Bsbstr 502 Assessment Task 2 - Nyk v3 PDF

Title Bsbstr 502 Assessment Task 2 - Nyk v3
Author Martina Lascialanda
Course Diploma of Leadership and Management
Institution Greenwich University
Pages 43
File Size 2.3 MB
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AssessmentTask 2 (Nyk version 3)Facilitate continuousimprovementBSBSTR 502Student DeclarationTo be filled out and submitted with assessment responses ◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded...


Assessment Task 2 (Nyk vversion ersion 3)

Facilitate continuous improvement BSBSTR502

Student Declar Declaration ation To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses ◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s) ◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me ◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. ◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit ◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment ◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title F acilitate continuous improv ement Facilitate improvement Unit Code BSBSTR502

Student name

Astrid Sandoval Rodriguez Ethyl Ceniza Martina Lascialanda Richard Tcherniakovsky

Student ID number

59852 67656 65666 55201

Student signature

Astrid Sandoval Rodriguez Ethyl Ceniza Martina Lascialanda Richard Tcherniakovsky


Task Number



Task 2 – Es Establish tablish continuous improv improvement ement systems and processes

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement V3 2021 RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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Task summ ary and instructions summary


You must deliver/participate in:

● Presentation to management on Training in Continuous Improvement (CI) in week 5 or 6

You must submit to GOALS

● PowerPoint presentation ● Continuous Improvrement (CI) policy ● Summary of key actions for CI initiatives ● Plan-Do-Check-Act approach for one CI initative ● Populated CI register ● Email to CEO ● Decision making process ● Email to management ● Outline of knowledge management system ● Process to confirm staff is informed of CI outcomes ● Action plan Evaluation of systems and processes

Complete the follo following wing activities: You have been engaged as a consultant by MMI Education (Appendix 1) or A New Business to improve workplace practices and to introduce continuous improvement systems and processes across the organisation. The workplace practices may include: ● Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement V3 2021 RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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● Go paperless ● Manage food waste at work using brown bin solutions ● Implement energy savings policies ● Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work To do so, you will: ● Apply continuous improvement (CI) processes and systems ● Encourage departmental managers to participate in the decision-making process and commit to the improvements ● Coach and mentor departmental managers on CI ● Ensure that insights and experience from the sustainability activities are captured and shared ● Develop strategies, systems and processes to implement and sustain a continuous improvement culture

Task 2.1 CI initiatives and practices Meet with the departmental managers (your team) and use part of the meeting to deliver a training session using coaching and mentoring techniques to ensure that the managers understand what CI is and its value for the organisation. The format of the meeting will assist the managers in: ● Being ready to implement and support the CI initiatives, and ● Contributing to the business decision-making process. 1. Review the scenario (Appendix 1), the existing CI policy (Appendix 2), the learning material and conduct independent research. Prepare a training session for the managers to cover: o The definition of continuous improvement. o

The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes in the workplace.

2. Two continuous improvement models that may be suitable for the organisation. You may consider Plan Do Check Act, DMAIC or TQM approaches to CI. 3. Prepare to illustrate the current CI policy and discuss proposed improvements. 4. Prepare to conduct a brainstorming session about improving sustainability in the workplace: o

Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers

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Go paperless


Manage food waste at work using brown bin solutions


Implement energy savings policies


Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work

5. Prepare to facilitate a collaborative planning session to discuss how to implement the sustainability initiatives using a Plan Do Check Act approach. 6. Prepare to obtain a commitment to the CI initiatives from managers. 7. Prepare to negotiate and agree on responsibilities. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class and facilitate the meeting with the managers. A your Team (3-4) will play the role of the managers in simulated work conditions. Take turns to present, facilitate and train the managers (instructions provided below). The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the training session. Duration: 15 - 30 minutes (for all classmates to present and facilitate the meeting taking turns) Before the tr training aining session ● Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to cover all the required points. Submit the PP with your assessment. ● Prepare to train the managers. ● Review the current CI policy and identify improvements. ● Prepare to facilitate the brainstorming and planning session. During the tr training aining session ● Present and tr train ain on: o The definition of continuous improvement. o

The benefits of implementing continuous improvement systems and processes in the workplace.


Two continuous improvement models/approaches.

