Bsbldr 502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships Assessment PDF

Title Bsbldr 502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships Assessment
Course Leadership
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LEad and manage effective workplace relationships...


Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

ASSESSMENTS V 1.0 Business Services Training Package BSB UNIT CODE: BSBLDR502 UNIT NAME: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships




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DATE: ASSESSMENT LOCATION: AQF Level: Level 5 Application of Knowledge and skills


Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility in known or changing contexts and within broad but established parameters

AT1: Assessment Activities AT2: Knowledge Questions AT3: Projects All assessments are to be submitted/completed by due date and satisfactorily completed in order for competency in this unit to be demonstrated.


If you would like a copy of the mapping document that outlines this Unit of Competency and the Performance Criteria, Critical Aspects and Essential Knowledge and Skills required to be demonstrated please refer to the Student Drive. For further information that relates to assessments please refer back to your Student Handbook on the Student Drive.

NOTE: You must type your answers in Word Doc and email the whole file to [email protected] and keep a copy of the email responder as proof of submission. /home/www-data/deploy-task-2021-0430_18_46_00/storage/pdfconv/d68ec800d89d0ac007f7b675b94209bb/d68ec800d89d0ac007f7b67 5b94209bb.docx Author: Rae Hilhorst Last Updated: May 2016 1|Pag e

Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

When sending the email, please put the unit code and your name as the subject. E.g. Jisun Han – Unit code: BSBLDR502 You must keep a copy of the assessment in your own USB Drive.

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Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

AT1 Assessment Activities Activity 1 1.

Provide three examples of performance indicators that might be used to measure the achievement of work responsibilities for a job of your choosing.

Measuring workers achievements of work responsibilities is definitely not an easy task. It is important complying right measures because it helps an organisation to determine and measure progress for its goals and objectives. Three examples of performance indicators that might be used to measure the achievement of work responsibilities for a job of I am choosing can be:

Performance appraisal forms

Policies and procedures

Job description


Provide two examples of the feedback hamburger that might be used to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities.

Feedback hamburger is an effective method and communication tool when giving critical feedback to workers in order to change their work performance or behaviour. Using that helps to avoid any negative emotions and thoughts that might occur because it starts always with good ideas, second “layer” is constructive criticism and it always ends with high note of encouragement. Two examples can be:

I am really impressed with your presentation, although you have been working here just couple of months. You are doing well! However, you were relying on your presentation notes too much. Next time try to write down just main points which help you to remind what you are going to talk about and keeping you on track. Other than that I can see that you have worked hard with it and put so

much energy into this. Keep up the good work! You have made a great effort with an article. However, did you notice that you had some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes there? Do you mind if I just check your notes next time to make sure that you did not get anything wrong? (A discussion continues). By the way, the client loved it! Well done!

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Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502


Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

How often do you think information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities should be communicated to workers? Explain.

It depends on the workplace and role but I believe that formal discussion about workers performances appraisals is needed at least twice a year (after every six months) or often e.g. after every three months. Although, informal communication about workers performances can be done daily or weekly because sometimes leader wants to express his/her gratefulness with a simple “well done” or discuss problems that might occur. Activity 2 1.

You are considering changing procedures related to organising staff rosters. This is likely to affect the hours employees work.

First of all I would organize staff meeting where I would give clear explanation about ongoing changes. Then I would involve employees to decision making process, so they could present their opinions. Changes usually bring stress in the workplace, so it is important to involve all the employees in the meeting. Final decision is made after discussion and is arranged by all the parties. Finally, is essential to inform everyone about all the changes that have been done to avoid any misunderstandings. 2.

Do you have a legal responsibility to consult workers in this instance?

Yes, definitely I have a legal responsibility to consult workers in this instance. We are obliged to follow Equal Opportunity Act 1984 which protects and eliminates discrimination against persons on the basis of any of these attributes: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. “Staff and students are protected in all aspects of the employment, education and/or training relationship, which includes: recruitment and selection, employment terms and conditions, promotion, transfers, access to benefits, appraisal/annual review, assessment of performance, dismissal and post-termination (such as providing references).” (Equal Opportunities - Equality Legislation It is everyone’s legal right to get an opportunity to suit in and if worker’s rights have been misused he/she has rights to complaint about it. So, according to law all the employers are liable to give everybody equal opportunity.

