-ED -ING Adjectives - Apuntes TODO PDF

Title -ED -ING Adjectives - Apuntes TODO
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
Pages 2
File Size 90.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Las terminaciones “-ed” y “-ing” no sólo se usan para formar los tiempos verbales del pasado y presente continuo, también se usan con adjetivos. Estos adjetivos están compuestos de un verbo y estas dos terminaciones, pero ten en cuenta que el sentido cambia dependiendo de que terminación se use. • “-ed” Adjectives (Adjetivos terminando en “-ed”) Los adjetivos que terminan en “-ed” indican o describen emociones. Estos adjetivos suelen acabar en “-ado” o “-ido” en español y van después del verbo “estar”. Ejemplos: John is interested in art.(John está interesado en el arte.) Denise was bored in class.(Denise estaba aburrida en clase.) Luke is excited about his new job.(Luke está emocionado con su nuevo empleo.) • “-ing” Adjectives (Adjetivos terminando en “-ing”) Los adjetivos que terminan en “-ing” indican o describen una característica de algo o alguien. A diferencia de los adjetivos que terminan en (“-ed”), no hay regla en español para formar estos adjetivos y van después del verbo “ser”. Ejemplos: John is an interesting person.(John es una persona interesante.) The class was boring so Denise fell asleep.(La clase era aburrida así que Denise se durmió.) Luke started an exciting new job.(Luke acaba de empezar un nuevo empleo emocionante.) Fill the gaps with the adjectives in brackets. a. He's such a monotonous speaker. I was so ................................. . (bored / boring) b. Most sequels are ................................. . (disappointed / disappointing) c. I had such a ................................. day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring) d. Everyone's very ................................. about the news. (excited / exciting) e. That lamp produces a very ................................. effect. (pleased / pleasing)

f. The whole school was ................................. by the tragic event. (saddened / saddening) g. I don't like watching ................................. films on my own. (depressed / depressing) h. I was ................................. when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing) i. He's such a ................................. guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored / boring) j. I'm very ................................. in films and theatre. (interested / interesting) k. No one knew what would happen next. We were all .................................. . (intrigued / intriguing) l. It was a very ................................. situation. (interested / interesting) m. There's been some very ................................. news. (surprised / surprising) n. His mother was ................................. by what she found under his bed. (disgusted / disgusting) o. Their hamburgers are .................................. (disgusted / disgusting) p. Dad always arrives home from work completely .................................. . (exhausted / exhausting) q. He's always showing off. It's really .................................. . (annoyed / annoying) r. I think Alex is one of the most ................................. people I've ever met. He can't keep still for a second. s. (annoyed / annoying) t. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really .................................. .(embarrassed / embarrassing) u. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather .................................. . (embarrassed /embarrassing...

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