● Present and discuss: o The current CI policy and improvements. Make decisions on what improvements implement in the current policy. ● Facilitate a br brainstorming ainstorming session about improving sustainability in the workplace. Each student in the Role-Play group to facilitate the discussion on ONE of the topics below: BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement V3 2021 RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers


Go paperless


Implement energy savings policies


Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work

All initiatives must be covered, so split the topics among the group members. The outcomes of the brainstorming session must include: o o o

Three key action actionss for each sustainabilit sustainability y topic to implement the CI sustainability initiative in the workplace. A plan for the implementation of each sustainability initiative using a Plan-Do-Check-Act approach. A commitment to the implementation of CI initiatives to improve sustainability in the workplace and agreed responsibilities.

After the train training ing session 1. Document the improved CI policy and procedures. Copy and paste the improved policy in the space provided below. Use a red font to highlight the updates/improvements.

Continuous Impro Improvement vement Purpose This policy provides details of XYZ Pty Ltd (XYZ) approach to continuous improvement as part of the company culture. The purpose of the policy is to provide principles to guide the continuous improvement practices of XYZ staff and students to: ● Encourage continuous improvement in the workplace ● Ensure that all XYZ activities, processes and systems support our focus on quality This policy applies to all XYZ staff. Casual, permanent or stakeholders Pol Policy icy and Procedures: Continuous improvement (CI) is at the core of the management strategy of XYZ, and it is recognised BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement V3 2021 RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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as a competitive factor in the marketplace. CI covers all aspects of the operation of XYZ driving organisational excellence to improve value delivery to all XYZ stakeholders, including both clients and employees. By implementing a culture of continuous improvement, the company will:

● Focus on understanding and satisfying the clients ● Regularly review approaches and methods with improvement cycles and conclusions implemented ● Benchmark and regularly measure the performance of key processes ● Manage business using facts rather than opinion ● Maintain a culture of clear, open communication ● Work to reduce cycle-time in all aspects of the business ● Promote active teamwork as a normal way of achieving outcomes ● Recognise and promote improvement efforts ● Develop a culture where continuous improvement involves everyone, and the process of change becomes routine ● Develops and values key partnerships with employees, clients and other stakeholders. ● Dedicate budget, time and effort on educational and training programs to strength areas where we have identified weaknesses such as sustainability ● Provide resources and support to divulge and implement programs related to sustainability with employees, stakeholders and students. ● Develop and apply methods for measurement of results such as surveys, amount of rubbish and use of the sustainability resources provided ● Develop and maintain a CI program where ideas from different members can be taken into account, evaluated, developed and implemented.

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Several processes are used by XYZ to implement and maintain a system of continuous improvement: 1) Every area Manager is responsible for conducting a performance audit once/year and to present its findings to the CEO 2) Client and employees surveys are conducted regularly, and the results of the surveys are presented to the CEO to be discussed in the monthly management meeting 3) Complaints are an opportunity for constructive feedback to improve performance standards 4) The Marketing department is responsible for conducting external business environment analysis to monitor trends, technology and standards relevant to the industry 5) Attendance to conferences and networking events is encouraged to gather ideas for improvement 6) Professional development of staff on quality management practices is part of the management development plans 7) Quality Circle groups work cross-functionally in the organisation (with meetings scheduled each month) The HR Manager is responsible for coordinating the CI program and its initiatives.

2. Summarise the key actions to implement the CI initiatives. CI initiative Encourage sustainable eating habits by minimising the use of disposable containers

initiative)) Key actions ((Three/CI Three/CI initiative ●

Disposable containers such as coffee cups and lids, cutlery and food containers will be charged from now monthly this way: 1st time: 1 aud 2nd time: 2 aud 3rd time: 5 aud 4rd time: 10 aud Each member is only allowed to buy at

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CI initiative

Key actions ((Three/CI Three/CI initiative initiative)) tops 4 disposable items in a month.

Special rewards for the team members who do not buy disposable items during the whole month “Three coffee for free” “Three pastry items for free” “One smoothie for free”.

Develop and activate the options: “no cup required” “no container required” “no cutlery required” “no napkin required” in all the vending machines and coffee shops in the company and measure general results monthly. share these results with the team.

These initiatives are designed to encourage conscience and good practices among the team. But especially to develop sustainable habits. No matter what your actions were last month, you can always keep trying and improving.

