Dukale\'s Dream Paper - Grade: A PDF

Title Dukale\'s Dream Paper - Grade: A
Author Steven Masters
Course Business Law I
Institution Pace University
Pages 6
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Business Practice

Dukale’s Dream & Fair Trade There is a famous proverb that goes “When you give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” This proverb, famous worldwide, is truly the quote that can best describe the movie Dukale’s Dream, and the motivation and real-life impact it enshrines. For from this quote and movie does the message of better business, fair trade, and the principles of teaching man a better way to provide for himself shine in this real-life story. A story of how a humble Ethiopian farmer named Dukale teams up with worldwide acclaimed actor Hugh Jackman, and with the help UNICEF ,in partnership with World Vision, do they learn that with the promotion of innovative techniques in sustainable eco - friendly farming, coupled with the production and sale of Fair - trade only coffee, could they be able to help lift not only simple farmers like Dukale out of poverty and into better lives - but yet also create a chain reactions of positive economic growth, sustainable development, and overall a better society for developing nations. Therefore, through this film overview and alone, this paper aims to tell this story, and from here alone, does it wish to express how work reflected in this film, could be done on a bigger scale to produce economic better development worldwide. To begin, the film Dukale’s Dream, starts with Hugh Jackman and his wife Deborra-Lee Furness, preparing to visit the country of Ethiopia, in partnership with their long time sponsored organization - World Vision. From here, it explains how World Vision is one of the world’s leading non - profit organizations and specifies on how its projects are involved in creating sustainable development in developing countries, providing humanitarian relief to countries afflicted with wars and famines, and also educating within rural communities of those countries to help create foundations for better economic and social standards of life for those nations.

Through these programs such as education, investment, and of course humanitarian aid - the organization’s main purpose is to both provide immediate aid to afflicted countries, while at the same time, take long term efforts to help these countries grow their economies and societies through fostering education, and creating fair market business investment opportunities to such countries. In fact, that is why Jackman and is wife visit Ethiopia, because it is one of World Vision’s biggest target countries that has been operating there for decades. Thus highlighting first how through Ethiopia’s main export of coffee, Ethiopia has now began to work to represent itself from a nation once known for its mass famines and brutal civil wars instead be reflected as that of mass economic growth and investment. For Jackman, the story then unfolds as he arrives in the country with his wife, and from there travels to a remote rural village on the outskirts of the capital Addis Ababa, where he meets the man and namesake of the film Dukale, an Ethiopian coffee farmer, whose farm and village has been receiving the tutelage and support of World’s Vision’s and also the man whom Jackman and his wife will be working with in learning, implementing and witnessing some of World Vision’s programs. Like many, Dukale is a young 28-year-old illiterate coffee farmer who lives with his wife and 5 kids. Throughout generations, farming has been the only way of life for most people like Dukale, especially considering the coffee plant’s ancient history with Ethiopia, as one of the world’s first and biggest source of coffee in general. Therefore, for Dukale, he spends his time tending to his farm tenfold, especially since climate change has reduced the amount of arable land available, and because the coffee he sells is often sold below market value to 3rd party corporate international trade syndicates, there is little income left to spare for himself and family in his small hut. For Dukale, his experience and lifestyle, is that of the many millions of farmers out in third world countries trying to buy and support themselves financially. For Jackman and

World Vision, this is where they begin to work and analyze the situation and begin to understand both the root of the problem, as well as steps for potential solutions. To start, the 1st issue that World Vision experts share with Jackman is that farmers like Dukale are using far outdated and archaic farming methods to cultivate their land which in turn, is causing the lands to be defrosted, overused, and in turn massive carbon imprints around their land. From here, Jackman sees in Dukale’s small but humble wooden hutt that the only source of heat and cooking they have in Dukale’s home is an old stove and heater that relies on wood, and that overgrazing, and usage of the land quickly rends the land to be unstable and prone to famine. Thus, with the help of World Vision, Jackman and Dukale set to work together on setting in more eco friendly ways to farm and cultivate their land, while reduce the amount of both carbon imprint Dukale uses and also grow more with less. Through farming techniques such as shading, balanced usage of water, and even using leftover cow manure to create methane which provides bio-gas and heat for Dukale’s home - the results begin to slowly take hold over the time. In the meantime, as Dukale and Hugh Jackman work in the fields, cultivate the land, and even shovel manure together while planting coffee trees - the two form a very unique and uncommon friendship and together, just before Jackman leaves, Dukale plants two coffee trees in his yard and names them after both Hugh Jackman’s children - an experience he never forgot upon. The second issue that Jackman comes to understand about which problem also heavily dominates the coffee industry in parts of Ethiopia and around the world is the absent regulation and implementation of fair trade. For coffee farmers like Dukale, most farmers typically work year long and provide the harvests to multi international companies pennies to the dollar, and from them on their coffee is then sold at much higher profit margins, while farmers like Dukale make meagre earnings. Thus, within Ethiopia itself, Jackman sees how through World Vision’s

