Bsbldr 504 AE Pro 2of2 (1) Implement diversity in the workplace D PDF

Title Bsbldr 504 AE Pro 2of2 (1) Implement diversity in the workplace D
Author Riri songs
Course Diploma of Leadership and Management
Institution TAFE New South Wales
Pages 23
File Size 946.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 96
Total Views 139


1: Scope, review and recommendations
For an organisation for which you are familiar with or Plan2Go, choose one area of work that is impacted by diversity such as recruitment and selection, performance management, workplace design, leave or remuneration.
Name of organisation that Task 1 ...


Project Assessment (Event 2 of 2) Criteria Unit code, name and release number BSBLDR504 Implement diversity in the workplace (Release 1)

Qualification/Course code, name and release number BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management (Release 3)

Student details Student number Student name

Assessment Declaration Note: If you study online, you will submit this assessment and complete this declaration in your online platform. This assessment is my original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned. I understand that plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. No part of this assessment is plagiarised. Student signature and Date

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© 2020 TAFE NSW, Sydney RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank

The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2020, and should not be reproduced without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time of printing: 6 December 2021. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as appropriate.

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Assessment instructions Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge required to:    

scope workplace diversity integrate diversity into workplace operations implement diversity across the workplace review and evaluate diversity in the workplace review and develop policies related to diversity.

 Assessment Event number

2 of 2

Instructions for this assessment

This is a project-based assessment and will be assessing you on your knowledge and performance of the unit. This assessment consists of two parts: 1. Scope, review and recommendations 2. Implement diversity This assessment also contains: Appendix Assessment feedback

Submission instructions

On completion of this assessment, you are required to upload it or hand it to your trainer for marking. If you study online, you will submit this assessment by uploading it in your online platform. Ensure your name is at the bottom of each page of this assessment. It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do to To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all parts must be completed to a satisfactory level. achieve a satisfactory result? All parts of the observable task must be performed to a satisfactory level as indicated in the criteria section of the Assessor Observation Checklist. This may involve your assessor, allowing you to resubmit some of your answers. Alternatively, your teacher/assessor may ask you additional

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Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge required to:    

 Assessment Event number

scope workplace diversity integrate diversity into workplace operations implement diversity across the workplace review and evaluate diversity in the workplace review and develop policies related to diversity.

2 of 2

questions to confirm your understanding and knowledge of the topic area. What do I need to provide?

If working off-campus, a computer with internet access to complete electronically and upload the assessment and/or pen to handwrite your responses. Training materials and other research you have completed to refer to while completing the answers.

What the assessor will provide?

Where completed on-campus, access to a computer with working internet to complete electronically and upload the assessment.

Due date and time allowed

The assessment must be submitted by the due date noted on the Unit Assessment Guide. If you study online, you can find assessment due dates/time allowed/venue information on your online platform on the Assessments page or in your Training plan. You should allow a minimum of six hours to complete this assessment. You may need additional time for preparation, research and revision to ensure you have responded to each question satisfactorily.


Part 1 is an unsupervised, out-of-class assessment. Part 2 may be supervised in-class or unsupervised out-of-class. Your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you. This may include oral questioning, comparison with in-class work samples, or observation.

Assessment feedback, review or appeals

In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment. If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any

Document title: BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 Resource ID: TBS_18_005_BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2

Page 4 of 23 STUDENT NAME:

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge required to:    

 Assessment Event number

scope workplace diversity integrate diversity into workplace operations implement diversity across the workplace review and evaluate diversity in the workplace review and develop policies related to diversity.

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concerns about your results, contact your Teacher or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer. Contact your Head Teacher for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.

