Domande English 4 Management PDF

Title Domande English 4 Management
Course Management
Institution Università degli Studi di Milano
Pages 8
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ENGLISH FOR MANAGEMENT 1) “Prewiring” a meeting is especially important if you are going to approach a) Corporate goals b) Institutional partners and stakeholders c) Sensitive and critical topics 2) If you begin a motivation letter with “To whom it may concern”, you should close your letter with a) Yours faithfully b) Yours sincerely c) Either option is fine 3) If you write a motivation letter and you know the name of the person you are writing to, you should close your letter with a) Yours faithfully b) Yours sincerely c) Either option is fine 4) Which is not an appropriate way to begin a formal email? a) Dear Mrs. Smith b) To the attention of: Mrs. Smith c) To whom it may concern 5) The type of meeting when people sit comfortably, take notes, and speak in a precise and efficient manner a) The egg-timer meeting b) The stand-up meeting c) The café meeting 6) An “attention statement” is important a) To conclude the communication process effectively b) To capture the attention of your audience c) To summarize the key points of a message 7) The “introduction” is the part of the message in which you should a) Make a clear statement of your topic b) Establish a relationship with your audience c) Make a clear statement of your topic AND establish a relationship with your audience 8) A meeting in which you discuss an employee’s performance is known as a) An appraisal meeting b) An annual general meeting c) A management meeting 9) A meeting in which you elect the company board of directors in a publicly-owned corporation is known as a) An appraisal meeting b) An annual general meeting c) A management meeting 10) If things are taking longer than planned, they are a) Getting side-tracked b) Prewired c) Behind schedule 11) When things are behind schedule you should a) Make sure to include at least one item for discussion that focuses on something strategically important, but not urgent b) Place topics that require more discussion at the very beginning of the agenda 1













c) Provide written action plans - people need to see in writing what action is required of them and by when If participants to a meeting are getting side-tracked, you should a) Go back to the original question or re-state the purpose of the meeting b) Invite opinions from quiet individuals in private c) Make sure to include at least one item for discussion that focuses on something strategically important, but not urgent In which type of meeting would you most probably hear this statement: “I think we really need to start cutting costs”? a) An annual general meeting b) An appraisal meeting c) A management meeting In which type of meeting would you most probably hear this statement: “So, let’s review last year’s financial results”? a) An annual general meeting b) An appraisal meeting c) An annual general meeting or a management meeting In which type of meeting would you most probably hear this statement/question: “we seem to be breaking up. Is everything all right with your connection?”? a) a team-building meeting b) a teleconference c) an appraisal meeting In which part of a message should you make your point clear and provide clear evidence to support the communication process? a) Introduction b) Body c) Residual message The transmission model of communication implies the following elements: a) Sender and receiver b) Sender, receiver, message and channel c) Sender, receiver and message Similarity, pragnan, proximity, continuity, and closure are keys principles of a) Listening prairie b) Gestalt theory c) Self-concept Public communication starts with a) Intrapersonal communication b) Interpersonal communications c) Audience communication According to the “self-fulfilling prophecy” our initial thought or cognition becomes truer every time because of our actions a) True b) False According to the “looking-glass” self-model, our views of ourselves are largely based on a) Our direct contemplation of our personal qualities b) Our perceptions about how we are perceived by the others c) The interaction of both elements 2


ENGLISH FOR MANAGEMENT 22) What if the first step in the construction of our views of ourselves according to the “looking-glass” self-model? a) We imagine how we must appear to others b) We imagine how others must evaluate us based on their observation of us c) We develop feelings about ourselves based on our impressions and other people’s observations and evaluations 23) Jargon a) Implies formal education b) Doesn’t exist in every occupation or professional field c) Focuses on the language people in a profession use to communicate with each other 24) An occupation-specific language used by people in a given profession a) Cliché b) Jargon c) slang 25) A once-clever word or phrase that has lots its impact through overuse is known as a) Cliché b) Jargon c) slang 26) Signposts are a) Words that can be used sarcastically or humorously b) Words that might disguise, obscure, or change the meaning of a message c) Key words that alert the audience to a change in topic, a tangential explanation, an example, or a conclusion 27) Ideas that are based on precious experiences and convictions are a) Attitudes b) Beliefs c) values 28) Your immediate disposition toward a concept or an object is an a) Attitude b) Belief c) value 29) Beliefs may not necessarily be based on logic or fact a) True b) False 30) Beliefs can be even more resistant to change than values a) True b) False 31) Gestalt principles apply to a) Images and objects only b) Ideas and concepts only c) Images and objects, but also to ideas and concepts 32) What is ethos? a) The appeal aimed to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character b) The abuse of emotions in order to sway the audience’s opinion c) Logical argumentation 33) What is pathos? a) The appeal to the credibility of a speaker or politician 3














b) The appeal to the audience’s emotions in order to convince them c) The use of sad anecdotes to move an audience What are the elements of the transmission model of communication? a) Sender and receiver b) Sender, receiver and channel c) Server, receiver, channel, message and noise What are the elements of the interactional model of communication? a) Sender, receiver, message and channel b) Sender, receiver, message, channel, field of experience, noise c) Sender, receiver, message, channel, noise What are the elements of the transactional model of communication? a) Sender, receiver, message and channel b) Sender, receiver, message, channel, field of experience, noise c) Sender, receiver, channel, message, noise, field of experience, channel of feedback What is the difference between the interactional and the transactional model of communication? a) The channel of feedback and the focus on communication as integral to human nature b) The emphasis on field of experience c) The simultaneous nature of every message The transmission model of communication can be said to: a) Disregard the idea of feedback and the field of experience b) To be useful to every communicative context c) Be still applicable in most communicative setting specially to avoid miscommunication What are the 3 steps in the looking-glass self-model? a) Know yourself, know other, know how other know you b) How I appear to others, how I appear to myself, how I imagine I appear to others c) How I appear to others, what others must think of me, revise how we think about ourselves What is prejudice connected to? a) Cognition b) Discrimination c) affect What is a self-fulfilling prophecy? a) A prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior b) The belief that if you put enough effort and dedication into something, your ambition will be fulfilled c) The ability to affect other people’s performances by harboring great expectations What is discrimination connected to? a) Behavior b) Cognition c) affect A meeting actually starts when the invite is sent out, not when the physical meeting starts a) True b) False Fill in the gap: “______! I can tell you exactly why the program failed.” a) Hear me out b) Hear me up c) Speak in 4


