Assignment 1 My Career Profile PDF

Title Assignment 1 My Career Profile
Course Career Management
Institution Conestoga College
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CAREER MANAGEMENT- CDEV 8130 Assignment 1: My Career Profile Student Name:

Rachel Lawrence Rego

Student Number: 8748965

Module 2: Reflection questions In the first module, we reviewed Franklin’s (2014) definition of career: “The full expression of who you are and how you want to be in the world. And it keeps expanding as it naturally goes through cycles of stability and change” (p.456). Now that you’ve had a chance to consider this definition of career, it’s time for you to put some thoughts into your definition of Career and Career Management. What does the word career mean to you? Career to me means: A career entails staying in the same line of employment for an extended period of time. A career might consist of one or several jobs. One might work for a single firm or for several. A "career path" is another term for a career. Education, training, and job experience are all part of a career. It's a mix of reaching a decent degree of financial security while doing something I like, and then discovering that I'm also pleased and content with my life and professional choices. I understand that for anything to truly matter, I must also have inner serenity and joy.

When you think of career management, what comes to mind? What elements to you think will be important to you as you manage your career over your lifetime? Some of the key points that spring to mind when I think of career management are as follows: 1. Maintaining expertise 2. Remaining pertinent 3. Creating a competitive advantage for myself 4. Developing a post-employment security plan

-There are some aspects that must be implemented in order to properly manage one's career. 1. Make career planning a frequent, ongoing, and yearly event. 2. Career planning is not a solitary endeavor; include your family and friends.

3. Consider what you enjoy, detest, require, and desire in your life and job. 4. Consider the aspirations of future generations (your kids) 5. Develop modest professional goals and milestones that can be readily assessed and monitored. 6. Look into additional educational or training possibilities. 7. Leverage and learn from others, particularly the future generation, who are more up to date. Module 3: Strengths, Assets, Personal Qualities, STAR Stories, STAR statements My Strengths (Skills) Using the table, identify at least 7 skills that you think will be most important for your future career, so you can be more prepared when it comes time for resume and cover letter writing. Skill Co-ordination

Where I did it I believe that coordination is one of my skills, and I have had experience at my workplace as well as last semester during group work where I observed two members who had opposing viewpoints while working on a project. In this circumstance, I communicated with both of them at the same time to settle their problems.


A positive mindset is essential for me since it always enables me to look for possibilities in everything. Trust Trust assists me in developing good relationships with others, and it always provides me with power and a sense of security. Influence I have the capacity to influence others by respecting their ideas and states of mind. This allows me to gain their trust. Organized. To ensure success and meet deadlines, I prefer to complete my work in an orderly manner Helpfulness I always do my best to help others with anything they need. Whether it be emotional support, financial support, employment or education. Negotiation Negotiation is a skill that I believe I inherited from my parents. When I go to marketplaces to buy items or commodities, I generally negotiate the cost of the things. In my working life, I was negotiating with my supervisor about specific concerns that our clients demand from us. My Assets (Education, Training) Provide all details of the assets you currently possess in this table. Asset Education

Where I did I When did I obtain it Knowledge I obtained obtain it from or will obtain it India 2017-2020 Accounting and financial

Work Intern in Bayside experience Media Ltd Senior Customer ExecutiveTeleperformance Customer AdvisorFirstSource

Internship 2019 Customer executive- July 27th, 2020, to October 31st, 2020 Customer Advisor6th November 2020 to 28th February 2021


Dubai, UAE

Since the day I was1999


School, College, Workplace

services, Employee behavior, Company Law, Commercial economics Patience Confidence in talking to people Tips and tricks on how to gain customers confidence and trust Not every human being is as strong and though as they look Being calm and confident shows you the path to success. Being born into a family, is what I think my greatest/ biggest asset is. No matter what even if I fail to something I’m always supported. I’ve always made sure reputation is one of the necessary thing or asset one can have while building a carrer

My Personal Qualities Take some time to complete this chart with your most valuable personal qualities (aim for at least 7). Personal Quality Helpful Patient Accepting thigs I did do Dream Chaser Spiritual


Who has observed this in me? Helping others even if I’m sure whether My Mom that person will be okay with it Being patient even when I’m being My boss scolded for things I didn’t do Quietly saying yes and accepting Boss, siblings, and Parents things so that the front person recovers from the anger Coming to Canada and studying here Friends, Parents and is a dream come true Siblings Always believing that no matter what All the people around me happens God is there to take care of me. Starting and ending my day y Thanking God for the entire day


No matter even if I fail in things, I stay People who know me strong and make sure I try even harder to fulfil the work I’ve been given My STAR Stories Complete the tables below to tell as many stories as you can remember (minimum of 3). Situation/Task Action


Helping the abandoned children on the road Giving them food and clothes and then making sure they have a good orphanage and people to look after Happy smiling faces, all grown up and now have meaning to their lives Helpful nature and Sensitivity

Situation/Task Action Results Skills

Finding Shelter for the stray and abandoned dogs Adopted 2 puppies and right now I’m taking care of them Happy healthy and playful dogs Sensitivity and supportive

Situation/Task Action Results Skills

Helping an old person from an accident Saved her life by turning the vehicle in the wrong direction Life saved and got a fracture but its okay someone was saved Bravery and helpfulness


My STAR Statements Aim to transform 3 STAR stories into accomplishment statements. Copy and paste this table for as many accomplishment statements as you would like to write. Results from story (Summarize in one statement) Starting statement (Ensure each statement starts with an action verb) Add details (Ensure each statement outlines the results of your

I learnt teamwork, cooperation, and how to work under pressure.

