Bsbldr 513 Task 2 Communicate with influence PDF

Title Bsbldr 513 Task 2 Communicate with influence
Author Daneeal Adil
Course Bachelor of Science
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 26
File Size 1.8 MB
File Type PDF
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Download Bsbldr 513 Task 2 Communicate with influence PDF


BSB50215 Diploma of Business BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management BSBLDR513 Communicate with influence Task 2

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

Questioning Assessment Candidate Instructions You will complete questions for purposes of formal assessment as per the questions outlined in the questioning record below, and any additional probing or clarification questions required by the assessor. The Knowledge Activity is designed to confirm your competency for all the required knowledge in the unit of competency. Task Details There is no restriction on the length of the question responses, or time restriction in completing the assessment. It is anticipated that the assessment will take approximately 6 hours to complete. The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly indicate “Re-submission” on your resubmitted work. You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material as may be needed. All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to be completed satisfactorily. For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior assessment. Evidence to be collected Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organizational requirements. In undertaking this assessment task, you as the candidate are providing consent for your work to be reviewed for the purposes of formal assessment in the unit(s) of competency. If you have concern regarding this permission, please discuss this with your assessor prior to undertaking the task.

To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.


Candidate Declaration Candidate name: Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

Trainer’s name: Date:


Assessment declaration: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted. I declare that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action. Candidate signature: Your trainer and assessor will be grading your work and provide you with constructive feedback on the Learning Management system.

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

Task 2 – Performance and Skills Assessment General instructions Learners have to put into practice what they have learnt during class about communicating effectively. This assessment is divided into three parts: Part A:

Preparing for a meeting (completed one week before group work activity)

Part B:

Meeting role play (completed as part of an observed group class activity)

Part C:

Minutes, Summary and Self-reflection (completed after group work activity)

To complete the assessment, a scenario has been created which will act as a simulated workplace. In cooperation with two of your classmates, you will act as managers for a company tasked to solve workplace problems. Read through the scenario carefully and complete all parts of the assessment.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO LEARNERS:  This section forms part of a classroom activity that must be observed by your Trainer.  If you do not undertake this group work activity in class, you will not pass this unit.  Only cases where a medical or family emergency prevented a learner from attending class will be considered in an appeal.  Make sure that your Trainer have signed the observation checklist provided at the end of this assessment. Scan the signed checklist and upload this together with Task 2 onto the portal.

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

Scenario – Block House Investments Introduction to company Block House Developments (BHD) is a real estate development company that provides affordable accommodation for learners. The vision for BHD is to become the market leader in learner accommodation, by providing quality individual living spaces as well as communal living arrangements where learners can build a community and share resources. These communal living spaces include facilities such as a library, BBQ area and a games room. This can help their tenants to form a learner community where they can share books, meals and take part in fun activities. The company has constructed its first apartment building and have just completed its first year of operations. However, the company currently faces several problems that must be addressed, namely: 

After one year of operations, only 50% of the rooms are occupied. The company wants to increase its occupancy rate. However, the sales team don’t get any commissions for obtaining clients so they lack motivation. The company also don’t have an advertising or marketing strategy to attract more tenants.

The company initially told learners that it would provide access to a gym and swimming pool for its tenants, but later on decided not to provide these facilities due to the costs involved. Some of the tenants are now complaining that these facilities are not available to them.

As the company had lower revenues this year, it had to take out a high interest cash loan of $400,000 to help cover its operational costs. The interest payments on this loan is very high and it is now negatively impacting the cash flow position of the company.

After the first year of operations, the company is able to spend $100,000 to help solve the above problems.

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

Part A – Meeting Preparation The General Manager of BHD has asked that you meet with two of your colleagues to solve the problems listed above. A brief summary of the responsibilities for each of these team members is provided below: 

Marketing Manager. Responsible for designing and executing a marketing plan, managing the sales team and increasing the number of tenants.

Financial Manager. Responsible for managing and controlling spending and putting in place strategies to ensure the long-term financial viability of the business.