efforts and education programs, local villages have bonded together to create semi village coffee communes and congresses which price and bond their coffee products evenly and fairly at regular market value and then through an elected certified broker and representative, the coffee is sold at auction through the fair trade Ethiopian Commodity Exchange at much higher values than they used to be paid for before. Thus, the 2nd biggest focus that was needed, for the project was to demonstrate and understand of how important fair trade brings higher revenues for the farming communities, hence then namesake - Fair Trade. To put into further context, the need for more promotion and benefit of such projects is exemplified when by now in the movie, Hugh Jackman has returned back to the United States, and having been emboldened and touched by the friendship and experiences he had in Ethiopia, he decides that more exposure and action must be done to help the plight of those farmers. Thinking of Dukale, Hugh Jackman is invited to the United Nations General Assembly on Climate Change, and from there he gives an impassioned speech on how necessary it is for the UN to support more projects in support of Fair Trade, especially on account of the positive impacts it brings on a bigger level. On a personal level, Jackman later on also goes on to create the Laughing Man Foundation, which currently serves as foundation that invests, sells, and promotes fair trade coffee goods to be bought and sold at fair market prices. The proceeds of these profits are then reimbursed back into community development projects worldwide. For Hugh Jackman, the experiences and actual life of working, farming, and living in those villages and feels is what truly created this bond, and with humanitarian fair business standards do we see the motivation in projects like this. In reference to the movie, the effects of these policies are shown back to the movie where years later Jackman goes back to Dukale’s village in Ethiopia and sees for himself the

changes that happened since he left. In the time that Jackman and Dukale have split ways , Dukale has now become the village commune’s administrator in managing, pricing, and selling the coffee to the Ethiopian Commodity exchange, while his own personal planting work has doubled the amount of harvest he typically receives as well. With these massive income boosts Dukale has been able to invest in his wife to open up her own town good’s shop, he has managed add on proper additions to his once wooden hut home that he lived in, and for his biggest pride and joy, being able to get his children to go to school on their own and receive a good education something he couldn’t enjoy when he was a child growing up. For Dukale's dream of selling his coffee at a fair market price, has ultimately enabled him to create and receive a better standard of living for himself, his wife, and now the future for his kids. This story, and message from the documentary, is what truly holds the keys towards improving the lives and economies of developing countries worldwide. By promoting fair trade from coffee, the same principles could be applied for the fair trade and purchasing other commodities, the manufacturing of clothes, machinery and other industrial goods, and really for once give a chance for the people of developing countries to grow up and enjoy decent standards of life's for themselves, BY themselves. The fact of the matter is Ethiopia currently stands as one of the world’s fastest growing economies in the world (1), and if programs such as those from World Vision help properly manage and grow industries very vital to some of the growing countries strongest exports and resources - the potential in those markets boom heavily alone. Therefore, the documentary of Dukale’s Dream is a documentary and movie that shows how with a small amount of concentrated effort, followed by clear purpose, investment, and cooperation - countries and trade can actually grow and benefit from one another, without having to resort to amoral capitalistic exploitation practices commonly seen in third world countries. By

encouraging, growing, and supporting programs such as those for Dukale and the millions of Ethiopians, Columbian, and other coffee farmers of the world - the same efforts can be applied to multiple trades and areas across the planet. From the simple act of education, management, and small-time investment - one idea has managed to effectively change the lives of farmers worldwide, and other investments as well. By continuing investing in such programs, the same could be applied for those struggling in the industrial plants of Southeast Asia, the mines of West African countries, and overall because most developing countries rely on the sale and trading of their commodities to improve their businesses and economies, the applications of such measures can encourage both consumer businesses in the western world and local businesses in the developing world to both enjoy profits, better trade, and better quality in both life and business. All in All Dukale’s dream is a dream and documentary that sell the story of how fair trade and better business can grow through investing in humanitarian programs that focus on sustainable development. Through the simple actions of education, management, and investment worldwide, fair trade has managed to change the lives of African coffee farmers and so many across the world and it has the potential to do so much more.

Source Citation: -

Kopf, Dan. “Ethiopia's Incredible Economic Rise.” Quartz, Quartz, 26 Oct. 2017, qz.com/1109739/ethiopia-is-one-of-the-fastest-growing-economies-in-the-world/...

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