Cultura: CEX 2 World Englishes PDF

Title Cultura: CEX 2 World Englishes
Author Carolina Menéndez Tamargo
Course Introducción cultural al mundo anglófono
Institution Universidad de Oviedo
Pages 4
File Size 266.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
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Standard English

The English that with respect to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary is substantially uniform though not devoid of regional differences, that is well established by usage in the formal and informal speech and writing of the educated, and that is widely recognized as acceptable wherever English is spoken and understood II.

Dialect vs. Accent

The definition of a  ccents and dialects used most often by people who work with language is that accents are just one part of a dialect. An accent refers to how people pronounce words, whereas a dialect is all-encompassing. A dialect includes the pronunciations, grammar and vocabulary that people use within a group. III.

Pidgin vs. Creole

A pidgin is a language that has developed from a mixture of two languages. It is used as a way of communicating by p  eople who do not s peak each other's l anguages. A creole i s a language that has developed from a mixture    of different languages and has become the main language in a particular place. A Creole is a fully-developed language. A Pidgin is not. A pidgin arises when speakers of two different languages encounter one another and have a need for limited communications. The pidgin incorporates words from both source languages and has a simplified grammatical structure, just enough to allow communication for some limited purpose. For example, a pidgin might support just enough communication to allow Polynesians to trade with Captain Cook. So you could identify trade goods, express interesting trading, identify terms of the trade, but you could not discuss the full range of ideas you could in either native language. A pidgin is never any person's native language; it evolves among adults who are native speakers of different languages. In contrast, a Creole is a fully-functional language of its own. It has a complete grammar and the full expressive power that affords, often quite different from the grammar of  ot its source languages. A Creole language develops spontaneously among children, n adults, who live in a multi-lingual community. Young brains seem to have the built-in capacity to invent new grammatical constructs spontaneously. Unlike a pidgin, a Creole is a native language to its speakers who acquired it as children.


Official Language vs. Lingua Franca Official Language. The language or one of the languages that is accepted by a country's government, is t aught in s chools, used in the c ourts of l aw, etc. Lingua Franca. A language used for communication between groups of people who speak different languages.


Anglophone vs. Anglosphere Anglophone Origin: early 20th century (as a noun; rare before the 1960s): from Anglo- + -phone, on the pattern of Francophone ●

“consisting of or belonging to an English-speaking population especially in a country where two or more languages are spoken” (Merriam Webster) E.g. “Anglophone” vs. “Francophone” Canada

“a person who speaks English, especially in countries where English is not the only language that is spoken” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary) E.g. “Born in the UK, my father is the only Anglophone in our village”

Anglosphere ●

“the group of countries where English is the main language” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

"the countries of the world in which the English language and cultural values predominate” (Merriam Webster) THE ANGLOPHONE OR ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD

Countries of the world where English is an official or de facto official language, or national language Countries where it is an official but not the primary language English don’t have the same status in all those countries. Depending on the country, English could be a lingua franca, an official language, a first language, a second language, etc. WORLD ENGLISHES: KACHRU’S CIRCLES

THE EXPANSION OF ENGLISH The expansion of the British Empire between the 17th and 19th and, also the emergence of the USA as the world economic power in the 20th century favoured the spread of English in the world.

New Englishes are the second varieties of English developed during the second expansion of the British Empire in Asia.

The dominant role of English in today’s world is the result of the emergence of the USA as the world political and economic power since the 20th . The dominance can be seen in the United Nations and the World Trade, international organizations in which English is the main official language. Also, most of the highest grossing films are in English and it’s a common language of science. It is taught as a second or foreign language in most countries across the world. Today there are 2 billion people who speak in English, 400,000,000 are native speakers and 1,600,000,000 are no native speakers. DISTRIBUTION OF ANGLOPHONE POPULATION

VARIETIES OF ENGLISH: DAVID CRYSTAL It is essential for English learners to know the situation of English around the world because English is not a simple variety, it’s a conglomeration of different varieties. Varieties of English differ from one to another in the sense that there is a different vocabulary, different grammar, different pronunciation and so on. Those different varieties of English can affect in the English classroom in the sense of choosing what English are the teacher going to teach. The teaching situation has become more complex, there are more variants out there which student ought to be advised. Teachers should war students that this variations exists and explain why they are there....

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