Operations Manager. Responsible for maintenance of buildings and infrastructure, customer service and solving complaints from tenants.

1. Identify who can assist in the resolution of the problems BHD are facing and who else needs to be involved and informed by completing the following: (a) Describe how each of the team members can contribute to resolving the problems BHD are facing. (60 words) Marketing Manager Build trust with the people on your sales team. Ask their direct reports how they like to be managed. Understand their direct reports' personal and professional goals. Make sure they're covering the basics. Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Figure out where the issue lies. Look for positive metrics in your tracking systems: Sales activity metrics can be a great way to find small wins that demonstrate steps in the right direction. She can look for improvements in overall sales activities: total number of calls made, demos booked, and prospecting emails sent. She can also find improvements in email metrics: open rate, clicks, reply rate, and reduction in email bounce rate. Financial Manager Stays in the black and turns a profit; Has a healthy balance sheet; ; Generates good cash flow. Attaining financial success starts with a financial assessment that’s based on historical record and future projections. By looking at the past to help plan and predict the future, he can gain much better control over our company’s financial performance. A good financial plan gives us a detailed picture of the financial health of our business and the viability of our strategic plan. It also helps us know whether we’re getting off track during implementation so we can Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

take action before anything serious occurs — like running out of cash. Operations Manager Listen to the Complaint One of the best skills anyone can have is to actually listen. You need to actually listen to what your tenant is telling you and not assume they are overreacting. Being respectful and understanding of the tenant's issue may help to keep the tenant calm and will help you to be more receptive to their problem. Be Accessible If a tenant feels they can never reach you, they will be easily frustrated. This isn't to say that a tenant should be able to reach you 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Show Genuine Concern Dismissing a tenant’s concern is a quick way to create hostility. Regardless of how you feel about how valid their complaint is, you must always make them feel that their complaint is important and that you will do everything in your power to fix it as soon as possible. You want the tenant to feel that you are on their side, rather than being their evil landlord nemesis. Be Professional You must always conduct yourself in a professional manner. This is your business and you cannot allow emotions to cloud your judgment.

2. Formulate your own personal position for each of the problems by completing the following: (a) Based on the information provided in the case study, list 2 other stakeholders you can consult with. Companies to make a partnership. Once we don’t have budget to pay gym and pool for our tenants, we can try to make partnership with companies to guarantee those services with discount or even for free for our customers. Customer Service. To guarantee our tenants satisfaction we need to contact our customer services, this kind of staff is capable of best communication skills, one must possess the following: Top-notch listening skills Patience Empathy Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

Ability to manage difficult conversations

(b) List 3 questions you can ask the sales people to help you determine your position with regards to the problem of low room occupancy. In order to improve your hotel’s occupancy rate, there are a few things you need to consider. We have to ask how to calculate your current occupancy rate, how optimal your current rate is, and whether there are specific times you should be focusing on.

If our occupancy is great on the weekends but poor during the week, or if there’s an off season where our accommodation really struggles, that’s worth investigation. It can mean that you aren’t seeing the kinds of numbers you should be.

It’s always good to know what our competition is doing, but finding that out isn’t easy and may not be possible. If that’s not something you can discover, there’s still plenty to focus on when it comes to your improving the occupancy rate at our accommodation.

(c) What are 2 reliable sources where you can get advice on the legal implications of telling the tenants that a gym and swimming pool will be provided and later deciding not to. As this legislation is often amended, especially at times of tighter rental markets, it’s imperative that landlords understand what their responsibilities are as investment property owners, as they are obligated to abide by state law.

(d) explain your position and a supporting argument for each one. Negotiation Plan 1 Pr ob le

My Position

Supporting Argument

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

m s N o in ce nti ve s fo r sal es te a m

A possible risk of using incentive rewards is that staff might begin working on a much smaller scale than they otherwise might have done. Some staff might start looking only at what they need to do in order to earn their next reward, rather than what they can do to best benefit your business.

