C820 task 2 paper - Pass No Revisions - PDF

Title C820 task 2 paper - Pass No Revisions -
Course Professional Leadership and Communication for Healthcare
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 3
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Task 2 for professional communications paper. Easy paper to write, Just follow the rubric and you'll do great....


C820 – QVP1 – QVP Task 2: Conversation Recap

About a year or so ago, I was working an overnight shift in a very small ER as the charge nurse. Our staffing consisted of another nurse, a tech, and me. The night had been uneventful, for the most part, when we had a patient arrive that was obviously very ill. After working the patient up, it was determined that it was appropriate to admit him to our facility. I had called the house supervisor and requested a bed for the patient, as per our protocols. Initially there was not a problem and I was told the room number where the patient would be admitted. I was also told that it would be a little while before she could take him to the floor because they needed to notify the nurse on call that she would need to come in. This was nothing out of the ordinary, as it is a common practice that is used in our hospital. Shortly after this conversation, the house supervisor informed me that we would need to take care of the patient in the ER. When I asked why, I was told that we would need to take care of the patient because the on-call nurse didn’t want to come in. As soon as she told me this my fight bioreaction began. My heart rate increased, and I could feel my face starting to flush. I immediately began explaining all the reasons why this was not a good idea to hold a patient in the ER, especially when there is staff available. She would agree with me to a certain extent but then tell me that we were not busy and that we could do it. I explained several times that you do not ever hold in the ER unless you truly need to because at any moment it could get busy. I especially tried to make my point that the on-all nurse is getting paid to be on call and it is her job to come in and the house supervisors’ job to enforce it. As we continued to argue back and forth, other individuals became involved, at which point I knew I was not going to get her to do her job. I then shut down the conversation and walked away. She left the ER telling me that if we got busy and needed help, she would come take care of the patient that was being held.

As I analyze the argument that we had I can see that I was in the sincerity mode of the conversation meter. My tone was raised, and my body language was tense, as I was certain that my point of view was the correct one and that my experience in the ER was the only one that mattered. I was brutally honest with her that I did not like holding the patient and felt that she needed to make the oncall nurse do her job. As for the house supervisor, I feel that she was in the pretense and sincerity level of listening. The tone of her voice raised, and her demeanor became standoffish. She was certain that we wouldn’t be busy the rest of the night and that it was alright for the on-call nurse to refuse to come in. I believe she had no real intention of helping and the comment was only made to appease the situation. I could have listened differently by recognizing my bioreaction and taking a moment to calm myself before engaging in the wasteful conversation. This may have helped calm the situation and open the communication more between the two of us. I feel that had I done that initially, she would have been more willing to understand and see my point of view, knowing that it comes from years of ER experience rather than just wanting to sit around all night and not do anything. I also should have listened to her more and understood that she was dealing with a nurse who didn’t want to do their job. This situation already had her stressed which likely fed into our argument. I should have been more empathetic to that situation instead of focusing on how it affected me. Had I been able to do that initially at the start of the conversation, I believe that we would have both understand each other better and had a more productive outcome initially. If the emotions of the situation had been recognized, we could have easily reached the accuracy and authenticity levels of listening, where we could have separated out the facts of the situation. We both would have understood that neither side was wrong and we each had valid information. This information could have formed a better plan of action, in which a patient got the care they needed and deserved....

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