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Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502


Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

If you were going to consult worker about staff rosters, what method would you use consult employees to ensure they have an opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role? Why?

When it is a small company we can do weather face-to-face meeting or group meeting where everyone can contribute the problems related to their work role. Face-to-face or group meeting is always a good idea because it helps to seek information and share different views, everyone is involved and their voices are heard. It is certainly useful because it adds value when making decision. If it is a big organisation then we need to ensure that everyone is informed about it. Another way is giving workers feedback forms where they can point out all the information and ideas related to their work role. In that case, I should make sure to involve employees early, so that everyone has enough time to make decisions. 4.

What feedback would you provide to workers on the outcome of the consultation?

Giving feedback helps to measure progress toward organisational business goals and objectives. I would manage feedback in a way to improve business efficiency and performance to reach its goals. I would provide workers all the important information that was discussed, including meeting agenda, new policies and procedures, any changes such as changes in their job roles and responsibilities etc. After meeting I would send all the information either through email or hardcopy. Activity 3 You lead a team of employees. A number of them have raised an issue that is affecting their ability to meet set targets. Specifically, they have advised you that the budget they are working with does not allow them to secure the resources needed to effectively carry out their job. 1.

List the six steps in process you would implement to try to resolve the issue raised promptly.

Insufficient budged definitely can prevent workers productivity. We can either increase our budget or decrease expenses. The six steps I would do to resolve the issue raised promptly would be:

finding out all the facts

checking policies and procedures

eliminating costs

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Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

researching less-costly alternatives

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using less-costly alternatives investigating


Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

After implementing the steps in the previous question, you find that they only way to solve the problem is to provide workers with more financial resources; however, you do not have the authority to increase their budgets. What should you do?

I would go to senior management and explain the issues that team is experiencing. I would propose them to do a meeting where head of the organisation is invited. We have to make clear purpose of the meeting and focus its objective. In that case I would explain that it is a necessary part of developing my department and in order to business success and its continuous growth it is needed to increase workers budgets. Moreover, I would come out clear explanations why do we need additional funding: physical resources (my team) and material resources e.g. better technology and what benefits increase will bring. After meeting it is important to give feedback to the team and clarify what are the negotiations. The meeting is more about the consultation than strategy. Activity 4 1.

You have recently hired a woman from a Muslim background who wears a hijab. After a short time within the organisation she tells you that she does not feel comfortable in the workplace. Specifically, she tells you that: o

other workers have made derogatory statements about her religion


there are pictures hung around the office that she finds offensive


she has been told that she cannot observe religious requirements like prayer time she has been told that she cannot wear the hijab because it does not


form part of the organisation’s uniform Identify seven policies or responses you could implement to address these issues.

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Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

Culture is complex and dynamic. Nowadays cultural diversity in the workplace is common phenomenon. For this reason all the workers have to be aware of discrimination and all the acts which are associated with it such as Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Sex Discrimination Act 1984, Age Discrimination Act 2004, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986. So I would involve antidiscrimination in organizational policies and procedures. In that case I would use follow ways:

Open communication strategies

Support diversity

Equal opportunity

Awareness to the importance of cross-cultural knowledge

Acknowledge need for religious spaces in workplace

Enable to wear religious dress at work

No workplace bullying or harassment between workers from different backgrounds


You have found that a number of employees are not adhering to the ethical values of the organisation. When you talk to them about this, they tell you that they were unaware that what they were doing was wrong and that they have never seen the organisation’s code of ethics. Identify eight things you could do to make existing employees aware of their ethical responsibilities.

