Career Guidance Program Module 1 PDF

Title Career Guidance Program Module 1
Course Senior High school
Institution Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan
Pages 20
File Size 433 KB
File Type PDF
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This will help the students choose the right career path for their future...



Entering the Exits

Introduction This module is designed for use by teachers. It is intended to help users facilitate the career decision-making of Grade 12 learners especially in choosing curriculum exit before they graduate from senior high school. The title of Module 1 “Entering the Exits” means entering a curriculum exit after Grade 12. The learners will have to choose whether he or she will proceed to college, do business, will look for a job, or will develop the middle-level skills. The module will help learners identify their interests and personality traits through NCAE that will help them choose the curriculum exit suited for them. Through this module, Grade 12 learners can determine his/her life and career based on chosen curriculum exit. Lastly, it is expected that at the end of the module, Grade 12 learners will appreciate chosen life, career and curriculum exit based on one’s interests and personality type.

Total Time Allotment: 120 minutes (2 hours) I. Objectives At the end of this module, the learners are expected to: 1. relate the results of the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) in choosing a curriculum exit; 2. determine preferred life and career based on chosen curriculum exit; and 3. appreciate the chosen life, career, and curriculum exit based on one’s interests and personality type.

Materials       

manila paper/recycled materials cartolina crayons/colored pens/any coloring materials pentel pen scissors Scotch tape copy of NCAE results

Notes to the Teacher:  You may use alternative materials. The use of recycled materials is highly encouraged.  Ask the learners to prepare a notebook for Career Guidance modules one to eight. Grade 12 learners will be writing their thoughts and feelings in the notebook which will serve as their journal for their reflections and assignments.

Module 1

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II. Motivation (15 minutes) The Senior High Career Party Note to the Teacher: Prepare music or song for this activity. Procedure 1. Arrange the chairs on the sides so that space will be maximized for the activities. 2. Tell the learners to dance as the music plays. (If there is no music to be played, ask the learners to sing any song that everybody can relate.) 3. Tell the learners that as the music stops they will have to find a partner on the dance floor. Emphasize that it will provide them a chance to share their interests and experiences in senior high school with others in the group. 4. Stop the music and ask the learners to share with their partner what is asked in the first sharing. The music will continue after the first sharing and the learners will find another partner for the second up to the fourth sharing. a. First sharing: What are your goals after Senior High School? b. Second sharing: What are your interests that served as your basis in choosing your current SHS track? c. Third sharing: What are your memorable experiences in SHS? d. Fourth sharing: What curriculum exit do you plan to go after senior high school? Processing Questions: 1. How did you find the “Senior High Career Party”? 2. What did you feel while sharing your goals, interests, experiences, and chosen curriculum exit in SHS?

III. Main Activity (50 minutes) Activity: Golden Doors Note to the Teacher: Before the activity, prepare the “Golden Doors” (made up of art or recycled materials) and Gallery of Careers (showing the results of NCAE). See Appendices 2 and 3 for the materials to use in the activity. Procedure 1. Set up four doors (which will be called GOLDEN DOORS) in the four corners of the room to represent the four curriculum exits of Senior High School namely: Employment, Entrepreneurship, Higher Education, Middle-Level Skills Development. Note: You can use manila paper or any recycled materials. 2. Set up GALLERY OF CAREERS (showing the areas of occupational interests). Note: You may print the materials indicated in appendix 3.1 as reference for learners while appendix 3.2 will be posted on the walls of the room so the learners can have visuals on the different careers or professions per occupational interest. 3. Ask the learners to bring out the results of their NCAE. 4. Distribute Activity Sheet No. 1―My Occupational Interests. Module 1

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5. Ask the learners to accomplish the first column based on the results of their NCAE. 6. Allow the learners to walk around the GALLERY OF CAREERS and check the different careers or professions in the areas of occupational interests based on what is written in the first column of the activity sheet. 7. Allow the learners to reflect on their current occupational interests based on their selfassessment and plan after senior high school and ask them to write their answers in the second column. Note: In case there are learners who do not have or do not remember their NCAE results, allow them to accomplish only the second column of the activity sheet. 8. Ask the learners to choose which door (representing the curriculum exits) to exit. 9. Behind the Golden Doors, they will find different worksheets (which symbolizes opportunities they can grab as they enter any curriculum exit). They will have to accomplish what the got behind the Golden Doors. 10. Ask the learners to do small group sharing with other learners who chose the same door they have chosen. 11. Ask some volunteers for the large group sharing. Processing Questions: 1. Did you experience mismatch of occupational interests based on your NCAE results and based on your self-assessment and plan after senior high school? 2. What occupational interest will you consider in choosing a curriculum exit? 3. After doing the activity, what realizations or insights did you have as a senior high school learner who is about to exit after few months?