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Specific task instructions The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities below will be used by the assessor to determine whether the tasks and activities have been satisfactorily completed. Use these instructions and criteria to ensure you demonstrate the required skills and knowledge. The objective of the assessment event is to scope workplace diversity, review and develop policies related to diversity and identify opportunities for improvement for either: -

an organisation for which you are familiar with; or


Plan2go (research Plan2go policies and procedures from

Your answers should be written in the text boxes or the tables provided, and the word count is indicated in the questions below. Answers must include Harvard in-text referencing where appropriate, as well as a reference list at the end of the document. Information on using Harvard referencing can be found in the TAFE NSW Harvard Referencing Guide (

This assessment has three parts: 

Part 1: Scope, review and recommendations

Part 2: Implement diversity

To complete these parts: 

read task questions and instructions carefully

undertake the necessary research

type the responses in the tables and text boxes below

On completion of this assessment submit by the due date: 

BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 document with signed Assessment Declaration on page 1.

copies of, or links to, workplace documents related to Question 1.

Document title: BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 Resource ID: TBS_18_005_BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2

Page 6 of 23 STUDENT NAME:

Part 1: Scope, review and recommendations For an organisation for which you are familiar with or Plan2Go, choose one area of work that is impacted by diversity such as recruitment and selection, performance management, workplace design, leave or remuneration. Name of organisation that Task 1 and 2 are based on: Plan2go Area of work impacted by diversity: Record one area of work 1.

For the area of work you are basing this assessment on: a. List current policies, procedures, processes and plans (attach a copy or link to the work documents which you may de-identify if required). Establish where diversity integration meets the needs of your organisation and diverse persons. Your response should be approximately 150-200 words.

The Workforce Diversity Policy provides a framework for Plan2go to achieve a diverse and skilled workforce that reflects the diversity clients and customers and leads to better engagement to deliver responsive customer service People and Culture Crew > Plan2go ( The Equal Employment Opportunities Act 1987 (Cth) • The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) • The Work, Health and Safety Act 2011 • Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) • Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) • Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) • Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) • Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) Policy purpose: This Workforce Diversity Po... Policy purpose: This Workforce Diversity Policy is a committed by Plan2go to create a workplace that is complete and inclusive and builds a workforce which better reflects the diversity of our crew, clients and customers. Recruitment and Selection Policy: Plan2go’s objective is to recruit, select and appoint the

Document title: BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 Resource ID: TBS_18_005_BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2

Page 7 of 23 STUDENT NAME:

best people available for positions. Through its recruitment and selection procedures the Plan2go aims to ensure equal treatment of all applicant. The policy and procedure applies staff positions of Plan2go Ref: Recruitment and Selection Policy ( Workforce Diversity Policy (

b. Identify and describe two barriers to inclusive engagement or diversity. Your response should be approximately 150-200 words. People are often unaware of the ways in which their beliefs and perceptions of others affect their behavior—and the result can be an exclusive workplace culture. Language barriers: Poor Communication Skills, Two people with poor communication skills may fail to grasp each other's intended meaning when having a discussion. Also taking in consideration English as a Foreign Language, some workers may not speak English as a native language. Even with a high level of fluency in English, some idioms or words could still cause misunderstanding to a non-native speaker. Resistance to change: One of the largest barriers to increased workplace diversity can be resistance to change. As new policies and employees are brought into an organization, there maybe those who are resistant to the changes happening. Those who are resistant to change can cause offense and harm to diverse employees, by making them feel they are not wanted and don’t belong. c. After monitoring and reviewing recommend to management three changes current policies, procedures and processes to improve inclusiveness and diversity. The recommendations should: 

be legally compliant

positively impact on diversity

meet the needs of the organisation and diverse persons

be easily incorporated by the team into work activities

support inclusive behaviours.

Your response should be approximately 50-100 words.

Document title: BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 Resource ID: TBS_18_005_BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2

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-Acknowledge holidays of all cultures, one way to build awareness of diversity and foster greater inclusivity is to be aware of and acknowledge a variety of upcoming religious and cultural holidays. -Recognition of cultural and linguistic diversity: By providing training and Identify ways to encourage diversity in the workplace, and prevent and discourage discrimination - Rooms provided for staff use for prayer, it shows your commitment to diversity

d. Identify four risks associated with your plans in Q 1c and determine solutions. Your response should be approximately 50-100 words. *Resisting to change: The current workforce includes at least three generations, all of which have a radically different relationship with technology, by Incorporating different content types, like video, written notes, and graphics, to cater for different learning preferences. *Lack of engagement: Establish an active learning culture and make all employees feel like a part of that culture, can boost emotional engagement. This emotional investment leads to increased learning *Financial issue: Facilitation, equipment, venue hire, and the cost of employees’ time (those hours add up!) all make training an expensive undertaking. *Coaching & monitoring: Teach new skills with a clear learning plan in place also by helping staff to solve problems in new ways.