ENGLISH FOR MANAGEMENT 45) “To come back to bite somebody” means a) To deal with a problem b) To cause problems at a later time c) To freely propose ideas 46) Something you can be enthusiastic about doing is something a) You can pinpoint b) You can be into c) You can sink your teeth into 47) Which word best defines something growing or spreading very quickly, often in an uncontrolled manner? a) An annual general meeting b) An appraisal meeting c) A management meeting 48) A necessary step towards ending the rampant global inequality is... a) A reduction in outsourcing policies b) The development of offshoring policies c) A crackdown on global tax havens 49) One of the sectors or groups in a business or organization a) Parent-company b) Subsidiary c) division 50) Offshoring is not a straightforward cost savings tactic because many organizations experience “offshore fatigue” a) True b) false 51) It is responsible for imagining, creating, and sending the message in the communication process a) Channel b) Receiver c) Source 52) A situation in which a benefit gained by one side means a loss to the other side is usually called a) A win-win situation b) A win-lose game c) A zero-sum game 53) Employees whose managers adopt a “participative style of management” seldom feel that their contribution to the company is valued a) True b) False 54) A smaller company that is owned by another bigger company a) Division b) Subsidiary c) shareholding 55) One of the sectors or groups in a business or organization a) Parent company b) Subsidiary c) division 56) Reports vary by… a) Functions 5














b) Functions and style c) Functions, style and traditions A report that represents, analyzes, and presents lessons learned forma a specific example is a a) Field report b) Compliance report c) Case study A memo… a) Is normally used for communicating policies, procedures, or related official business within an organization b) Is mostly used to inform, but it may include an element of persuasion or a call to action c) Doesn’t need an introduction, but it needs a body and a conclusion A table of contents is usually NOT included in a report a) True b) false The process by which you cause an idea or idea to develop in your mind is called a) Incubation b) Incorporation c) production The act of creating your speech from the elements you have gathered is called a) Incubation b) Incorporation c) production “if you cut your delivery time by, say, 10 days, we would be _______ to pay the price you have proposed” a) Halfway b) Prepared c) Hoping In which part of a message should you make your points clear and provide clear evidence to support the communication process? a) Introduction b) Body c) Residual message “Preunderstanding” is based on a) Expectations b) Self-concept c) Objectives Choose two “manipulative” negotiation tactics a) Negotiation nibbling b) Pre-wiring c) Ground rooting Which negotiation tactic would you neutralize by ignoring a threat and continuing the negotiation as if you had not heard it? a) Good cop, Bad Cop b) Negotiation silence c) Take it or leave it The “negotiation silence” tactic takes place when you…













a) Stop talking in the hope that your opponent will become uncomfortable and to make a concession in order to break the silence b) State limitations, real or imagined, hoping that your opponent will make a concession to meet your limit c) Make one last “small” demand once the deal has been done hoping that your opponent will agree in order not to harm the agreement Stereotyping produces largely inaccurate perceptions. However, it may be useful in that it enables us to assess social data quite rapidly a) True b) False The exposure to a stereotype surrounding a task can cause a decrease in an individual’s performance. This phenomenon is known as: a) Stereotyped performing b) Self-fulfilling prophecy c) Stereotype threat When we are influenced by a behavioral component a) We are influenced by the so-called “stereotype threat” b) Prejudice might produce discrimination c) Our behaviors change the way we perceive ourselves When we produce a message, our audience selects what to pay attention to based on a) Relevance b) Internal stimuli c) The “self-looking” glass Which process is based on exposure, attention, and retention? a) Pre-wiring b) Selection c) Pre-understanding In communication, the process of sorting information into logical categories or series is known as: a) Selection b) Cognition c) organization An “organization scheme” a) Identifies the elements involved in the communication process: source, message, channel, receiver b) Defines the shared characteristics of the content of a message and influences the logical grouping of the item communicated in a message c) Should be avoided for effective communication practices What is the first step in the construction of our views of ourselves according to the “looking-glass” self-model? a) We imagine how we must appear to others b) We imagine how the others must evaluate us based on their observation of us c) We develop feelings about ourselves based on our impressions and other people’s observations and evaluations What is one critical aspect of the “looking-glass” self-model? a) We are influenced by the opinion of others in the way we perceive ourselves b) We are influenced by what we imagine the opinion that other people have about us might be 7






c) The external context plays enormous influence on the way we perceive ourselves The characteristics that make someone an individual, but that he or she has in common with others are called a) Demographic traits b) Psychographic traits c) Common graphic traits “Non-judgmentalism” involves: a) The search for common ground and understanding with your audience b) Willingness to examine diverse idea and viewpoints c) Recognizing that each person has basic rights and is worthy of courtesy What are perceptual filters? a) Prejudice influencing our behavior towards others b) Discrimination towards others based on our beliefs and attitudes c) Variables such as age, gender, education that influence our perception of the world What is stereotyping? a) A synonym of overgeneralizing b) A synonym of prejudice c) A synonym of discrimination


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