Causative exercises - esercizi PDF

Title Causative exercises - esercizi
Course Linguistica italiana
Institution Università telematica e-Campus
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Causatives Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 27 This exercise is an advanced level multiple choice test with multiple choice questions on causatives including the topics below. 5.

Causatives • • • • • • •


A) let / have bought

have somebody do something have something done get somebody to do something get something done make somebody do something let somebody do something Imperatives

Grace always ____ her brothers ____ their beds.

He'll ____ his brother ____ a watch if he passes the exam.

B) make / buy C) get / buy D) have / buying E) make / bought


A) makes / tidy

The boss ____ him ____ a suit, though he wanted to wear sportswear.

B) got / tidy C) had / tidied

A) makes / wear B) got / wearing

D) get / tidy E) let / tidying

C) had / worn D) made / wear E) have gotten / to wear


The Harrisons ____ the painter ____ their house every year.


A) get I painting

Ali ____ his credit card ____ .

B) let / paint C) have / paint

A) has / change B) get / to change

D) got / to painted E) make / to paint

C) made / to change D) got / change E) had / changed


The sergeant made the criminal ____ .


A) talked B) to talk

Heavy music ____ her ____ . A) gets / to be nervous B) lets / feel nervously

C) talk D) talking

C) makes / nervous D) have / nervous

E) have talked

E) makes / nervously


Hilda ____ her older sister ____ her clothes yesterday. A) made / to iron B) let / iron C) have / iron D) got / iron E) got / to iron


The manager ____ his secretary ____ the documents. A) had / typed B) made / typed C) got / type D) had / type E) got / to be typed

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Causatives Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 27

10. I think we will have to ____ the inner designer ____ the house.

15. When did you ____ your bank accounts ____ ?

A) get / decorated

A) have / check

B) let / decorated C) get / decorate

B) get / to check C) make / checked

D) have / decorate E) have / decorated

D) have / checked E) get / checking

11. The pain of her broken leg ____ her ____ .

16. Mum does not ____ me ____ sweets very often. A) let / have

A) made / cry out B) got / to cry out

B) get / to have C) make / have

C) let / cry out D) may have / cried out

D) have / had E) get / have

E) have / cry out

12. If he does not do this work on time willingly, his boss will ____ him ____ it.

17. The naughty boy ____ his father ____ his bicycle talking about it day and night. A) got / repair

A) get / done B) make / do

B) had / repaired C) have / repaired

C) let / do D) have / to do

D) made / get repaired E) made / repair

E) have / done

13. It is a very profitable business but I couldn't ____ him ____ up his mind to start it. A) made / make B) want / to make C) get / to make D) let / to make

18. My roommate doesn't ____ me ____ inside the room. A) get / to smoke B) have / to smoke C) get / smoke D) let / smoke E) make / to smoke

E) have / made

19. Mrs. White ____ her daughter ____ the dishes. 14. The orchestra members should ____ their musical instruments ____ and be ready to begin. A) make / tuned B) have / tuned C) let / to be tuned D) get / to be tuned

A) made / wash B) got / be washed C) have / wash D) got / wash E) let / wash

E) make / tune

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Causatives Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 27 20. The bodyguard won't ____ you into the center without your card.

25. I think the boss will ____ you ____ the car.

A) have

A) get / washed B) have / to wash

B) let C) get

C) make / washing D) have / wash

D) make E) be let

E) get / wash

21. It is certainly true but I can't ____ you believe it.

26. Indeed everyone should ____ the dentist ____ his teeth every six months.

A) get B) let

A) have / check B) get / checked

C) allow D) help

C) make / to check D) let / to check

E) make

E) have / checked

22. The landlord ____ the gardener ____ the grass in the back yard.

27. He suggested that I should ____ my car ____ in the nearest gallery as soon as possible.

A) got / cut

A) have / sold

B) had / cut C) made / to cut

B) make / sell C) get / to sell

D) let / cut E) had been / cut

D) get / sell E) have / to sell

23. I have to ____ my hair ____ this week.

28. Normally, you should ____ your teeth ____ every six months.

A) have / to cut B) get / to cut

A) have / to check

C) make / to cut D) get / cutting

B) make / check C) have / to have checked

E) have / cut

D) get / check E) have / checked

24. I think we can ____ Jane and Jill ____ the meal for tomorrow evening.

29. You should have ____ the car ____ last week.

A) have / to cook B) get / to cook

A) had / repair B) made / repaired

C) have / cooking D) make / cook

C) had / repaired D) had / to repair

E) get / cooked

E) made / repair

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Causatives Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 27 30. You should ____ him explain why he made such a mistake.

35. The security guard doesn't ____ anyone ____ the building without an invitation.

A) get

A) let / to enter

B) have C) allow

B) make / enter C) have / to enter

D) have had E) have got

D) let I enter E) have / enter

31. He asked us if it was possible for us to let him ____ the garden wall. A) painted B) to paint C) to be painting D) painting E) paint

32. I have the mechanic ____ my car's rote balance every year.

36. You'd better ____ your hair ____ as soon as possible because my father doesn't like that style at all. A) to have / to cut B) have / cut C) have / to cut D) get / to cut E) get / to be cut

37. His going on holiday without permission from his parents ____ them very furious.

A) to check B) check

A) got B) have

C) checking D) checked

C) had D) get

E) being checked

E) made

33. I want my brother ____ on the radio.

38. We weren't ____ to take photographs inside the palace by the security staff.

A) to turn B) turn C) to turning

A) got B) have

D) turned E) to turned

C) had D) made E) allowed

34. I will have my house ____ next month. A) redecorate B) to redecorate C) redecorated D) redecorating E) to have redecorated

39. Although I didn't ____ my shoes ____ the shoe shine boy held my leg until I ____ him polish them. A) want / polished / made B) get / polished / got C) have / to polish / make D) let / to polish / get E) want / to polish / make

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Causatives Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 27 40. He ____ me ____ formal words and sentences in order to establish authority in the classroom. A) told / use B) had / use C) told / to use D) got / not to use E) had / to use

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Causatives Test Exercises - Multiple Choice Questions With Answers - Advanced Level 27 Answer Key: 1: A 2: C 3: C 4: E 5: B 6: D 7: E 8: C 9: D 10: D 11: A 12: B 13: A 14: B 15: D 16: A 17: E 18: D 19: A 20: B

21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40:


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