Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English (WEEK 8 4th Quarter) PDF

Title Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English (WEEK 8 4th Quarter)
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
Institution Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Pages 17
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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English Week 8, 4th Quarter Prepared by: Angelica A. PamilI. Subject Matter Competencies: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors; and express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed Topic: “Sinigang” b...


Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 English Week 8, 4th Quarter Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil


Subject Matter Competencies: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors; and express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed Topic: “Sinigang” by Marby Villaceran


Objectives At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to: Display a deep understanding on the short story “Sinigang by Marby Villaceran” Analyze the elements present in the short story “Sinigang by Marby Villaceran” that shows the culture of the Filipinos Give value to the Filipino culture by reading Philippine literature


Procedure Teacher’s Activity

Student’s Activity

Day 1 Before

A. Introductory Activity B. Unlocking of difficulties “So, class, before we proceed to our “Yes, ma’am!” Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

lesson for today, I will need to test your vocabulary skills first. You just have to find the correct meaning of the underlined word used in the sentence. I will be calling one student per item. Got it?” “Okay. For number one, the


sentence is ‘My nose wrinkled as the pungent mix of heavy perfume and sweat assailed me.’ What is the meaning of the word pungent? a.) having a sharply strong taste or smell b.) walk in a specified way c.) a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintly “Yes, Student 1?”

“It’s letter A, ma’am, having a sharply strong taste or smell.”

“Very good! Now, next number. ‘I poured the hugas bigas into the mass of crushed onions and tomatoes and added the chunks of beef into the concoction before covering the pot and placing it on the stove.’ What is the meaning of the word concoction? a.) a mixture of water b.) a mixture of various ingredients or elements c.) a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc., in stock or water. Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

“Student 2, what do you think is the answer?” “Is it letter C ma’am?” “Hmmm. Thank you, Student 2 but the correct answer is letter B. It’ because letter C refers to the word ‘soup’.”

“Okay, next sentence. ‘He was an acolyte in church’. What is an acolyte? a.) a person who plans, designs and reviews




buildings b.) a religious leader authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion c.) a person assisting the celebrant in a religious service or procession “Student 3, what’s the correct answer?” “Correct! Next number, ‘I reminded myself “Letter C, Ma’am.” to tread carefully with her.’ What does tread means? a.) To walk in a specified way b.) To sew something c.) A thin string that is used for sewing “Student 4, can you please answer this item?" “Ma’am, I’m just going to guess, is it letter “Nice guess! It’s actually the correct A? To walk in a specified way?” answer, thank you!”

Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

“Last number. ‘The blade of the knife clacked fiercely against the hard wood of the chopping board.’ What does clacked means? a.) to make a sharp sound or series of such sounds as a result of a hard object striking another b.) to make something broken c.) the sound of an angelic voice “Student 5, what do you think is the correct answer?” “Letter A, Ma’am” “Correct! Thank you.”

C. Motivational Activity

“Now first, I will be dividing the class into two groups. You will be divided in the middle





arrangement.” “We will be having a mini debate today about the Philippines’ national dish! Do you guys like eating Sinigang?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“How about Adobo?” “Great! Now these two dishes are the “Yes, Ma’am!” most popular Filipino dish, and many are arguing what should be considered as the Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

national dish between the two.


now, each group will pick a paper here where “adobo” or “sinigang” is written. “Yes, Ma’am!!” Once you already picked your dish, you’re going to defend that dish on why should it be considered as our national dish? Do you understand class?” “Okay! Now that you’ve already picked your assigned dish, let’s start with the Adobo group! Adobo group, why do you “Ma’am, for us, Adobo should be the think Adobo should be our national dish?”

national dish because it’s more delicious than sinigang. It’s salty and sour at the same time that’s why it complements our

“Oh really? How about you Sinigang taste buds!” group? What can you say?” “Ma’am we don’t agree with them! Of course SInigang should be our national dish! It’s sour and savory taste helps us “Okay. Adobo Group, how will you defend fight the cold during rainy season!” your side?” “Ma’am, many people don’t like to eat Sinigang because it’s very sour especially foreigners who come to the Philippines! A national dish should be something that “Thank you. Now Sinigang group, are you tourists can also appreciate!” okay with what they said?” “No, Ma’am! We would like them to know that Adobo is not an original Filipino dish. It came from the Spanish unlike Sinigang which came from the Tagalog region here Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

in the Philippines! It should be the national dish because it represents the “Okay, okay. I think that’s enough! I would Filipino culture more!” like you class to give yourselves a round of applause because you all did great! Both groups are the winner for today!”

“Now, we had this activity because it has something to do with our lesson today, specifically it has something to do with Sinigang.”

During “Today class, we will be starting our lesson






Villaceran titled ‘Sinigang’. Now when you “I feel hungry, Ma’am!” “It feels like I can hear the word Sinigang, what comes to smell its sour flavor.” your mind?”

