Chirkut 2 - dfsdf PDF

Title Chirkut 2 - dfsdf
Author Khaled Raihan
Course Organizational Behaviour
Institution Memorial University of Newfoundland
Pages 2
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** How does strategic sourcing plans are developed & implemented? Briefly Explain. How do you develop successful transformation and improvement in various processes of the supply chain. For companies that use returnable containers or pallets, sourcing strategies? Ans: Strategic sourcing is the most powerful tool a company can deploy to unlock profit, with a return o RFID provides a way to track those items across the supply chain, optimize asset inventory, and reduce loss or theft. Returnable investment that is measured in the hundreds of percent and payback in month. Successful Sourcing Strategies are different fo containers can represent millions of dollars in capital investments, so RFID provides a way to reduce those expenses. RFID functional products and for innovative products. Functional Pro ducts are MRO items and other commonly low profit margins wit tagging can be used: 1. to prevent over-stocking or under-stocking a product or component, for stock security, by positioning tagrelatively stable demands and high levels of competition. Innovative Products are characterized by short product life cycles, volatil readers at points of high risk, such as exits, and causing them to trigger alarms, for quality control, particularly if you make or stock demand, high profit margins, and relatively less competition. The following is a framework for supply chain strategy development: Step items with a limited shelf life. ** Define the term sustain able procurement and describe how this is different from green 1 The firm’s suppliers are classified as belonging either to the innovative or functional category. Step 2 :The goals and strategies of th sourcing. Why is green sourcing a good sourcing strategy ? - Sustainable procurement as "a process whereby organizations inbound portion of the supply chain are developed. Step 3 : Supply chain capabilities are evaluated & compared to required meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of performance. Step 4 Set goals for improving capabilities. Step 5 Implement work plan. Step 6 Monitor progress & adjust the work generating benefits not only to the organization, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimizing damage to the plans. ** Is a level production strategy suitable for a p ure service industry, such as professional accounting and tax service environment. The ability to meet current needs of the supply chain without hindering the ability to meet future needs in terms of or law firms? Ans: Most of the service industries are not suitable at the level of production strategy reason behind that service don economic, environmental, and social challenges. Sustainable sourcing differ in the following ways: 1. It grows revenue by after the consumer demand and same time the services do not have inventory for level production strategy. The illustration tha introducing new and differentiated sustainable products and services. 2. It reduces cost by increasing resource efficiencies, decides whether level production strategy is suitable for pure service industry is as shown below: 1. The pure production strategy avoiding use of noncompliant suppliers and rethinking transportation and distribution designs. 3. It build intangible assets by suitable for the pure service industries such as professional accounting and tax service. 2. These firms cannot inventory their output further enhancing brand and reputation through social and environmental responsibility while green sourcing is a practice aimed at as they consume simultaneously along with the production. 3. Pure service firms cannot inventory their outputs 4. The firms such a ensuring that products and materials meet environmental objectives of the organizations such as waste reduction, hazardous professional accounting and tax services cannot easily hire and fire their regular employees monthly. They usually rely on a chase material elimination, recycling and material reuse. ** Do you think strategic Supplier relationships impacts the firm? Argue strategy. Therefore, they hire part time employees for peak seasons. No it is not a suitable strategy because there are fluctuations i your answer: Yes it does. It determines the key strategies parameters to organize around. 2. It facilitate the dissemination of both of those industries and they can’t inventory their output because it’s constantly changing. They wouldn’t be able to keep constan information. 3. Elevate the importance of the strategic alliance program. 4. It provides continuous evolution of alliance staff on-board because there isn’t constant work. Level production strategy relies on a constant output rate & capacity while varyin performance, visibility and support 5. It rewards suppliers as performance merits. ** What are the basic drivers of Strategic inventory & backlog levels according to fluctuating demand pattern. It works well for make-to-stock manufacturing firms. ** Do yo sourcing? Briefly explain.Ans: 1. Reduce costs and delivery cycle times, 2. Improve quality and long-term financial think RFID can be used to manage inventory? - RFID allows a business to identify individual products and components, and to trac performance, 3. Increase number of global competitors 4. Increase customer focus 5. Reduce high costs of globalization and them throughout the supply chain from production to point-of-sale. RFID is a technology that uses radio waves for communicatio materials, 6. Deliver more innovative products more frequently & cheaply than competitors. between a tag and a reading device. Inventory can be tracked more accurately in real time, resulting in reduced processing time an labour. More significantly, the complete visibility of accurate inventory data throughout the entire supply chain, from the manufacturin shop floor to warehouse to retail stores brings opportunities for

