Career Preparation 1 PDF

Title Career Preparation 1
Course Financial Accounting
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Career Preparation

Alex Ortiz Grand Canyon University ACC-260: Management Accounting Judith McCollum 01-November-2020

2 Career Preparation 1 This paper is going to talk about my research and engagement in the following, completing the GCU Career Compass. During the research of this paper, I was focusing on the findings of, The career opportunities in the discipline which has the most appeal based on research, New knowledge gained through the research, How the information influences your studies and future career. During this research, I have found my passion and my final decision on what I want to do with my life. During my research, while using the Career Compass to complete this assignment I have found new valuable information that will benefit me in my decision making for my career. Some things that help me find that valuable information was taking the mini tests that were provided by Career Compass. These mini-tests contained a question that figured out what you do best, they consist of 5 sections and each section has sub-sections and each of those subsections has a test that benefits you in finding out what your career and education plans are. Career Planning Foundations In the Career Planning Foundations, three sections help you find out which career would fit you best, now it's not saying that you should do this and you will be doing this for the rest of your life, it just giving you options. In the article Why Career Planning Matters they state that having a career plan provides “opportunities for employees to plan their careers, employers can better understand and track their individual goals” (Everwise, 2018) My Career Planning Involvement So, the first test it involves questions that will calculate your career planning involvement, in the end, this section will score you from a range of 1 to 5, 1 being not prepared, 3 more prepared, and 5 very prepared. The scores will determine where you range in Self-

3 Assessment, Career Exploration, Career Planning Satisfaction each of those sections is an important part of your career path. Take for example self-assessment, this “is the first and the most important step in choosing an occupation or major, planning your career, and starting a job search.” (McGrill, 2020) For career exploration it “is simply learning about various occupation and their “fit” with your unique career preference.” (UC Berkely) As for Career planning satisfaction, this will “measures the extent to which you are satisfied with the results of your career planning activities and your ability to resolve problems that can interfere with your decision making.”(Focus2) Take away. After taking the test and answering all the questions the result said I am both a 5 on Self-assessment and Career Exploration. So something that I need to work on so I can be ready is my Career Planning I’m not that far from a 5 but it still a little time-consuming to get there. Something beneficial is in each section it tells you why you received that score like take for example in Self-Assessment “Your high self-assessment score indicates that you are very involved in examining your interests, values, personality, and skills. You must stay actively involved in self-assessment because finding a satisfying career path begins with knowing yourself.” (Focus2) My Academic Strengths The next test that I took was My Academic Strengths and as it states in the title this test will see and determine your strengths academically the general questions are “I do very well, in the following,” “I do alright, in the following,” “I do well in the following,” and last “ I never took this subject, in the following.” (Focus2) Now, these questions are just for the system to determine your interests in the strengths that you have chosen.

4 Knowledge. Some of the knowledge that I obtained from this test was is that most of my academic strengths are in the hands-on department like art, dance, Family Consumer Science, and I mean who isn’t these are the talents that can take someone places but you must also see the other side that will boost the artistic side of one. As for me, I’m good at technology and business and those will benefit me because I will be able to do what I like to do with the help of the more technical side of me. Am I Career Ready? In this test you will just be checking the statements that apply to you, each statement has a specific area that it will be located. The areas that the statements will be put in are global, leadership, management, professionalism, teamwork, technology, thinking, and finally communication. By checking each statement they will be graded to see if you are career-ready and if you are not at a high level then you don’t have to work this just helps you see what you need to work on and what you need to improve, so do not take this as a downside but more as a benefit because it will tell you what you need help in. Knowledge. Now in this area, this is where it will determine if you are ready for what is coming and if you aren’t it is ok, as for me I have to work on my thinking skills as well as my communication and it not much as I am scared to communicate is more of staying on topic with the conversation and getting to the point which is mostly what I need help in. Self-Assessment In this section it's where the fun starts, each section will help you and discover majors and occupations that match your attributes. The test that you will be taking will be based on your Work Interest Assessment, Value Assessment, Personality Assessment, Skill Assessment, and

