BMA 583 AT2 - Assessment task 2 PDF

Title BMA 583 AT2 - Assessment task 2
Author Jack Richer
Course Human Resource Management
Institution University of Tasmania
Pages 16
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Assessment task 2...



BMA - 583 Managing People and the Employment Relationship Individual Case Study Report Unitel

Student Details: Patel Paras Ashokkumar Student Id; 520416 [email protected]

Table of Contents Executive Summary...................................................................................................................2 Introduction................................................................................................................................3 Role of Human Resource Management.....................................................................................3 Key HR and ER issues and their impacts...................................................................................4 Employees’ poor motivation..................................................................................................5 Lack of communication..........................................................................................................6 Low Union involvement........................................................................................................6 HRM practices...........................................................................................................................8 Recommendations....................................................................................................................10 Conclusion................................................................................................................................11 References................................................................................................................................12

Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to analyse the HR and ER issues where human resource management (HRM) is a necessary tool in terms of increasing the productivity of an organization. It is important for companies to manage individuals by offering them the better working culture and environment with better security and pay to its employees. The key findings of this report are the adoption of needed simple method for hiring and firing employees in terms of managing the production activities. It is important to know the determinant and factors which can influence used on the HRM policies. The analysis of HR and ER issues is based on the company’s situation through making the use of theories along with providing suggestion for resolving the issues. The recommendations will include HRM practices for increasing the productivity.

Introduction In today’s rapid changing business environment, companies are getting negatively impacted where it is essential to make change within their corporate strategy for responding towards potential effects[ CITATION San121 \l 16393 ]. The case of the company Unitel is based on their changed business strategy for becoming the best enterprise within the telecommunication industry. However, the company failed with its new corporate strategy as it created potential conflicts between employees. Unitel is known as the top leading telecommunications in the Asian Pacific area which was established in the 1990s. The company coped with several potential competitors from both local and international markets. This was the reason of the company to develop new corporate strategy “Vision 2022” that impacted its working and operating system. The reason of conflict was employees not agreeing with this new program which created the gap among supervisors and employees within the workplace. The aim of this report is to analyse the case of Unitel’s human resources situation while identifying key HR and ER issues by using theories and implementing strategy. It is important for Unitel to use the approach for managing its staff and encouraging the directors of the company for further implementation of developing recommendations for better operational capacity and competitiveness. This report will develop the well-supported recommendations for further improvements and changes to the current employed HRM practices within the company.

Role of Human Resource Management In companies, HRM plays the role of maintaining internal relationship among employees and an organization. Nevertheless, it is playing an important role in organizational objectives attainment and to sustain competitive advantages in long-term. Basically, HRM is required to select HR practices along with building HRM strategies that is helpful for the business corporate strategy of an organization[ CITATION Bul123 \l 16393 ]. It includes improving strengths and capabilities development of employees along with the use of talent and reward management for motivation and retaining them with the help of appropriate approaches. These approaches such as best practice, best fir or integrative model are for effective practices implementation. In case of Unitel, its HRM department played the role of understanding the advantages of human capital for advising and suggesting policies or solutions for supervisors in relation to new strategy operation and to gain a competitive

advantage. It is important for HRM to play the role of collaborating supervisors and employees through building policies and strategies in relation to motivating and encouraging the positive participation of employees within the process of Vision 2022 implementation in the workplace. HR specialists improve a company's ability to implement its plans. In 3 stages, transforming market tactics into HR activities benefits an organisation. Second, when the period from development to the implementation of a plan is shorter, the organisation will respond to shift. Second, since the consumer support initiatives have been converted into concrete procedures and activities, the organisation can help satisfy client expectations (Ulrich, D c1997). If this is the case, so it is important to recommend a human resource development function even more accurately. Any of the basic elements of such a hypothesis are presented formally. The similarity with some of the Harvard model's features would seem evident. Even so, the goal in this case is to create a series of verifiable ideas and eventually to converge at a series of normative policy (Guest D.E, 1987). The urge, the ability for progress, the ability to take responsibilities, the commitment to steer actions against organisational objectives are all exist in individuals. They are not put there by planning. Development is responsible for making it feasible for persons to understand certain individual traits and build them for themselves (McGregor D., 2000). Equality preparation tends to pose several challenges as it grows as an essential part of the total employee capital and management plans of several firms. The lack of reliable measuring instruments, obtaining guidance on target performance, and determining the appropriateness and usefulness of technology-driven approaches are key concerns. For e-learning approaches, the task of measuring the efficacy of teaching is just as much a concern as it is for non digital teaching. The presentation of nuanced, often divisive information in a medium that usually restricts participation and debate is another obstacle for e-learning strategies (Anand R, 2008).

