm weather, increased exposure to the sun brings unwanted side effects like premature aging, skin cancer, and painful sunburns. By putting on sunscreen, you are essentially applying a protective filter that prevents the sun’s UVA and UVB rays from penetrating into your skin cells. Sunscreen contributes greatly to your skin’s health so a world without sunscreen would be detrimental to our skin cells. IV. (Capstone statement/Memorable ending): Having heard all the beneficial properties sunscreen usage can bring to your lives, if each and everyone of you take preemptive measures

to do so, we can all preserve our youthful looks and live long, healthy lives!

Works Cited Bailey, E. (2017, February 13). Will Climate Change Raise Skin Cancer Rates? - Skin Cancer | HealthCentral. Retrieved June 27, 2018, from Climate change and human health - risks and responses. Summary. (2009, July 09). Retrieved June 27, 2018, from Delange, J. (2017, March 10). Bill McElligott, Delivery Truck Driver, Has Severe Sun Damage On One Side Of His Face (PHOTO). Huffington Post Canada. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from Frohlich, T.C. (2018, May 16). States With the Most Skin Cancer. 24/7 Wall St. Retrieved June 26, 2018, from Hanson, K. (2017, May 31). How Sunscreen Protects Your Skin's DNA. Retrieved June 28, 2018, from Northon, K. (2017, January 18). NASA, NOAA Data Show 2016 Warmest Year on Record Globally. Retrieved June 27, 2018, from Skin Cancer Foundation. (2018, May 3). Skin Cancer Facts & Statistics. The Skin Cancer Foundation. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from

Skin Cancer Foundation. (2017, Sept 20). UVA & UVB. The Skin Cancer Foundation. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from Sklar, H.L. (2012, July 11). Six common sun myths, exposed. CNN. Retrieved June 25, 2018, from Wadyka, S. (2017, June 9). Sunscreen for Dark Skin Is a Must. Retrieved June 28, 2018, from Wang, S. Q., MD. (2018, January 11). The Facts About Sunscreen. Retrieved from

Title: Wet Ones General purpose: To persuade Intro I. Attention Getter: a. Who here has been in a situation where you’re on the go and have gotten your hands dirty but did not have access to bathroom to wash your hands? b. Who here has accidentally spilled something on themselves but did not have anything to clean themselves up? c. Well look no further because Wet Ones Got You Covered! II. Specific purpose statement: a. And that is why we’re here today, to persuade everyone on why Wet Ones are essential to have on the go for any cleaning situation. III. Audience relevance: a. We’ve all been in a situation where we’ve gotten dirty but lacked the adequate supplies to clean oneself up. b. I’m sure we all at one point have eaten out but wait we forgot to wash our hands! And look at that bathroom line! If only there was something quick and easy to use with disinfectant properties to fix this dilemma.

c. Wet ones will do all this for us. IV. Credibility Statement: a. Not only are we all avid users of Wet Ones and always have them on the go with us, we also pulled information from external sources like:,,, and etc. to illustrate the incredible cleaning properties Wet Ones contain and how they can be useful for every cleaning event. V. Preview of Main Points: To start off, we will… a. First illustrate why Wet Ones are perfect to have on the go b. Then we’ll discuss why Wet Ones are more practical than other self-cleaning solutions c. Lastly, we will discuss all the disinfectant properties wet ones have Connective: Now that we have reviewed our main points, let’s discuss why Wet Ones are perfect to have while you’re on the go Body I. Need: A. Subpoint 1: Wet Ones are the perfect cleaning product on the go because they are convenient and easy to use. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: As previously stated, we’ve all been in a situation where we either eat or or have gotten ourselves dirty but didn’t have anything on hand to clean up the mess. Carrying this travel size wet ones could have cleaned up your mess in seconds. a) Or maybe your girlfriend forgot her makeup wipes. Your supply of makeup wipes can help her remove her makeup and prevent her from getting clogged pores. ( 2. Sub-subpoint 2: Wet Ones are also far more portable than hand sanitizers. Because they are not liquid, they can easily pass through airport security. Plus, you do not have to worry about having liquid spilling inside of your bag due to the container accidentally opening. ( (Transition: Now that we have discussed the benefits of having Wet Ones on the go, let's move onto why they are more practical in comparison to other cleaning products. II.

Satisfaction: By carrying wet ones, you can have an effective clean in any situation. A. Subpoint 1: In comparison to say gel hand sanitizers, Wet Ones are more practical to have. 1. Sub-subpoint 1: Unlike hand sanitizers, Wet Ones are able to wipe away residue from your hands. This is especially useful for those with certain allergies!

a) For Sarah, she uses Wet Ones on her son, who has a severe peanut allergy. With the product she is able to prevent the chances of him being exposed to the peanut allergen. ( 2. Sub-subpoint 2: Wet ones are also made from durable hypoallergenic material that is heavy duty in cleaning but sensitive enough to be used on hands, face, and other parts of your body. ( In addition, Wet Ones have a shelf life for 2 years. (Transition: Now that we have depicted the practicality of Wet Ones, let’s move onto the last point revolving around their disinfectant properties) III.

Visualization: A. Subpoint 1: Wet ones don’t just clean, they disinfect as well! 1. Sub-subpoint 1: Imagine yourself out and about, but suddenly you need to use the restroom. After relieving yourself, you go to reach for toilet paper but oh no! There’s nothing there. How embarrassing! a) Well if you had Wet Ones on you, this wouldn’t be a problem. Not only are Wet Ones flushable, they’ll leave your behind squeaky clean through their disinfectant properties that kill 99.9% of germs. b) That’s because Wet Ones are made of an active ingredient called Benzethonium Chloride 0.3% an antibacterial agent used to decrease bacteria in contact with skin or surface ( 2. Sub-subpoint 2:

(Transition: These are just some of the reasons why you should all purchase Wet Ones. Conclusion (Action) I. Action: Get people to use wet ones...but there’s not enough to go around so….? II.

Signpost and Summary Statement: In summary, Wet ones are the perfect and affordable cleaning product to have on the go to clean up any sort of messy situation you are in.


Review Main Points: To recap, these Wet Ones are perfect to have while on the go due to their practicality and disinfecting properties.


Capstone Statement/Memorable Ending: A. Protect yourself and stay clean, with Wet Ones. (would we get them to use them at this point? Or pretend to give them a pack each since there’s only one pack?)...

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