5 Leisure Assessment. Each of these tests will help you find and give you options as stated before different majors and opportunities. Work Interest Assessment The first question will be based on what degree would you enjoy, the following and so you will be rating them from 1 star being not at all to 5 being very high degree. When you are done answering the questions you will be getting your results and so there will be graphed in 6 groups: Enterprising, Realistic, Social, Conventional, Investigative, and Artistic. So, then the “the first three work interests’ areas shown on the graph and described below are most important to you.” (Focus2) At the bottom of the graph, you will be getting boxes with descriptions of the 6 groups and explain why these are you and this will be able to help to decide on your major. Take away. Now there will be some cases that you will have to decide as for mine I had a tie with Social and Realistic and know there is nothing wrong and nothing will change it just will put majors in a specific field. Now the first three work interests that I got are E.R.S which are enterprising, realistic, and social and they are presented in some bullet points that will help me pick my major. Values Assessment In this test, you will be just asked one question and this is more of what kind of career would you like to be and do in it when you select the three it will be giving you a set of majors that you can select and the good thing is that it is not just giving you a couple of options, it has a variety that will help you see what interest you.

6 Take away. What I took away from this is that if I would have done this I would have been able to see more in majors than what I have expected, but I have already made my decision in being a Business Administrator. Now what I saw that helped me realize something is a business administration degree will set you in most jobs that are out there and not all are involved in the business. I can be an Industrial Relations Specialist, a Labor Relations Specialist, or even a Legislator and much more. That is the reason that I have decided to pursue that major because of the many doors that can be opened for me if I look for them. Personality Assessment For the personality assessment the test is what the title states, it will be asking you questions about your personality. This test will be more of you showing how you are and what you are like in the situation that they will be giving you. In the results, it will explain what type of, it also gives you advice on how you can use your personality assessment to choose your career which is a great benefit because it makes it easier for you to choose and betides that it will give you advice on what career you like by what you like doing. Take away. What I took away from this test was that I should choose a career that focuses on cooperation and teamwork which, will help each other develop our abilities and improve our well-being. Skill Assessment In this test you will be getting asked about the skill that you have that will determine what type of career you should take, some of the skills that you must answer to are Communication Skills, People Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Management Skills, Creative and Artistic Skills, Scientific Skills, and Technical Skills. In each of those skills, there are different types of areas that you can choose from but in the end, you will be choosing your top 3 skills. When you are

7 done choosing your tope there then it will set an algorithm where it will be giving your occupations that match all 3 skills. Take away. What I took from this experience is that I have learned that there are other types of careers that I can take that have all of my top skills and that even match and cohere with each other and that will benefit one another. Leisure Assessment Lastly, we have the leisure assessment, now at first I had no idea what the leisure assessment was and what it wanted, and what helped me understand what the article Leisure Assessment Inventory it states that it “measures the leisure behavior of adults through its four components: 1. the Leisure Activity Participation Index (LAP), 2. the Leisure Preference Index (L-PREF), 3. the Leisure Interest Index (L-INT), and 4. the Leisure Constraints Index (L-CON).” (Barabra et al., 2002) The general question that it will be asking you is In your spare time, would you enjoy… then you will be asked to rate the question that has been filed in from 1 to 5 stars 1 being no and 5 being absolute. In the end, you will be getting your results and the first three leisure interest areas are shown on the graph and that are described below are the most important to you. Take away. At the end of the results, there were 2 areas where I was tied and I had to choose after choosing it gave me the R.I.S which stands for, Reality, Inquiring, and Sharing. So in the end each of those sections will explain why this fits me most and what benefits it has on me and what opportunities.

8 Results Finally, after finishing the question I just opened my eyes that there were more careers that I could have been taking that involve what I liked doing, and I thought the only career that was set for me was business, after doing this Career Compass, I see that I was wrong and there were other opportunities in my path. Now even though I know that I had other opportunities that I would have taken, there is nothing I would change I enjoy where I am and what I am doing maybe at first I would have changed but been in my second year at GCU in the Business field there would be nothing that would change my mind. What also benefits me when I finished the test in the Career Compass is that there are recommended tools and websites that are here to benefit us, and I don’t even know have of these. So in the end I do recommend others to take this because it did benefit me in what I can do with the little things I know and having that encourages one form being successful and moving forward to pursue their passion and dream.

9 References Blaschko, W. (2017). Idyll Arbor, Inc. Retrieved October 31, 2020, from

Career Clarity: Career Exploration. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2020, from

Minor, F. J., PhD, & Minor, D., M.Ed. (2000). Focus2. Retrieved October 30, 2020, from{ts%20%272020-1028%2019:07:46%27}

Self-Assessment. (2020, September 18). Retrieved October 31, 2020, from

Why Career Planning Matters. (2019, March 06). Retrieved October 31, 2020, from

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