IV. Lecturette (15 minutes) In order to guide the conduct of career guidance at the school level and to ensure the development of skills and competencies required in the world of work, the Department of Education has been conducting career assessment to Grade 9 students through the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE). The NCAE aims to provide guidance to individual learners for their future educational and career choices. It also provides the basis for profiling learners’ aptitude in the four Senior High School tracks. There are three domains measured in the NCAE. These are the General Scholastic Aptitude (GSA), Occupational Interest Inventory (OII), and Aptitude for Senior High School Tracks. The GSA measures the learner’s reading comprehension and scientific, verbal, mathematical, and logical reasoning ability. The OII is a checklist of occupational interests that provides an assessment of inclinations or preferences for comprehensive career guidance. The Aptitude for SHS Tracks determines the learner’s inherent capacity to succeed in the SHS tracks. A profile chart of the students’ occupational inclinations and preferences through the identified cluster occupations is provided in the results of the NCAE. The test is being administered to all Grade 9 learners who are currently enrolled in public and private schools with government permit or recognition. Moreover, learners with special needs may also be assessed provided that test accommodations are met. (as per DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 Sec. 9) Module 1

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Helping people make career decisions have been fundamental to counseling psychology since its emergence as a profession, and it continues to be central to its identity today (Gelso & Fretz, 2001, as cited in Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2010). After acquiring all the knowledge, skills, and attitude and being aware of their interests and personality types, Grade 12 learners will now choose the curriculum exit they will pursue after senior high school. Grade 12 learners may choose to work immediately since they are of legal age and have the competencies to perform a specific job, or to pursue a business they can start to earn money. They may also proceed to higher education and pursue a degree course or take up any Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) courses for middle-level skills development. Employment. Any senior high school graduate who plans to work after senior high school can check with the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) in their locality for possible job vacancies, or they can browse in the Department of Labor and Employment website, for possible local employment. Entrepreneurship. Senior high school graduates who plan to pursue the entrepreneurship exit will have to consider many things. They have to be cautious lest they end up losing money invested in the business. The Philippine Business Industry (as cited in, 2012) has come up with a list of ideas where prospective entrepreneurs can start and grow their own business in the Philippines. (See Appendix 3: List of Business Ideas in the Philippines.)

Higher Education. Senior High School graduates who would want to pursue a degree course in higher education may directly inquire at any colleges and universities in their area. They may also inquire at, the official website of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the recognized programs of schools per region. Middle-Level Skills Development. Senior high school learners who may want to pursue middle-level skills development after finishing a specific track and strand in senior high school may inquire at their local TESDA offices for the courses offered in their locality. Those who went to Technical Vocational Livelihood Track and earned a National Certification Level II may apply for a higher level of national certification if they opt to. Senior high school graduates may go to any curriculum exit regardless of the SHS track they took. If a learner took up a TVL Track, he/she can still enroll in college to pursue higher education. Moreover, after entering a specific exit, any SHS graduate may proceed to another exit. For example, a graduate who chooses to pursue higher education and gets employed after graduation may enter into a business or pursue middle-level skills development while employed. Nonetheless, whatever curriculum exit senior high school graduates pursue is their own decision. They only have to maximize their talents and resources in order to be successful. As what author and speaker Mack R. Douglas said, “You are responsible for everything you do.” Module 1

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V. Application (15 minutes) Activity Sheet No. 2: My Entry Point in the Exit Procedures: 1. Provide each learner with paper and coloring materials. 2. Ask them to draw a symbol to represent the life and career they imagined after entering a specific curriculum exit. 3. Instruct them to briefly explain why they have chosen the symbol and share their appreciation to their imagined life, career, and curriculum exit in the future. 4. Ask some volunteers to share their output. Processing Questions 1. Why did you choose that symbol? 2. How does it relate to your choice of curriculum exit after Senior High School?

VI. Reflection (10 minutes) Journal Reflection 1 Ask the learners to write in their Career Guidance Journal their reflection about “My Meaningful Exit from Senior High School.”

