Comparison of Emile Durkheim, karl Marx and Max Weber on economy.docx DOCX

Title Comparison of Emile Durkheim, karl Marx and Max Weber on economy.docx
Author Blessings Moyo
Pages 7
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Compare and contrast Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber’s theoretical approaches in sociology particularly focusing on the economy Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber were historical sociologists whose views are known widely and have shaped many ways of interpreting social structure of many...


Compare and contrast Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber's theoretical approaches in sociology particularly focusing on the economy Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber were historical sociologists whose views are known widely and have shaped many ways of interpreting social structure of many modern societies. All the three sociologists were preoccupied with the great transformation[ CITATION Kar42 \l 1033 ] which occurred with industrialization and urbanization of Europe in the 19th century[ CITATION Web78 \l 1033 ]. All of them appreciated the work of Darwin and they all analyzed the context that shape market changes. The three theorists can be considered structuralism but focused on different types of structures. Max focused on factories that convert natural resources into commodities through human labor, Weber thought about norms and offices that contain bureaucracies that enforce norms and Durkheim focused on norms cities that keep different kinds of occupational specialists with district sets of norms. In this paper, we shall compare and contrast Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and Max Weber's theoretical approaches in sociology mainly focusing on economy by looking at each theorist in detail. Karl Marx Marx believed that social development grew out of conflict between social classes and under capitalism. The conflict was between those who own the means to produce wealth and the mass of workers[CITATION Mar02 \p 142-145 \l 1033 ]. Marx was the most influential political, economist who inspired many political and economic experiments that occurred in various parts of the globe. Successful revolutions that occurred in Russia, China, Korea and other countries are simply described as Marxist revolutions. The introduction of capitalism was a very important revolution as it introduced new technologies, new modes of production, and new channels of distribution and new sources of wealth. In addition to this, old forms of hierarchy and old sources of oppression were removed entirely. The introduction of capitalism brought us wealth and freedom than we used to be. Marx concluded that the capitalists system was a genuine source of economic, social and moral problems[CITATION Kar50 \t \l 1033 ]. Marx understanding is similar to Weber's project in the sense that he attempt to understand how modern capitalism has raised the capitalism which preceded it. It is also believed that Marx analysis of capitalism is historical in nature. He dwell much on the alienated state of modern man via historical materialistic analysis, theorizing it throughout history. Marx viewed humanity different from other theorists. He viewed humanity as idealistically and realistically while acknowledging the reality of capitalistic system but having the opinion that there is ultimate inability to sustain itself. He stressed that individuals have little control over the economic forces. Marx talked about the exploitation of the worker. He argued that the capitalist system was unjust because workers were unable to get their dues. The owners of private property received more than their fair phase of what was produced in a capitalist society and the 1...

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