Communications Inhibitors Assignment 1 PDF

Title Communications Inhibitors Assignment 1
Course Advanced Business Writing
Institution University of Maryland Global Campus
Pages 3
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Kathryn Montone October 25, 2018 WRTG 394 7966 Communication Analysis


Background Information

I have worked at an outdoor catering company in Gaithersburg, Maryland since I was 15 years old. I have moved my way up over the years and am currently an Operations Supervisor. We hold business events, picnics, weddings and any type of party in which our Event Managers plan within a year in advance. Events are located on a 92-acre location that requires us to stay in constant contact with each other as well as staying organize with over 100 employees working. In the ten years I have been in this company, I have witnessed countless times of misunderstandings as well as miscommunications amongst upper management. Due to miscommunications, it affects lower level employees as well as throwing off the set schedule we are all meant to stay on. Communications between upper and lower level employees can arise which makes it difficult for events to run smoothly.

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Communication Inhibitors: Nonverbal barrier: this involves actions that involve no word of mouth type of communication but actions that derive from the physical body. That includes nodding off, head down with hands covering face and staring off into space. It is the message with body language that communicates to others. Competition barriers: a result when one or more tasks are attempted at once resulting in distractions from the original tasks. Emotional barriers: either side can instigate this where emotions can get involved in communication. It prevents a message trying to get through to either one because feelings get too caught up in the moment. Physical barriers: this includes physical objects down to non-visible objects that prevent communication between two people. Examples include the connection through walkie-talkies and phone calls.



Inhibitor Analysis

Every time an assistant manager arrives to work, it is their responsibilities to grab a The failure to turn the nob walkie-talkie, turn the volume up and channel up or place it properly in a it to 1. We communicate through theses when Physical Barrier charger prevents proper we are acres away from each other. Sometimes communication from walkies are not placed on the charging stations occurring, properly or the volume buttons are not up all the way Timelines are hand written and are followed Sometimes when this issue by the usage of a master sheet. We then make happens, assistants are just multiple copies of time lines and hand them Emotional expected to deal with what is out to upper management. When things are thrown at them. The lack of Barrier missed and are not placed then managers will caring can make us not want not know if certain food items are correct or Organizational to fix the problem but in the not. Many times if we confront our event Barriers end we know its for the managers they just respond with “Oh, I guess I customer and not for the forgot”. manager. If the list of things to do is too long and we need pen and paper to right it down, the best option is to just meet Audience up with the manager giving expectations Many times event managers will take instructions. advantage of our walkie talkies to verbally Trying to remember all the give us long instructions to do certain things. Poor timing information while listening When there are too long of instructions from on the walkie while also higher up, we always end up having to have Competition making sure events on the them repeat themselves which takes away time barriers timeline follow through can if anyone else needs to talk. distract us from making sure we are getting everything done and eventually distract us. Some of the assistant managers are also college Bi monthly, all managers will sit down and students who do not like have a meeting about certain expectations, wasting their times in these employee discussions and certain maintenance Non verbal meetings. They view this around the property. Many assistant managers barrier meetings as useless and on will tune out and not take notes because these most occasions do not get meetings will drag out for over an hour or two. involved with discussion or participate with topics.

IV. Evaluation Onas c a l eo f1 0 0 , Igi v eag r a d eof8 0f ort h ec o mmu n i c a t i o ni nmywo r kpl a c e . Wh e nIwo r kb e s i d emyma n a g e r s , o u rc o mmun i c a t i o ns k i l l st h r i v e . Ho we v e r , wh e n e v e r wea r eap a r t , t h ec o mmu ni c a t i o nb e t we e nust hr o u ghwa l ki e t a l ki ed i ffe r s . So meo fu sdo n o tt r yt or e p l ys o me t i me so rha v ef o r g o t t e nt h a tt hev ol u meb ut t o ni st u r ne dd o wn . Ot h e r i s s u e si n c l u d et h ewa l ki e t a l ki e sd yi ngo uto nu sf r o ml a c ko fc ha r g i n g . Af t e ry e a r so f u s a g e , i two u l db es ma r tf ort h ec o mp a n yt oi n v e s ti nbe t t e rq u a l i t ye q u i pme n t . Asf ormyc o mp a n ya sawh ol e , t h e r ewi l la l wa y sb efla wsi nt h es y s t e m. Th i sc o mp a n y h a sb e e na r ou n df o ro v e r6 0y e a r ss oi ti sh a r ds o me t i me sf o rt heo wn e rt oma k ed r a s t i c c h a n g e swh e nt h i n g sh a v eb e e nt h es a mef o ry e a r sa ndy e a r s . I ti si mp o r t a n tt ha ta l l ma n a g e r sa r eo nt h es a mep a g ewh e ni tc o me st op e r f o r ma n c ef o rt h ee v e n t sa n df o rl o we r l e v e le mpl o y e e s . Th i si n c l u de sv e r b a la n dno nve r ba lc o mmu n i c a t i o nb e t we e ne v e r y o n e ....

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