** What are the various modules of an ERP System? Why many ERP implementations fail? Briefly explain with Example. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems were made to replace legacy MRP systems & coordinate information requirements for purchasing, planning, scheduling & distribution in a complex global environment. ERP consists of many modules that are linked together to access & share the same database. Most ERP software providers design their products to be compatible with their competitors’ products. The most common ERP modules are: Accounting & finance, Customer relationship management, Human resource management, Manufacturing, Supplier relationship management, Supply chain management. ERP Implementation fail: Lack of top management commitment: while management may be willing to set aside sufficient funds to implement a new ERP system, it may not take an active role in the implementation process. Often this leads to fail. Inaccurate & unrealistic inputs: Most of the times inaccurate information and unrealistic inputs of data may cause failure to ERP system. Lack of adequate resources: Implementing a new ERP system is a long term commitment requiring substantial capital investment. Full implementation of ERP is still out of reach for many small business due to cost. Lack of proper training: many employees may already be familiar with their legacy MRP system. Thus, when a new ERP is implemented, top management may assume that users are already prepared and underestimate the training required to get the new system up and running, Lack of communication: Lack of communication within an organization or between the firm and its ERP software provider can also be a major hindrance for successful implementation. Incompatible system environment: in certain cases, the firm’s environment does not give ERP a distinct advantages over other systems. For example: there is no advantage for a small used car dealer in a small town to implement an expensive new ERP system. ** How do you understand the strategic role played by the purchasing function in developing and improving the supply chain ? An The purchasing function is one of the most value-enhancing functions in any organization, preferable to periodically monitor the purchasing function’s performance against set standards, goals, and/or industry benchmarks. Business professionals responsible for purchasing typically manage procuring raw materials, supplies and services. Managing the supply chain using involves negotiating the contracts required to support a company’s production of products or services. The Institute of Supply Management provides resources,

tips and tools for procurement professionals. It also offers certification programs that stress the importance of effective purchasing and supply management to an organization. The Skill set requirements of purchasing professionals have been changing as purchasing, sourcing or supply management has evolved from the tactical, clerical function it was about thirty years ago to the highly demanding strategic function it is today. T Purchasing personnel must today exhibit world-class skills such as: Interpersonal communication, Ability to make decisions, Ability to work in teams, Analytical skills, Negotiation skills, Customer focus, Ability to manage change, Influencing & persuasion skills, Strategic skills, Understanding business conditions *Why firms are migrating from legacy MRP systems to integrated ERP systems? Briefly Explain Ans: Legacy MRP systems which were implemented in the 1960s, 1970s & 1980s, describe an older information system at a production scheduling operational level within an organization. MRP systems lasted beyond their intended life span. Communication between legacy systems is limited and visibility across functional areas is restricted. Legacy system were implemented to gather data for transactional purpose and this, lack analytical capabilities. The use of ERP has gradually spread from manufacturing to the service sector & has become commonly used in many organization. Three main reason why firms are migrating from legacy MRP systems to integrated ERP systems are: Firms replaced legacy MRP systems with efficient ERP systems to reduce costs & deal w/Y2K problem. Information systems that were previously off limits are now accessible to smaller organizations. As the global business environment continues to changes, ERP is expected to evolve to become more flexible to adapt to mergers and acquisition and to provide more real-time monitoring and response. ** Do you thin k supplier partnership and strategic alliances can create value? Argue your answer with example. Ans: Alliance development, an extension of supplier development refers to increasing a key or strategic supplier’s capabilities. Supplier alliances result in better market penetration access to new technologies and knowledge, and higher return on investment than competitors with no such strategic alliances. Alliance development will eventually even extend to a firm’s second-tier suppliers, as the firm’s key suppliers begin to form their own alliances. Successful alliance development can indirectly create successful, high-performing second-tier & third-tier relationships. Organizations may require direct suppliers to acquire goods and services from specific suppliers and under specific conditions. They can also work directly with supplier alliance partners in solving second-tier supplier problems, designing supplier selection and certification programs.

** How an integrated ERP system works? Development of ERP System? Advantages of ERP System? - ERP system is an umbrella system tying a variety of specialized systems, (i.e., production & inventory, purchasing, logistics, HR, finance, accounting, customer relationship, & supplier relationship management). ERP utilizes a centralized & shared database system to tie the entire organization together in which information is entered once at the source & made available to all users. The emergence & growth of supply chain management, e-commerce, & global operations have created the need to exchange information directly with suppliers, customers, & foreign branches of organizations. Uses single database & common software infrastructure. Communicates with supply chain members. Helps reduce supply chain inventories. Supply chain visibility leads to reductions of the bullwhip effect (buildup of supply chain safety stock inventories). Standardizes processes & eliminates redundant resources while increasing productivity. Tracks employees’ time & performance .Integrates financial, production, supply, & customer information. ** What is e-procurement is popular in current situation? Do you think e-procurement is better than manual procurement? Ans: Using the internet in procurement can create enormous benefits for organizations with mostly paper-based procurement system. The Primary benefits of e-procurement include: Cost savings and Free-up time to concentrate on core business . This comes about because E-procurement systems enable the concentration of a large volume of small purchases with a few suppliers in electronic catalogues, which are made available to the organization’s users. The users then select items directly from the catalogues and buy on contracts that allow repeat purchase. Example: the city of Helsinki, Finland provides a great example of government purchasing benefitting from the use of an e-procurement system. On an annual basis, the city purchases approximately 2.5 billion of items from over 10,000 suppliers. The use of e-procurement can also aid a firm’s sustainability and ethical purchasing efforts. Global bank HSBC for instance, uses their “ buy smart” e-procurement system around the world to vastly reduce the use of paper from their ordering and payment process. ** Briefly explain the aggregate production plan with example? Ans: APP is a Hierarchical planning process that translates annual business & marketing plans & demand forecasts into a production plan for all products in a plant or facility. Planning horizon of APP- at least one year & is usually rolled forward by three months every quarter. Costs relevant to the aggregate planning decision include inventory, setup, machine operation, hiring, firing, training, & overtime costs. Three basic production strategies that