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e. Complete the table below by sequencing and scheduling the activities required to implement one of your recommended strategies in Question 1c. The workforce plan should list tasks to achieve your desired outcome and include: 

key actions in a logical sequence

changes to policies, procedures, processes or documentation as required

support for individuals and teams

coaching/training (internal or external)

monitoring and feedback.

Table 2 Implementation plan




Who is taking responsibility for actions (job titles only)

Due date

Main actions

Cul t ur al Sensi t i vi t y Tr ai ni ng

1/ 2daysessi on Manageror perweekf or1 Tr ai ni ngmanager s mont h

For example, Week 1, Week 2

Communication Meetings, emails, announcements, reports

Meet i ngsandr epor t s

Tr ai ni ngt i t l e: Ext er nal Faci l i t at or Embr aci nga &HRTr ai ni ngi n Cul t ur eofDi ver s i t y char ge &I ncl usi on

1/ 2daysessi on per t eam/ depar t ment ( Wi t hi naweek, dependi ngon companysi z e)

Memor andum and emai l

Team Bui l di ng

Ev er ysi xmont hs

Meet i ngsand announcement s


Part 2: Implement diversity Task 1: Consultation

Document title: BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 Resource ID: TBS_18_005_BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2

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Your manager has asked you to take actions to implement diversity at work in relation to ‘reasonable adjustments’ for employees. 1.

Explain the concept of reasonable adjustment with research from the Australian Human Rights Commission website: Your response should be approximately 50 to 100 words.

Some people with disabilities can face barriers at work because of how their work situation is organised. In many cases, these barriers can be removed by changing some feature of the workplace environment. Making these changes is commonly referred to as ‘reasonable adjustment’. Employers have a accountability to make reasonable adjustments to the workplace so that an employee with a disability can do their job effectively. Failure to do so may amount to discrimination. Changes should respond to the particular needs or concerns of the worker. Examples of adjustments include making changes to work premises, making adjustments to work schedules, adapting equipment or providing training (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021).


Research industry practices and provide three examples of reasonable adjustments at work. Your response should be approximately 50 to 100 words.

A – Providing the right type of phone for an employee who uses a hearing aid B – Arranging for an interview to be held on the ground floor for a job applicant who uses wheelchair C – Replacing a desk chair with one designed for an employee who has a disability affecting their back (Acas, 2021)

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Consult with a minimum of four people, representing the team and management. The purpose of the consultation is to champion the benefits of diversity within the workplace and seek feedback on particular needs at work which may require reasonable adjustment. You will be expected to: 

Select and use appropriate inclusive language and behaviour

Adapt your communication style to build trust and positive working relationships

The consultation may take place in the classroom, online (via Skype or Adobe Connect) or offsite. Your assessor will observe the consultation, using the Assessor Observation Checklist in the assessment feedback section. This checklist highlights critical aspects you need to demonstrate during the consultation that your assessor needs to observe. Students completing online can digitally record the consultation and submit as evidence. Refer to Appendix 1 for video and audio upload instructions. Summarise the feedback you received. Your response should be approximately 50 to 100 words. After consulting with the team the new reasonable adjustment, the team was pleased with the changes and were wondering if more training will be provided, advised we will arrange for training, also organised for another meeting to discuss more in details as it was requested.

Document title: BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2 Resource ID: TBS_18_005_BSBLDR504_AE_Pro_2of2

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Task 2: Policy Develop a ‘reasonable adjustment’ policy for the organisation to implement diversity. The policy should:  

state the policy’s purpose and objectives list the relevant other relevant organisational policies and legislative framework

explain management’s commitment to diversity and inclusion

 

provide for internal and external training and coaching relevant to the topic state the requirements for regular monitoring and review of work practices to continuously improve diversity and inclusiveness.

You may use a policy template from you...

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