Code of ethics is important document for any business and it is absolutely necessary to make sure that its availability for all the workers and stakeholders. In this situation I would do following to make existing employees aware of their ethical responsibilities:

Reveal organisation’s code of ethics on the walls (widely accessible)

Make it available in an organisation’s website

Provide special meetings or trainings to introduce organisation’s ethic policy

Appraisal matrix

Make action plans

Give out handbooks with organisation’s code of ethics

Send out emails with all the information about code of ethics

Introduce ethic policy for new workers during the orientation

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Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

Activity 5 1.

How would you define trust in one sentence?

Trust is when you believe something or someone is safe, honest, respectful and harmless with you and you can rely on that person. 2.

Identify and describe two traits that you have that would help you to gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contacts. Provide an example of a time when you demonstrated each trait.

Gaining and maintaining trust in the workplace can be quite challenging process. Trust in a workplace is extremely important because it helps to work as an effective team who share their ideas and cooperate together. I believe I have built the trust with my current colleagues. Loyalty and hardworking are traits that I have and that might helped me build the trust with them. Since I started to work in my current workplace I have been truly loyal to my company. I am trying to do my best and work as hard as I can. I have been coming to work most of the times they have needed me and they know that they can rely on me in busy times. Other traits are my honesty and reliability. I tell the truth when colleagues ask my opinion and we communicate openly. Reliability means that they can count on me to get the job done. 3.

Identify and describe the type of behaviour you find most damaging to trusting relationships. Explain how it might affect relationships with external relationships (50–100 words).

If there is no trust in work relationships then different sorts of problems start to arise. Furthermore it affects organizational goals and success. One behaviour that irritates me is disrespectful and impolite attitude toward other part either it is a friend, partner or a colleague. People like that ignore their work tasks, they like gossiping, they are not conscientious etc. Dealing with such people is just annoying and their behaviour certainly affects relationships. Unreliability is another behaviour that destroys work-related relationships. An example from that kind of behaviour can be stakeholder who does not keep his/her word. Sometimes we just depend on someone but if they do not show up to work without any explanation then we cannot rely on them and it is destroying trust in relationships. /home/www-data/deploy-task-2021-0430_18_46_00/storage/pdfconv/d68ec800d89d0ac007f7b675b94209bb/d68ec800d89d0ac007f7b67 5b94209bb.docx Author: Rae Hilhorst Last Updated: May 2016 8|Pag e

Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

Activity 6 1.

You want to take a new worker to lunch to find out how they are settling into their job. The person does not speak English as a first language and you are worried that you will not be able to make yourself understood over a meal. How might you adjust own interpersonal communication styles to converse with the person successfully taking cultural diversity and language issues into account? Provide at least 20 examples in a bullet point list.

To build and keep work relationships it is important to know how to communicate people with different backgrounds. In this situation I would: 1) Use body language 2) Show facial expressions 3) Talk slowly 4) Talk clearly 5) Ask translator or someone who can speak worker’s mother tongue to make him/her comfortable 6) Download his/her language dictionary app to my phone 7) Send an email or letter in his/her own language 8) Show active listening 9) Eye contact (if culture does allow it) 10) Ask questions if needed 11) Repeat myself if needed 12) Show positive attitude 13) Be tolerant 14) Point at things which is related with the topic 15) Use signs/pictures/posters 16) Use pen and paper and also offer it for the worker /home/www-data/deploy-task-2021-0430_18_46_00/storage/pdfconv/d68ec800d89d0ac007f7b675b94209bb/d68ec800d89d0ac007f7b67 5b94209bb.docx Author: Rae Hilhorst Last Updated: May 2016 9|Pag e

Assessments Unit Code: BSBLDR502

Unit Name: Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

17) Express in other words to achieve greater clarity 18) Give him/her feedback form before meeting, so that he/she has time to prepare 19) Stay patient 20) Ask her opinion where do go for a lunch 21) Pay the bill 2.

Provide three examples of unethical communication.

Different people display a mixture of various attributes according to the situation and people who are involved in it. Sometimes it is so easy to communicate with a person who you are not familiar and sometimes communicating with a person that you know seems so complicated. We all have had situations where we have to deal with unethical communication. Three of the unethical communication:

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