Go paperless

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Develop a “GO paperless” campaign including managers, HR and volunteers, the goal is to show the team the

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CI initiative

Key actions ((Three/CI Three/CI initiative initiative)) consequences of the excessive use of paper on the environment.

Implement energy savings policies

Keep record of how many pieces of paper an employee prints from his/her computer during a month. And measure the progress after the “GO paperless” campaign

Develop a special initiative for managers where they can encourage the team and themselves to reduce the use of paper in their daily activities.

No use of aircon during autumn, winter or spring.

“Save electricity campaign” where all the employees are being encouraged to develop good habits, Turn off lights you are not using Turn off your laptop or computer at the end of the day Unplugged devices you are not using

Encourage the use of sustainable transportation to work

Use sunlight as much as you can campaign.

Special reward for those who walk or ride a bike to work. 20 additional minutes off at the

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CI initiative

Key actions ((Three/CI Three/CI initiative initiative)) beginning or end of the day

Special reward for those who use public transportation to work or share private transport 10 additional minutes off at the beginning or end of the day discounts on parking

Campaign with the team to promote good practices related to transport. Hybrid options, electric cars,

3. Document the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach for one of the CI initiatives (the CI initiative you facilitated the brainstorming session for). Sustainable CI Initiative: Sustain able eating habits for the use of disposable containers Plan Recognise the opportunity and plan a change

In the last months we have been observing an increase in the consumption of disposable food containers such as plastic bottles, plastic cutlery, napkins, coffee cups and lids and plastic food containers.

There have been some initiatives to encourage team members to reduce the use of these such as signboards, banners on the intranet. However, team members seem not to pay much attention to it.

The plan is to remove all of these elements from the cafeteria and coffee shops for one day to encourage staff members to bring their own. All the team members have been informed a week in advance of this change.

Do Test the change.

During Friday 04 March all the plastic containers will be removed from the coffee shops, and staff rooms in the company.

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The purpose of this initiative is to observe people's reactions, compare how many of them are prepared for the day, make some pictures and videos of good behaviour and get ideas of how those who are not prepared solve their issues during the day.


Aproximately 25% of the staff was bringing their own ceramic and metal elements from before so the project did not have a big impact on them. However, they showed a positive attitude and agreed on the plan.

Around 50% of the staff were prepared for the initiative, few of them even got additional elements for team members who forgot about it. most of all mugs and cutlery. Most of them even offered to leave the elements in the cafeteria or on their desk to keep doing it next week

10% of the team recognized they forgot about the activity but they still showed a nice attitude and tried to solve the situation without using disposable containers

The 15% remaining did not show any reactions or were not positive about the change some of their comments were:

Review the test, analyse the results, and identify what you've learned.

Act Take action based on what


The cups are already made, why should we not use them?


This is not a sanitary measure


You are denying coffee and water to us


It should be up to every person the decision to use or not disposable containers

Based on the results HR and the sustainability team develop some of the next initiatives:

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you learned in the study step.

Reinforce workshops and communication to all the team members to make the reasons for the project clear for every team member and open a space where they can get in touch and provide feedback or comment their ideas. that way they will feel included in the project

Carry out the charge and reward plan mentioned before and reinforce the idea that they will always have a new chance next month to keep trying

Adapt the coffee shops and vending machines to the program

Track the results by measuring: Team members satisfaction Money collected and awards won Measure the amount of waste in recyclable and non recyclable bins at the end of the day, and develop charts Show the charts and results with the team to encourage right actions

4. Update the CI register below, adding the improvements that were discussed during the training session: ● CI initiatives to improve practices ● Improvements to the CI Policy Dat e

Suggested Impro vement Improvement

CI Category

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Timeli ne

Respon sibil Responsibil ity

Complet ed Y/N

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Dat e

Suggested Improvement Impro vement

CI Category

04/03 /2022

Education exposition event next month to interact directly with clients

Industry engagemen t feedback


Timeli ne 3 weeks

Get a stand in the event

Respon sibil Responsibil ity Marketing manager

Complet ed Y/N N

Academic manager

Interact with potential and current students

Evaluate feedback

04/03 /2022

Record of the documents shared with the students

Audit feedback

Organize physically and virtually all the documents related to listening, reading and speaking according to level of difficulty<...

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