firm uses for completing the aggregate plan: Chase Strategy- Adjusts capacity to match the demand pattern. Firm hires & lays off workers to match production to demand. Workforce fluctuates but finished goods inventory remains constant. Works well for make-toorder firms. Level Strategy- Relies on a constant output rate & capacity while varying inventory & backlog levels according to fluctuating demand pattern. Workforce levels stay constant & firm relies on fluctuating finished goods inventories & backlogs to meet demand. Works well for make-to-stock manufacturing firms. Mixed Pro duction Strategy- T o maintain stable workforce core while using other short-term means, such as overtime, & additional subcontracting or part time helpers to manage short-term demand. Briefly explain the independent d emand inventory system with example? Ans: An inventory of an item is said to be falling into the category of independent demand when the demand for such an item is not dependent upon the demand for another item. Finished goods Items, which are ordered by External Customers or manufactured for stock and sale, are called independent demand items. Independent demands for inventories are based on confirmed Customer orders, forecasts, estimates and past historical data. For example: the demand for an all-terrain vehicle is independent demand. Batteries, headlights, seals and gaskets originally used in assembling the all-terrain vehicles are dependent demands. However the replacement batteries, headlights, seals and gaskets sold as service parts to the repair shops are independent demand items. Similarly the original batteries used in your new car is a dependent item for the automobile manufacturer , but the new batter that you bought to replace the original battery is an independent demand item. Independent demand items cannot be derived using the material requirements planning logic from the demand for other items and thus must be forecasted based on market conditions.

- solution picks the **How do you use third-party (3PL) supply chain management services? Briefly explain. Ans: The use of Third-party logistics **Compare best-of breed vs single integrator ERP implementation with example? Ans: Best-of-breed best application for each supply chain function. The resulting system includes several different application that must be integrated (3PL) companies for SCM services is a growing trend as firms seek to gain quick competitive advantage from the deployment of to work as a single coordinated system to achieve the global scope required of the ERP. A major Criticism of the best of breed proven, effective supply chain strategies. The term 3PL today refers to a firm that supplies logistics and possibly other SCM services. solution is that multiple databases may have to be used to link the multiple applications from different vendors. This may severely For firms with limited SCM experience, these services can be a worthwhile investment. Even large firms use 3PL’s, since Supply affect the ability of the system to update the database rapidly and efficiently – a similar problem of the legacy MRP system. Singlechain cost savings can amount to tens of millions of dollars annually. 1. Gain expertise and knowledge: Supply chain logistics can be integrator- approach picks all the desired applications from a single vendor for the ERP system. The obvious advantage are tha complex; fulfillment, warehousing, and shipping all come with major challenges. When it comes to supply chain logistics, 3PL all of the applications should work well together and getting the system up and running should be easier. As companied become organizations are experts and can impart clients with their experience and connections to quickly streamline processes. 2. Save time more global and as firm’s desire to expand their systems with other compatible modules later on, the notion of using a single and money: Using a 3PL can potentially eliminate the need to invest in warehouse space, technology, transportation, and employees integrator solution becomes more attractive. Problem: A user’s processes must conform to the approaches used in the softwareto carry out logistics processes, allowing for more focus on your core competencies. 3. Scale operations and be more flexible: When logic. Conforming a company’s process to a software program is a radical departure from conventional practice. Thereforea company uses a 3PL, they are able to scale space, labor, and transportation according to current inventory. Additionally, 3PLs are implementing an ERP system using the best of breed solution approach is becoming easier. Best of breed vendors will continue to often able to ease the transition between seasonal periods and industry fluctuation. Finally as an extension Vendor-managed fill a void in the ERP market with specialized application that mainstream ERP vendors cannot provide . ** Explain when you inventory (VMI) services is one of the more popular roles of 3PL. ** How is the EMQ model related to the EOQ model? Briefly would want to u se a continuous review or periodic review inventory system? Ans: The continuous review system require Explain with example? Ans: The EMQ ( Economic Manufacturing Quantity) is another variation of the classic EOQ model. It relaxes knowing physical inventory all the times, like using a barcode scanner every time cashier scans product purchased by the the instantaneous replenishment assumption by allowing usage or partial delivery during production. The EMQ model is especially customer to update inventory. This method is more expensive to administer because inventory needs to update each time appropriate for a manufacturing environment where items are being manufactured and consumed simultaneously, hence the name something goes out of shelf or comes into the shelf. It requires a lower level of safety since there is only uncertainty during the EMQ. Inventory builds up gradually during the production period rather than at once as in the EOQ model. For instance: let us delivery period is the magnitude of demand. Therefore, during that time, the only s...

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