Key HR and ER issues and their impacts In any company, human resource (HR) is defined as the workforce working within the different departments. The employees of the company put the distinct plans and strategies in real to implement action. The employment relationship (ER) in a company is identified as the comprehensive efforts that an organization makes for effective relationship management

among its supervisors and employees. In business, companies including proper ER program provides a consistent, equal and fair treatment to employees overall which shows their loyalty and commitment towards their jobs. It also helps in resolving different issues and its prevention within the workplace because of occurring work complexities[ CITATION Pai141 \l 16393 ]. It was nonetheless evident from the beginning that it is a quite different task to build an established security environment in a large enterprise from setting up one in a specific venue, such as an atomic energy station, an airliner or an air pollution management centre. Academics should have a high degree of day-to-day influence over what occurs in such a scenario, modifying the curriculum as appropriate. Such power is within the finances of any Unitel department in a broad multi-national organisation (Hudson P., 2007). This leads towards required future objectives achievement by developing suitable corporate strategy of an organization. Unitel’s senior management launched the Vision 2022 program while aiming towards providing overall change in their existing corporate strategy for gaining the needed excellence in the area of customer service and satisfaction, product management and delivery, and more. However, this program helped the company in bringing together the top-level management and lower-level employees; but, there was high-degree of resentment found within employees based on the report presented by distinct supervisors[ CITATION Shu141 \l 16393 ]. Therefore, there are some related HR and ER issues identified due the adoption of the Vision 2022 program within the company which includes:

Employees’ poor motivation Motivation is one of an important force that drive the behaviour and performance of employees in the workplace. If employees stay motivated, there is an increase in the productivity of employees where an organization retains number of talented employees[ CITATION Osa15 \l 16393 ]. However, Unitel faced this issue of poor motivation of employees where the company did not recognise the value of motivation and its factors while designing Vision 2022 program as new corporate strategy. The company aimed at developing change and action teams for gaining the best company where it is essential for its employees to change their thinking in a more proactive and creative way for better performance. However, the supervisors of the company did not understand that employees look forward to stay in their safe area. They do not feel comfortable when they have to switch their behaviour for fitting with the new objectives. Furthermore, most of the employees of

Unitel are not going to receive any benefits or rewards for their efforts. Also, the employees of the company do not feel interested within the new style of work and they do not find meaning towards their jobs[ CITATION Fer151 \l 16393 ]. Therefore, employees do not show their willingness towards contributing more efforts for the company’s new corporate strategy which might lead towards the failure of objective achievement of Vision 2022. Evidently, individual capacity, as mentioned here, was absent. However, this boss was highly successful in the appraisal of his supervisors and through his success in growing productivity and growing income and confidence. workers appear to get a "developed-in" feeling of reliance on supervisors in new manufacturing organisations, which may help competent and warning people (Katz, RL, 1955). Partially because of taxation systems, mainly since the immediate survival requirements were satisfied and household spending interests changed to longer-term issues, and mainly because of structural factors for fertility patterns and survival, employees in health care, retirement and other marginal compensation sought and earned a larger percentage of their employment incentives. Then the increasing prices of these non-wage incentives were exacerbated by workers who originally deemed them inexpensive substitutes to regular compensation of salaries (Magnum G. L, 1986).

Lack of communication Unitel follows the centralised organisational structure where supervisors have the supreme authority of making decision for all its activities. This shows no involvement of employees within the decision-making process where they do not have any chance to discuss or to share their way of thinking towards the new plan. There is a low level of transmitting information among supervisors and their employees in the company[ CITATION Bon16 \l 16393 ]. This shows ineffectiveness of internal communication within the company where each member of Unitel understand the Vision 2022 differently showing disagreement with other employees on some aspects of the new corporate strategy. Therefore, this program did not achieved consensus among employees where most of them were feeling stressed in terms of adapting the company’s new culture. Also, this shows the large gap of understanding in relation to the Vision 2022 strategic program among supervisors and employees which is leading towards internal conflicts.

Low Union involvement In the companies, union plays a key role acting as a bridge for connecting an organization and its employees. When there is a collective agreement, the union work as a third-party representing employees in terms of bargaining the salary or working conditions in the workplace. Additionally, they also represent supervisor to select a capable employees involving their effective contribution towards the organizational goals. It ensures that both parties could get benefits under the trade union contribution. However, in the case of Unitel, the supervisors might fail to realise the union’s important contribution towards the company. There is less support of the company towards the union which shows their no influence on the discussion relating to Unitel’s new cultural change. This shows no protection to the employees’ rights and voice by the union within the company[ CITATION Cre132 \l 16393 ]. It leads towards employees leaving the company or not following the commitments at the time of arising conflict among the supervisors and employees. In Unitel, employees have the less power than their supervisor which is non-negotiable that also leads towards the company losing turnover when the employees start to quit the job. Lastly, it is important for the company to spend their money and time in the selection and training of new employees for filling those vacant positions. On a limited platform, jobs feedback was tolerated. Consequent threats were illustrated. Techniques of some organisations involve open-door policy, personality polls, processes for complaint, and union representation. On a broad variety of topics, staff engagement was welcomed. Highlighted associate advantages. The Modern listed companies Theory (Walton R, 1985).

