Chapters 1, 2, and 3 Public Speaking Introductions PDF

Title Chapters 1, 2, and 3 Public Speaking Introductions
Author Christopher Foci
Course Public Speaking
Institution SUNY Oneonta
Pages 7
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A series of questions provided to introduce students to the basics of public speaking and the many factors that involve speaking to audiences....


Chapter 1 Quiz Questions Short Answer: 1. Please define your understanding of public speaking as advocacy and provide an example of when you or someone you know has advocated for a certain issue, idea, or cause. a. You are promoting an idea/cause. EX: Where would you like to eat? 2. Please list two ways that we can practice advocacy and public speaking in ethical ways AND explain why each is important to consider. a. Campaigning b. Avoiding defamatory/hate speech 3. Define communication as constitutive and provide an example that demonstrates the importance of the constitutive process. a. Communication, language, and power is contextual as well as cultural, and due to the fact that it creates the same meaning which we all share is important. True/False 1. True/False: Jeremy is a student in an upper level math class. Whenever he is called on, he doesn’t response and stays silent. In this example, Jeremy is lacking in his communication. 2. True/False: When we communicate, we are merely transmitting information from one person (a speaker) to another (an audience). 3. True/False: Communication is never neutral. 4. True/False: While at work, Jim made a joke to his colleague physique. Because Jim’s intentions were pure, this is a reflexive way to communicate. Multiple Choice: 1. ________ refers to the idea that communication creates meaning, and, thus, reality. In other words, what we say matters and makes up our social world. a. Constitutive b. Contextual c. Cultural d. Controlled 2. You are going to break up with your partner and are worried that they will not respond positively. Therefore, you decide it would be best to break up in a coffee shop because

you believe being in public will help your partner receive the message better. In this example, you are viewing communication as ___________. a. Constitutive b. Contextual c. Cultural d. Controlled 3. Jamie is dealing with public speaking anxiety and decides to eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night sleep before their presentation. This is an example of _________ preparation. a. Contextual b. Mental c. Physical d. Speech

4. Jerald was interested in getting involved in their local neighborhood. After searching online for ways to engage, they decide that volunteering at the local community garden and spreading pamphlets about the produce is a good start. Jerald is participating in ___________ a. Public speaking b. Civic engagement c. Demagoguery d. Citizenship

5. ________ refer to both the literal object and the larger norm or idea. a. Power b. Culture c. Ethics d. Symbol

6. Which of the following is not an example of advocacy: a. Sharing information about a new community program b. Persuading your parents to cut out meat c. Eulogizing a grandparent by sharing a story about their time in World War II d. None of the above

7. During a speech, Joseph decides to show an image that playfully pokes fun at women drivers. Joseph thinks that the image is a nice way to break the ice for the speech, and is confident that the audience will appreciate the humorous reprieve. By showing these images, Joseph is representing women in ___________ ways.

a. b. c. d.

Reflexive Disempowering Ethical Symbolic

Chapter 2 Quiz Questions

Short Answer: 1. A speaker is advocating to intervene in a country through military means, and argues that “The United States needs to intervene because, right now, the other country is exhibiting barbaric tendencies.” In this example, please answer the following questions: a. Who could be considered the implied audience? i. THE OTHER COUNTRY b. How is this group being represented? i. BARBARIC, VIOLENT, AND SENSELESS c. What kind of language is being used to describe these implied audiences? i. “They are bad, we are better.” d. What term/practice applies to logic in this example? i. Ethnocentrism e. Finally, what are the Implications of using this type of talk? i. Bias with no good/true reasoning 2. Please list two ways to improve intentional listening, and provide an example for each for how you can adopt these practices in your life. a. Listening with an open mind and actively listening and comprehending the conversation

Multiple Choice: 1. Which of the following is not included in the implied audience: a. An individual who’s research is being used; b. A community group that the speaker is representing; c. Cultures that might be impacted by the speech outcome; d. All of the above are part of the implied audience 2. When you’re in the audience, which type of listening would you most likely use when a speaker gives a persuasive speech? a. Appreciative

b. Critical c. Empathetic d. Hearing 3. Alex is listening to their favorite music album on the way to school because the music brings them joy. Alex is practicing __________ listening. a. Appreciative b. Comprehensive/Active c. Critical d. Empathetic 4. When analyzing our audience, we want to avoid __________, which is generalizing about a group of people and assuming that because a few persons in that group have a characteristic, all of them do. a. Stereotyping b. Reflecting c. Generalizing d. Researching 5. Your textbook suggests using _________ as a strategy to combat conformation bias in listening. a. Reflexive listening b. Note taking c. Critical listening d. Planned redundancy 6. There are three different audiences we need to consider when preparing and delivering public speeches. Which of the following is NOT one of these audiences? a. Explicit audience b. Implied/implicated audience c. Yourself as an audience member d. All of the above should be considered

True/False 1. True/False: When identifying needs for an audience, only select needs that your audience is conscious of. It will allow you make a clearer argument. 2. True/False: Listening is the physical process in which sound waves hit your ear drums and send a message to your brain.

Chapter 3 Quiz Questions Short Answer 1. From the topics below, choose 1. For the topic, provide a specific purpose statement. a. Topics: Studying aboard, plant-based diets, voting in local elections, buying a house, forming friendships, or skin care. i. Plant based diet promotes a healthy lifestyle 2. Identify 1 of the 2 myths about searching for information online. First, explain the myth and second, detail why that myth is false. a. Wikipedia “is not credible” MYTH because if it is properly sourced it will be credible. 3. Name and explain the three concepts critical to crafting a strong specific purpose a. You, your audience, and context True/False 1. True/False: Brainstorming formalizes the everyday process of sorting information 2. True/False: It’s acceptable to use Wikipedia if you’re searching for clarification on an idea or looking for credible topic research Multiple Choice 1. Focusing on the context of a public speech should begin the preparation process, beginning with identifying “why.” When you ask “why am I here?” you’re searching for the: a. General purpose b. Specific purpose c. Organizational pattern^ d. Audience analysis

2. “Context” in public speaking refers to the literal space that you’ll speak, and the __________. a. Ethos that will be created b. Historical and cultural context c. Audience demographics d. Research requirements

3. Sarah is brainstorming online, and she’s begun to do some exploratory research. She has “climate change” as a broad topic and, as she searches, she finds an article that states: “new research finds that carbon dioxide is, contrary to popular belief, actually reducing the risk of climate change around the world.” She’s unable to verify this information. It’s likely that this information is an example of _________. a. A claim that disproves climate change research b. Reliable evidence that can be integrated c. Propaganda d. The unreliability of Wikipedia

4. ________ reveals and clarifies the main argument of your speech. a. General purpose statement b. Specific purpose statement c. Main points d. Thesis statement

5. Jim sits down to work on his informative speech. After brainstorming, he writes down a thesis statement. However, a few days later, he completes a new mind map and has to reconstruct both his specific purpose and his thesis statement. Jim is experiencing the _______ process of speech writing.

a. Iterative b. Frustrating c. Linear d. Brainstorming...

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