Benjamin Franklin Journal- example/ideas PDF

Title Benjamin Franklin Journal- example/ideas
Author sab ok
Course American Literature I
Institution Tarrant County College
Pages 3
File Size 38.7 KB
File Type PDF
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What I submitted for my Benjamin Franklin journal...


The first of Franklin’s virtues that I would like to embody and include more in my everyday life is industry, while I don’t believe that success is based on wealth or a person’s productivity. The initial idea of constantly being productive was not appealing but “a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things” and I would rather live a life of leisure (Franklin 444). I do believe that being more thoughtful with my time and keeping my breaks leisurely rather than lazy would significantly improve my mood and keep my day-to-day life less stressful. Some examples of industry recently would be on Tuesday I had to finish my Smith journal and I got really into the journal and became very motivated so I completed all my homework through Friday as well except for this journal because I was planning to complete it another day. This did not end up happening and I continued to push back the journal. This procrastination is a great example of the idea that “one today is worth two tomorrows, and farther, have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today” (Franklin 444). In an effort to not only be productive with my time but also stay ahead, I spent most of Thursday at work but rather than come home and be lazy I went out and bought most of the things I need before I move into a new apartment in two weeks. I continued my trend of productivity Friday and again worked most of the day but when

I got home, I cleaned and organized my bedroom and bathroom. Straying away from my usual routine of Netflix in bed. The next virtue I would like to work on is frugality. It is the job of a college student to be broke but I have recently been working on spending less and saving more as the older I get the more expensive necessities become. As I mentioned before I went shopping on Thursday, I also looked for bargains while purchasing new things as well as looking around my house for things that wouldn’t be missed that I will need for my apartment. I tried to only buy things that I needed and could not get elsewhere “buy what thou hast no need of, and ere long thou shalt sell thy necessaries” in order to save money (Franklin 446). On both Thursday and Friday I left work and actively told myself to go home and cook dinner instead of going out and spending money on fast food. Fast food tends to be where most of my money goes. I tell myself it is only ten dollars but “beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship” ten dollars turns quickly turns into one hundred (Franklin 446). Saving money in the summer is very important as it will allow me the ability to work less during the fall semester and focus more on my studies. My next chosen virtue is resolution I have recently been working on setting goals and sticking to them as well as being more consistent with my

everyday responsibilities. I can’t trust other people to give me reminders or cut me slack if I am late, “if you would have a faithful servant, and one that you like, serve yourself”, I must be accountable for myself (Franklin 445). To work on resolution, I have been keeping a daily planner I not only write down what needs to be done but check off completed tasks. This return to check off tasks has been very helpful as it allows me to continue to look at things that still need to be done. I have also decided to start all my mornings by looking at what needs to be done I allow no time for forgetfulness as “a little neglect may breed great mischief” (Franklin 445). This new routine has allowed me to be much more consistent and complete my goals more routinely. Word Count: 664...

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