Social Responsibility We performed a comprehensive research review and obtained clear "codes" for how employment is structured. for everything: tools, services, and communities, as well as work material and processes, we found guidelines. Depending on their conceptual framework focus, such principles were then analysed and sorted into separate classes. four work-design approaches resulted; these methods then established the justification for a survey on workforce planning (Carroll A.B, 1979).

Personal Development

Unitel apprenticeship involves scheduled off-the-job period for structured university studies as well as for other break time from the daily work. For e.g., at the time of one tour, they engaged in making an internship demonstration to Unitel's police learning in the region and created banners for show at the job interview of a public school. They were still seeking to arrange a funded event to collect funds for a charitable cause as president of the Unitel internship community (to which present and former apprentices necessarily apply) (Fuller A, 2003).

Stakeholder It is too simple for stakeholder-based strategies to engagement being utilized disingenuously and delicately by workers willing to tie workers into a narrative of competence and business, for instance where worker involvement is implemented for cost-cutting purposes, but encouraged on the basis of worker interest in decision-making (Greenwood M.R., 2002).

Career paths In this, Unitel should determine if its workers can develop large or specific career opportunities. The wider the roads, the better the potential for workers to learn talents that are important to multiple operational fields and to achieve recognition and awareness throughout the business. Either a wide or a specific future job will increase the development of expertise and prospects for advancement by an worker, but the time period for wide ability development is expected to be so much greater than the development of a more restricted personal expertise (Schuler RS, 1987).

HRM practices 1. In terms of internal conflict prevention in Unitel, it is important to apply potential HRM practices including ‘employee involvement’ within the decision-making process. This will help them in contributing towards the new corporate strategy of the company which will increase its profitability as well[ CITATION Mar134 \l 16393 ]. It is possible through direct and indirect communication among supervisors and employees which will enhance their motivation as well towards the company’s new culture change along with effective cooperation for achieving the outcome. 2. Another practice that can be used is ‘coaching and mentoring’ that makes Unitel to support its employees through these different training courses. It is helpful in

improving and developing knowledge and skills of the company’s employees that lead towards gaining organizational goals along with focusing on guiding and sharing experience for enhancing their performance within the rapid changing business environment[ CITATION Chi151 \l 16393 ]. This is possible by identifying key difficulties faced by the employees, selection of training courses, and performance management. 3. One more practice suggested is ‘expectancy theory’ where employees of Unitel might not work effectively if not rewarded. It is essential to give rewards to them for increasing motivation to work effortlessly. This theory helps in creating the belief that better the reward, better the outcome by employees while considering their individual effort and efficiency towards achieving the organizational goals effectively[ CITATION Suc13 \l 16393 ]. 4. Last practice to suggest is ‘partnership agreement’ which will help Unitel to avoid the conflict between their supervisors and the trade union through cooperation as a partner benefiting employees as well. It is a commitment which requires sharing common interests between the company, trade union, and employees[ CITATION Rob131 \l 16393 ]. The role of union in the company can help in balancing the interests among Unitel and the trade union through their increasing involvement in the decision-making process. This practice is considered as a sustainable solution that can enable equal distribution of benefits to the company, union, and its employees. It involves process including forming the general rules, resolving disagreements, and share information. The principle of acknowledgement has been helpful in trying to understand message-based communication and to better define main aspects that would enable workers to accept and perceive communications equally. workers are predicted to assume cause-effect inferences from these interactions in the HRM background to decide what actions are relevant, predicted, and promoted. We performed a comprehensive research review and obtained clear "codes" for how employment is structured. for everything: tools, services, and environments, as well as work material and processes, we found guidelines. Depending on their theoretical framework focus, such principles were then analysed and separated into four classes. four work-design approaches resulted; these methods then established the justification for a survey on performance appraisal (Campion M, 1987). We suggest that it would establish a good circumstance where the HRM framework is viewed as large in uniqueness, continuity, and

agreement. Use message-based communication and social impact research, we elaborate nine meta-features of HRM structures that establish differentiation, continuity, and agreement, establishing a clear scenario of impact in which workers discuss the problem's structures (Bowen D, 2004). Vari...

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