BX2016 Quiz 1 - notes PDF

Title BX2016 Quiz 1 - notes
Course Business Law
Institution James Cook University
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CHAPTER 1 The ________ displays a list of functions that match the first letter typed. the Formula AutoComplete The Name Box is located to the left of the formula bar. TRUE Which symbol inserted between two cell addresses indicates a range? Colon Worksheet is synonymous with workbook. FALSE Which cells are included in the sum calculated by the function =SUM(D5:G5)? D5, E5, F5, and G5 A symbol that specifies the mathematical operation, such as subtraction, is a(n) ________. arithmetic operator Pages in a workbook are referred to as ________. worksheets Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Spreadsheet II. Label III. Number value IV. Text value V. Value A. Usually used to name numeric data B. Numeric data in a cell C. Data in a cell D. The primary document used in Excel E. Character data in a cell D, A, B, E, C After the fill handle is used to copy cell content, the ________ button appears to the right of the selected cells. Auto Fill Options The ________ button inserts a function that sums selected cells. AutoSum The formula that displays in the formula bar is the ________ formula. underlying When you set a print area, the range of selected cells is named ________. Print_Area

The small green square located in the lower right corner of an active cell is the ________. fill handle A(n) ________ uses a colon to separate the beginning and ending cells. range

Because cell styles are prebuilt sets of formatting, Excel makes it easy to format cells. True Which number format adds commas where appropriate and displays two decimals? Comma Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Fill handle II. Relative cell reference III. Page Layout view IV. Normal view V. Flash Fill A. Used to adjust how a worksheet will look when it is printed B. Recognizes a pattern in data and automatically enters the rest of the data C. Maximizes the number of cells visible on the screen D. Refers to cells based on their position E. Used to copy content down rows and across columns E, D, A, C, B Underlying values can include text values, number values, or ________. formulas A column heading is represented by numbers. False View a worksheet in ________ view to see how it will look when printed. Page Layout The cell content shown in the formula bar is referred to as the ________ value. underlying A(n) ________ is a prewritten Excel formula. Function The bar, located below the Ribbon, that displays the active cell's content is the ________ bar. Formula A forward slash and an asterisk are examples of arithmetic operators. True

Themed Cell Styles is an option in the ________ gallery. Cell Styles A(n) ________ is the number that displays at the left of a row. row heading A(n) ________ cell is outlined in green. active The Excel feature that suggests values as a function is typed is called ________. Formula AutoComplete A prebuilt set of formatting characteristics included in Excel is called a(n) ________. cell style Normal view shows how a worksheet will look when it is printed. False Text is ________ if text is too long to fit in a cell and the cell to the right contains data. truncated Data that is displayed in a cell is called the ________ value. displayed A text value is generally used as a(n) ________. label The primary documents used in an Excel workbook are ________. worksheets Data that is shown in a cell is the displayed value. True You are NOT able to add new words to the Office dictionary. False

________ can be used to recognize a pattern in data and then automatically have the data entered for you. Flash Fill Placeholders for predefined headers and footers begin with ________. & When identifying a cell as C12, you are using its ________ address. cell Set a print ________ if you want to repeatedly print the same part of a worksheet. area Which is NOT an option in the Auto Fill Options menu? Paste Cells The ________ is used to perform the exponential mathematical operation. Caret

Details about a file, such as the author's name, are called the document ________. properties The ________ number format multiplies the number in the cell by 100. Percent If content exists in cell B1, and a long text value is entered into cell A1, the A1 display is ________. truncated Because cell styles are prebuilt sets of formatting, Excel makes it easy to format cells. True When a formula is copied to another cell, the cell reference changes based on the new location of the formula is a(n) ________ cell reference. relative When no cells are selected and the AutoSum button is clicked, Excel first looks ________ the active cell for a suitable range to sum. above

CHAPTER 2 The chart used to compare more than one set of values where each group of values is connected by a different line is a line chart. True Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Axis II. Category axis III. Category label IV. Value axis V. Chart A. Usually used to name numeric data B. Numeric data in a cell C. Data in a cell D. A line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of reference for measurement E. Displays the worksheet's numeric data D, A, B, E, C Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Chart layout II. Chart style III. Chart sheet IV. Pie chart V. Three-dimensional A. A prebuilt chart format B. A prebuilt set of chart elements C. A workbook sheet that contains only a chart

D. An image that appears to have all three spatial dimensions E. Illustrate the relationship of parts to a whole B, A, C, E, D

Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Series II. Text wrap III. AutoFit IV. Error indicator V. Error value A. A format that displays text on multiple lines within a cell B. Automatically changes the column width to accommodate the longest entry C. A group of items that comes one after another in succession D. Displays whenever a formula or function cannot perform its calculations E. A green triangle C, A, B, E, D A(n) ________ is a graphical representation of data. chart A chart type can be changed after a chart is created. True Pie charts are used to illustrate comparisons between individual items. False Chart styles and chart layouts affect the same chart elements and features. False The number of decimals places and the appearance commas, dollar signs, or other symbols are features of number ________. format ________ technologies adapt a computer's display for nonvisual users. Accessibility The Insert WordArt button is on the ________ tab of the Ribbon. Insert The range finder uses different colors to identify sections of a selected range that are used to create different chart elements. True The specific design of the way data is either displayed or compared in a chart is a ________. chart type The chart used to compare more than one set of values where each group of values is connected by a different line is a line chart.

True The axis on a chart that displays the numeric data from the worksheet is the ________. value axis When a column that includes numeric data is not wide enough, dollar signs will appear. False An example of a(n) ________ is #DIV/0!. error value Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Series II. Text wrap III. AutoFit IV. Error indicator V. Error value A. A format that displays text on multiple lines within a cell B. Automatically changes the column width to accommodate the longest entry C. A group of items that comes one after another in succession D. Displays whenever a formula or function cannot perform its calculations E. A green triangle C, A, B, E, D The ________ format shows text on multiple lines within a cell. Text wrap Text that is used to provide a description on an object is ________ text. alternative

When a section of a worksheet displaying numeric values is selected, the ________ appears; this is used to apply conditional formatting or to insert a chart or table based on the selected content. Quick Analysis button A ________ chart is used to illustrate comparisons of related numbers. column Chart buttons are displayed when the ________ of the chart is clicked. border Page Layout view shows how a worksheet will look when it is printed. True The specific design of the way data is either displayed or compared in a chart is a ________. chart type To illustrate the relationship of parts to a whole, analyze the data using a(n) ________ chart. pie The number of decimals places and the appearance commas, dollar signs, or other symbols are features of number ________.

format To find the biggest value in a list of numbers, use the ________ function. MAX To modify a chart's graphic effects, colors, and background, apply a chart ________. style Each cell in the blue range finder is represented by a ________, which can be a column, a bar, a dot, a slice of pie, or other appropriate symbol. data marker You can use the ________ feature to resize a column to accommodate the longest entry. AutoFit A message that appears in a cell when a formula cannot perform the specified calculations is a(n) ________. error value The range finder uses different colors to identify sections of a selected range that are used to create different chart elements. True When there is a change in a cell value in a function argument, the function display value is automatically updated to reflect that change. True By default, Excel displays numbers in General format. True In a function, the range in parentheses is the ________. argument Both long text entries and long numeric entries are truncated when the column they are in is too narrow or when there is content in the column to the right. False The ________ dialog box is used to relocate a chart to a chartsheet. Move Chart The AutoFill feature does NOT work with statistical functions. False A ________ chart is used to illustrate comparisons of related numbers. column When the Function AutoComplete list is used to enter the MAX function into an active cell, ________. double-click on the name of the function in the list When a section of a worksheet displaying numeric values is selected, the ________ appears; this is used to apply conditional formatting or to insert a chart or table based on the selected content. Quick Analysis button The AVERAGE function is an example of a(n) ________ function. statistical

A chart ________ includes prebuilt set of chart elements such as a title, a legend, or labels. layout Accessibility technologies can assist nonvisual users by adapting the display. True Another way to select a range of cells is to use the arrow keys while holding down the Ctrl key. False To view a chart separately from the worksheet data, move it to a chart ________. sheet The range finder uses different colors to identify sections of a selected range that are used to create different chart elements. True A unique color or pattern identifying data markers that belong to the same data series is displayed in the chart ________. legend When the fill handle is used to copy a cell that contains content that is part of a series, the AutoFill feature continues the series in the copy. True SUM and AVERAGE are the only functions listed in the options displayed by the AutoSum arrow. False Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Column chart II. Line chart III. Pie chart IV. Bar chart V. Area chart A. Illustrate the relationship of parts to a whole B. Emphasize the magnitude of change over time C. Illustrate comparisons among individual items D. Illustrate trends over time E. Illustrate data changes over a period of time E, D, A, C, B The ________ outlines all the cells referenced in a formula. range finder A formula that attempts to divide by zero displays both an error indicator and an error value. True