Create a broad, multi-faceted incentive programme that rewards staff for more than meeting quotas – Reward them for imaginative thinking, creative ideas, and unique solutions. Consider a bigger end-ofyear reward for the whole business, like an incentive travel trip, based on how well you’ve done as a business overall, rather than each month or quarter.

N o ad ve rti si ng /

Set up a listing for your business in search engine local directories. Google and Bing both offer a free listing for local businesses. To get listed on

The service, called Yahoo Localworks,costs between $8.25 a month(billed annually) and $41.58 depending on

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

m ar ke tin g pl an

N o gy m fa cili tie s/ sw im mi ng po ol

Google, go to Google My Business To get listed on Bing, go to Bing Places for Business. Yahoo charges for local listings, but you get listed on more than Yahoo if you buy their service.

the number of directories you want to be listed in and what additional services you want to purchase. The benefit of paying:

We need negotiate discount with our tenants but in a way with no impacts in our budget.

Every situation is different. In very competitive markets where prospective tenants greatly outnumber available units, trying to negotiate values. Most likely, we will just move on to the next prospective

You have a single location to enter your data to make it consistent and available on multiple online directories that your customers might search to find what you sell.

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

tenant until he finds one willing to pay what he wants to charge. In some cases, there may even be bidding wars over highly desirable units, and leases ultimately exceed the asking price. Hi gh int er es t de bt

Get Credit Counseling Depending on your debt, income, and expenses, a credit counselor may be able to enroll you in a debt management plan. On a DMP, your creditors lower your interest rate and monthly payment.

The catch is that you can’t use your credit cards while you’re on the DMP (not that you should use them anyway) and a note goes on your credit report stating you worked with a credit counselor. You can take advantage of the lower interest rates by sending larger monthly payments and asking the credit counselor to apply the

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

additional payment to your highest rate first.

3. For each of the problems, explain the position that the relevant team members are likely to hold. The relevant team members are in brackets in the problems column. Negotiation Plan 2 Proble ms

Team Members’ Positions

No incenti ves for sales team

Because motivation is so specific to the individual, we use personal Sales incentive plans in addition to team-wide contests. Let's say I notice one of my reps seems disengaged. They're still hitting their quota, but their body language and tone-of-voice suggest they're not as enthusiastic as they used to be.

(Mark eting) No adverti sing / marke ting plan (Mark eting)

Set up our business profile or page on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Be sure your business profile includes a good description, keywords and a link to your website. Look for groups or conversations that talk about your type of products or services and participate in the conversations, but don't spam them with constant promos for what you sell.

No gym facilities / swimmi ng pool (Operati ons)

We will try to make a partnership with another accommodation near us permitting our old tenants using their pool and gym.


Pay as Much as You Can

Business College at International House RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS 02623G Level 1, 203 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000 | Floor 1, 237 Oxford St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 3 Searcy St, Darwin NT 0800 | Level 6, 601 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 [email protected]|

interes t debt (Finan cial)

Because so much of your monthly payment goes toward interest, you have to increase the number of your payments if you want to make noticeable progress toward paying off high-interest rate debts. You'll be more successful if you pay the minimum on all your other debts and put all your extra money toward a single high-interest rate debt. Once you've paid off one debt, you can work on the debt with the next highest interest rate, and so on, until you've paid all your debts.

4. For each of the problems, consider how they may be resolved. (a) Describe at least one possible solution for each problem. Negotiations 3 Proble ms

Potential Solutions

No incenti ves for sales team

Make Sure Everyone Has a Chance Your team will quickly become frustrated if the same person wins your contests over and over again. There are a few ways to prevent this from happening.

(Mark eting) First, you can exclude the salesperson in question from the competition. Maybe a salesperson dominates every single prospecting-related contest. Tell them they're not eligible for those anymore -- and make it up by placing them in a different bucket or giving her a separate contest.

It can also be helpful to create different "classes" of participants, so your top, middle, and low...

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