“Right? I feel that way too! The delicious flavor of Sinigang is really remarkable! Do “Yes, Ma’am” you agree class?” “Alright, and because of that, today, we will be discussing about the short story which is titled “Sinigang”. It’s written by Marby Villaceran.”

Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

“Now before we proceed to the main story, let us first get to know the characters in the story.”

“Student 6, can you please enumerate the characters by reading what’s written on the board?”

“Ma’am the characters are Liza, Tita Loleng, Liza’s father and mother, Sylvia

“Thank you! Now remember that food is and Lem.” part of someone’s culture. So by reading this short story, we will know how Sinigang, a food from the Philippines, is connected in the plot of the story.” “So class, I have here an animation video of the short story that is about 5 minutes long. You will watch this and after this we “Yes, Ma’am” will have a short discussion. Okay class?” “Okay, that’s it for the video. Did you guys the story? Were you able to understand the plot of the story through this video?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Good! Now I have some questions, all throughout the story, what amazed you the most? Yes Student 7?”

“I was amazed how the author created the connection between the process of cooking Sinigang and Liza’s memories

“That’s a good point! In the story, the especially with her during her halfauthor used figurative words in order to brother’s wake.” connect Sinigang to narrate the flow of Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

the story.”

After Daily Assessment “Now











assessment. Get a one whole piece of paper and you will answer what’s written on the board.”

“It’s simple, you just have to arrange chronologically the sequence of events that






arranging, you will write these events in a “Yes, Ma’am!” paragraph form. This is a total of 20 items. 10 for the first part then another 10 for the second. You will do this in 10 minutes. Is that clear?” “The events that you’re going to arrange are: 1. Liza picked out the tomatoes they’re




for the

Sinigang. 2. Liza recollected her first encounter with Sylvia in the living room where Lem’s coffin is. Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

3. Sylvia recognized Liza and begged for forgiveness. 4. Liza washed

the tomatoes in

running water. 5. Liza chopped the tomatoes using the wooden chopping board. 6. Liza’s Dad came and talked to her, thanking her for coming. 7. Liza crushed the onions, tomatoes, and salt together with her hand. 8. Liza prepared the vegetables, she picked the good parts in kangkong. 9. During Lem’s burial, her father cried so hard. 10.Her father apologized to her.” (After 10 minutes) “Okay, time’s up! It looks like everyone’s finished so let’s check. Check your own papers.” “Class, I don’t know if you noticed but the events are already in chronological order, so it’s very easy. As for the paragraph, if you arranged the events correctly then you will get a perfect score. If you got a wrong answer on the first part, that’s the same with the second part.” “Oh it seems like majority of you got perfect score! That’s great! Now we finish Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

here, and tomorrow, we’ll delve deeper on the story. Is that okay, Class?”

“Yes. Ma’am!”

“Okay, goodbye class!” “Goodbye and thank you, ma’am!” Day 2 Before A. Introductory Activity B. Unlocking of difficulties “Okay class, so before we start, let me test your knowledge first about our previous topic.” “The title of the short story we discussed yesterday is? Yes, Student 1” “Correct! Now who’s the main character “It’s Sinigang, Ma’am, by Marby of the story? Student 2, can you please Villaceran.” answer?” “Good. Who’s preparing the Sinigang with ‘The main character is Liza Ma’am.” Lliza? Yes, student 3?” “Okay. What was the story about? Yes, “It’s her aunt, Tita Loleng.” student 4, can you give us the plot summary?” “Ma’am, the story is about the preparation of Sinigang and the recollection of Liza’s Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

memories with her encounter with her “Thank you so much, student 4!”

father’s other family. It talks about the connection of the process of cooking

C. Motivational activity

Sinigang to the memories of Liza”

“Yesterday we had a debate on which dish should be our national dish, Sinigang or Adobo. Today, we’re going to have an activity





on “Yes, Ma’am!”

Sinigang. As we all know, Sinigang is famous for its sour taste. So we will play a little game. I have a here a bunch of kamias, which is one of the main ingredient of Sinigang in some areas. All you have to do is to eat a kamias and try not to make a sour face, try to stay calm. The winner who manages to stay in his or her poker face will win. Are you ready class?”

“Great! So I will be needing five students, and that will be Students 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Please go here in front and get one kamias each.” “Okay. Ready? GO!”

“Go class! You have to stay calm and finish all of your kamias to be considered as the winner! You can do it!”

Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil







managed to finish her kamias first without making a sour face! Incredible!”

You can now go back to your seats, thank you! Did you have fun class?”