CHAPTER 3 When you select the ________ paste option, data in rows are pasted as columns. Transpose The small toolbar that contains buttons for commonly used tasks is the ________ Toolbar. Quick Access Match the following date with how it is AutoCompleted in Excel. I. 7/4/18 II. 7-4-98 III. July 4, 1998 IV. July 1998 V. July 4 A. 7/4/2018 B. 4-Jul C. Jul-98 D. 4-Jul-98 E. 7/4/1998 A, E, D, C, B When the Total style is applied to a group of worksheets, ________. all worksheets in the group receive the Total style Some mathematical operators are considered to be on the same level of precedence. True The cut and copy commands make use of temporary storage called the ________. Clipboard A ________ is a worksheet with cells referred to by summary sheet formulas. detail sheet Only visible worksheet tabs can be grouped. False To move objects by pointing to a selection and dragging it to a new location is the ________ method. drag and drop Worksheet tab names can include up to ________ characters. 31 The Snipping Toolbar contains buttons for commonly used commands. False According to operator precedence, the correct order of mathematical operations is ________. parentheses; multiplication or division; addition or subtraction An image of part of your computer screen is a screen ________. clipping

A worksheet inserted into a workbook using the New Sheet button is inserted ________. at the end of the Tab group Cell content from a worksheet can be pasted to a worksheet in another workbook. True Hyphen (-) and forward slash (/) behave identically in a date entered into the active cell. True There are several ways to delete cell content. True The keyboard shortcut to insert the current date, obtained from your computer, is ________. Ctrl + ; The toolbar located in the upper right corner of Excel is the ________ Toolbar. Quick Access A worksheet with cells that a summary sheet's formulas refer to is a(n) ________ sheet. detail A screen ________ is a picture of a portion of the computer screen that can be inserted into a worksheet. clipping The number of cells in a selected destination must be the same as the number in the selected source. False Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Organization chart II. SmartArt graphic III. Screen clipping IV. Screen shot V. Quick Access Toolbar A. Graphically represents the hierarchy of relationships between individuals and groups B. A picture of a portion of the computer screen C. Contains buttons for commonly used commands D. A picture of the computer screen E. A pre-built visual representation of information A, E, B, D, C Cell content from a worksheet can be pasted to a worksheet in another workbook. True When a worksheet is active, the tab changes to a(n) ________ color. gradient A(n) ________ chart can be used to view a company's hierarchy of relationships between individuals and groups. organization

When multiple worksheets are grouped, inserting a row ________. inserts it into all of the worksheets in the group A screen clipping can be very small or as large as the entire screen. True Use a(n) ________ chart to compare values across categories. clustered bar A screen ________ is an image of the computer screen. shot Match the following paste options with the content and format pasted. I. Paste II. Transpose III. Formatting IV. Formulas V. No Borders A. Orientation of pasted entries changes B. Only the formatting C. All content and cell formatting except borders D. Both the contents and cell formatting E. Only the formula D, A, B, E, C A worksheet tab can be removed from view by right-clicking the tab and selecting ________ from the shortcut menu. Unhide According to the rules of operator precedence, expressions using ________ are calculated first. parentheses When cells are copied, a(n) ________ border surrounds the selected cells. moving One way to rename a worksheet tab is by ________. clicking the Rename Sheet option of the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab The set of mathematical rules used when performing calculations within a formula is called ________. operator precedence Addition is considered to be on the same level of precedence as ________. subtraction An underlying formula and data in a cell is the ________. content Clicking the Paste button places the ________ in the destination cells. cell content and cell formatting

When Unhide is applied to a worksheet tab, the tab reappears in its original position in the Tab group. True

CHAPTER 4 To determine a monthly rate in the PMT function, ________. divide the interest by 12 Match the following terms with their meaning. I. Future value II. Interest III. Nper IV. Present value V. Rate A. The cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made B. The total number of payments C. The percentage that is paid for the use of borrowed money D. The initial amount of a loan E. The charge you pay for borrowing money A, E, B, D, C The Total row in an Excel table is ALWAYS the last row in the table. True A(n) ________ column in an Excel table uses a single formula that adjusts for each row. calculated The charge that is paid to a lender as a result of borrowing money is the ________. interest The ________ function returns the serial number of the current date and time. NOW In Excel, a series of rows and columns that contain related data is called a(n) ________. Excel table In the logical test E9...

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