Being pressurized to work during month end was exhausting however after being confident enough to overcome the pressure life is easy now, I can work under pressure

Call center place of money and work pressure

action) Final polished accomplishment statement Module 4: My Personal Brand Statement, My Social Media Platforms, My Code of Conduct My Personal Brand Statement Element Your response Desire To work In a reputed company Natural Interest

Singing in Clubs

Strength Asset

Being punctual and strong in any difficulty Work experience and education

Personal Confidence Quality Use the space below to draft and polish your brand statements. Draft version 1 have a master degree and work for a reputed company Draft version 2 have a promising employment position Final version I’m happy with Having a master's degree in commerce and a solid accounting work history prompted me to work for one of the well-known businesses in a promising employment position. My Social Media Platforms For this activity, you will choose three social media platforms to compare and contrast, to help you better identify the features and benefits of each. You will need to do research to complete this activity. To get started, choose the three platforms you are most likely to use for marketing your brand; alternatively, choose ones that you are less familiar with, so you can unlock more of their potential. When you have chosen your three, research each of them to identify the following information. Social Platform 1: and Instagram

Features benefits Target Audience/Industry

Media Social Platform 2: LinkedIn

Friends and content creators

Media Social Platform 3:


Level of engagement needed to manage Strategies I would use it to manage my brand

2 posts once a day

Posting reels, creating contents, Uploading pictures with reviews Potential risks I Invest some money may need to in products that manage would help me create contents My Code of Conduct: This activity allows for reflection, intention, and ownership over your personal brand online. Drawing inspiration from the article 10 rules to post by (Binary Tattoo, 2014), identify 5 to 10 behaviours that will serve as your own personal code of conduct. If none of these rules give you the inspiration you need for a code of conduct, feel free to locate other sources that better suite your needs. Identify 8 behaviors that will serve as your personal code of conduct 1. I will treat people the way I would like to be treated. Regardless of my mood or present life situation, I will commit to acting courteously in my day-to-day encounters with people. It is essential to me that I make a positive influence on the people with whom I come into touch. 2. I will be truthful and open in both my personal and professional life. While I respect my right to privacy, I am committed to complete openness in my work life. I am committed to not withholding knowledge from someone who is entitled to it, but I realize the reality of and anticipate encountering circumstances that look unclear. These scenarios will prompt me to reconsider my values and consider whether concealing knowledge would violate my own code of ethics. 3. I will always give my all, and I will strike a healthy work-life balance . My effort is not always about the outcome, but rather about adhering to my own standards in order to achieve them. When determining how to spend my time and energy, I am committed to prioritize my job and personal life equally. 4. I am committed to always bettering myself. It is critical for me to strive for virtuosity every day. Living by my values, I think, will motivate me to be the ethical person I aspire to be. 5. I will maintain my pledges and follow through on my obligations. This involves pledges to myself, friends, and family, as well as my work life, which merits my dedication to honesty. When my duties to myself, my job, and society clash, I will use my moral compass to evaluate my commitments on a case-bycase basis.

6. I will accept responsibility for any faults or mistakes I make. I shall hold myself responsible for every conduct for which I am ethically responsible. To prevent circumstances in which such acts may be needed, I will strive for as much liberty as possible in my personal and professional lives. Accepting responsibility for whatever hurt I inflict involves making amends for unintended wrongs. 7. I value my life and will be thankful for it every day. I realise my privileges in contrast to those who may be less fortunate, and I will continue to be grateful for my existence while also attempting to better my community via service and contributions wherever feasible. 8. I totally support my fundamental beliefs and will hold myself accountable. I completely accept my worth and hold myself accountable for upholding these principles in my personal and professional lives. I will continue to work hard to improve myself and update my principles as my life progresses, and I am committed to making my family and friends proud of the person I am. I will also assist my loved ones and coworkers on their personal paths of self-improvement. My own code of ethics, which I developed for myself, will assist me in resolving any ethical quandaries that arise. 9. I shall always stand firm in my convictions. To retain others' faith in me and respect for my views, I must maintain and embody my own convictions. It may be tough for me to execute controversial activities since they may not result in the most desirable outcomes, but my decisions will be founded on my own virtues and self-imposed norms rather than fear of repercussions. Behavior Towards Myself    

I will not engage in any drug or cigarette usage. I will never drink alcohol again in my life. I prefer nutritious snacks over processed munchies. I shall not belittle myself for any cause. I'll leave work worries at work and home worries at home.

Behavior Toward Others  

I will be kind to everyone, even if they aren't kind to me. I will take action to assist a person in need if I recognize their need and believe I am capable of improving the situation. I will appreciate other points of view by respecting the other person's position and without pressuring them to embrace mine....

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