“That’s good to hear!” “Yes, Ma’am! Very!” During

“So today, we will be talking about the theme present in Marby Villaceran’s Sinigang. First we will be talking about infidelity.” “Student 9, what do you think is the connection of infidelity to the story?” “Ma’am, in the story it was revealed that Liza’s father had an illegitimate son with “Exactly. The story was narrated by using his mistress Sylvia. The story revolves flashbacks which occurred when Liza around the memories of Liza when she was preparing the ingredients for the went to her half-brother’s wake.” Sinigang




remembered each moment because it somehow resembles the process of cooking Sinigang.” “Now, question, what would you feel if you were in Liza’s shoes? What do you Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

think about infidelity? Yes, student 10?” “For me, Ma’am, I think Iwould feel the same way. I will also be hurt because I “Thank you. Now, moving on, in this short am very against infidelity especially since story, the Filipino culture was showcased. marriage is a sacred thing.” What do you think are those elements? Yes, Student 11?”

“The Sinigang itself, Ma’am, food is part of culture and Sinigang is an original Filipino food.”

“Correct. How about you, Student 12?”

“Culture includes the traits and customs of a certain community, Ma’am, so I think it showed the trait of Filipinos of being “That’s a very good point! You see class, family-oriented and family-centered. It’s this story also tells us how Filipinos like family is family despite the infidelity of cannot set aside their family in any Liza’s father to her mother.” circumstances.”

“With that, this short story is very important. It’s a must for everyone to read since it does not only tells a story of infidelity but it also highlights the Filipino culture.” After “Now as part your assessment, you will be doing a group activity. You’re going to come up with a 3-minute play that’s about Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

the process of cooking Sinigang. Now you







household cooks Sinigang in the same way, some use sampalok, kamias or powdered mix right? What you’re going to do is you have to come up with a story that is connected in how you cook Sinigang. Just like in the short story we discussed, as you cook Sinigang, there “Yes, Ma’am!” must be a story that is connected to a step in the cooking process. Now go to your assigned groups and discuss your plan. You will be performing it tomorrow. You can use any props and costumes. Your performance will be grade base on the following criteria: 






Sinigang - 50% 

Delivery – 25%

Creativity – 25%

For a total of 100%. Is it clear class?” “Okay, class see you tomorrow for your performance!” “Good bye and thank you, Ma’am!”

Day 3 Before

Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

A. Introductory Activity B. Unlocking of Difficulties “So class, I have here a set of jumbled of words. I will say the definition of that word and you will answer what’s the word that is being defined. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“It is the action or state of being unfaithful. The letters are F I D E Y L T I N I. What’s the word? Yes Student 1?”

“Infidelity, Ma’am.”

“Correct. Okay, next. It is something that is not authorized by a law also refers to a child born out of wedlock. The letters are G I M A E L L I A T E T I. What’s the “It’s Illegitimate Ma’am!”

word? Yes, Student 2?”

“Correct. Next is, it is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social “Culture, Ma’am.” group. The letters are U R T C U L E. What’s the answer? Student 3?” “That’s right. Thank you.” C. Motivational Activity “Before





performance, Let’s play a little game first to relax your minds. It’s just a tongue twister, you will do it altogether, Okay?”

Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil

“Sure, Ma’am!”

“Here it goes: Stew, skew, stew, skew” “You’re just going to repeat it faster and faster. The one cannot do it will have to spell the word Sinigang using his or her butt. Do you understand? Ready… GO!”

“Stew, skew, stew, skew, Stew, skew, stew, skew, Stew, skew, stew, skew, stew,

“Ooops. Student 4 got it wrong! Go here stew, skyu.” in front and spell Sinigang with your butt. Okay… S… I… N… I… G... A… N… G… Yey! Thank you so much for doing that.” During

“Okay, class. Just like what we’ve been discussing for the past two days, Marby Villaceran’s




highlights the Filipino culture in a creative way by telling the story through the process of cooking Sinigang.”

“Through this short story, you were able to take a deeper understanding on the Philippine culture. Now, what can you say about literary texts that incorporate the “Ma’am I think through literature, the culture of a community? What are your culture of different countries are enriched views?”





information about that culture.” “That’s great to hear! I hope that through this short story and other Philippine literary texts, you were able to recognize Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil


the importance of literature in preserving “Yes, Ma’am!”

culture. Do you understand class?” After “Now,



proceed which


with part


your your

assessment for our lesson. Remember that you will be graded base on the following criteria: 






Sinigang - 50% 

Delivery – 25%

Creativity – 25%

“Are you now ready class? Let’s start with the first group, then after that the next groups will follow.”

(Students perform their play)

“Great job, class! Give yourself a round of applause because you all did an amazing performance! You all managed to show the connection of your story to the steps you do when you’re cooking Sinigang. You all delivered it well and in a creative way! That’s it for today! Thank you, class! Goodbye!”

“Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am!”

Prepared by: Angelica A. Pamil...

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