VII. Evaluation (15 minutes) Activity Sheet No. 3: My Plan to Exit Instructions: Write your occupational interest based on your preference and plan after senior high school. 1. In the fourth column (Employment), write your preferred kind/nature of work if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when. 2. In the fifth column (Entrepreneurship), write the specific business industry you want to pursue if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when. 3. In the sixth column (Higher Education), write the specific course if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when. 4. In the seventh column (Middle-Level Skills Development), put the specific skilled courses if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when.

Module 1

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Note: This activity emphasizes that senior high school graduates can go to any curriculum exit regardless of the SHS track they took. Moreover, after entering a specific exit, the SHS graduates may pursue another exit.

Occupational Interests based on preferred occupational interests

Specific Career or Profession based on Occupational Interests

Preferred Curriculum Exit Employment


Secondary School Teacher (2022–2052)

Cakes and Pastries (2026)

Bachelor of Secondary Education (2018– 2022)

Bread and Pastry Production (2025)

Rank 2

(Write your preferred kind/nature of work if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

(Write the specific business industry you want to pursue if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

(Write the specific course if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

(Put the specific skilled courses if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

Rank 3

(Write your preferred kind/nature of work if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

(Write the specific business industry you want to pursue if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

(Write the specific course if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

(Put the specific skilled courses if you plan to proceed to this exit and indicate when)

Rank 1

Module 1

Profes- Teacher sional Services

Higher Education

Middle-Level Skills Development

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Appendix 1 Activity Sheet No. 1 My Occupational Interests Instructions: In the first column, write your occupational interests based on the results of your NCAE. In the second column, reflect on your current occupational interests and plan after senior high school.

Occupational Interests (based on NCAE Results)

Occupational Interests (based on preference and plan after senior high school)

Rank 1

Rank 2

Rank 3

Module 1

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Appendix 2 Materials for GOLDEN DOORS 2.1 Bio-Data Bio-Data Name: __________________________ Position Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Educational Background: Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Secondary: Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed: __________ Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Bio-Data Name: __________________________ Position Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Educational Background: Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Secondary: Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed: __________ Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Bio-Data Name: __________________________ Position Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Educational Background: Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Secondary: Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed: __________ Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Bio-Data Name: __________________________ Position Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Educational Background: Elementary: ______________________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Secondary: Junior High School: __________________________ Year Completed: __________ Senior High School: __________________________ Year Graduated: __________ Module 1

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Appendix 2 Materials for GOLDEN DOORS 2.2 Business Permit

BUSINESS PERMIT Name of Business: __________________________________________________________ Name of Owner: ___________________________________________________________ Location of Business: ________________________________________________________ Nature of business: __________________________________________________________ Permit number: ____________________________________________________________

BUSINESS PERMIT Name of Business: __________________________________________________________ Name of Owner: ___________________________________________________________ Location of Business: ________________________________________________________ Nature of business: __________________________________________________________ Permit number: ____________________________________________________________

BUSINESS PERMIT Name of Business: __________________________________________________________ Name of Owner: ___________________________________________________________ Location of Business: ________________________________________________________ Nature of business: __________________________________________________________ Permit number: ____________________________________________________________

BUSINESS PERMIT Name of Business: __________________________________________________________ Name of Owner: ___________________________________________________________ Location of Business: ________________________________________________________ Nature of business: __________________________________________________________ Permit number: ____________________________________________________________

Module 1

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Appendix 2 Materials for GOLDEN DOORS 2.3 College Application Form (You may use other materials if reproduction of this appendix is not possible.) COLLEGE APPLICATION FORM Name: __________________________ Course Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Secondary School Graduated:_________________________________________________ Awards Received: ________________________________________________ COLLEGE APPLICATION FORM Name: __________________________ Course Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Secondary School Graduated:_________________________________________________ Awards Received: ________________________________________________

COLLEGE APPLICATION FORM Name: __________________________ Course Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Secondary School Graduated:_________________________________________________ Awards Received: ________________________________________________ COLLEGE APPLICATION FORM Name: __________________________ Course Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Secondary School Graduated:_________________________________________________ Awards Received: ________________________________________________ COLLEGE APPLICATION FORM Name: __________________________ Course Applied for: _______________________ Age: ____________ Sex: ________________ Contact No.: _________________________ Address: ______________________________________________...

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