EDU-330-T4-Service Learning Ideas Template 2021 PDF

Title EDU-330-T4-Service Learning Ideas Template 2021
Course Social Justice for Educators
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
File Size 222.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 33
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service learning ideas template that discusses multiple ideas for how community service is included in grade level curriculum...


Service Learning Ideas Template Service Learning Project Title

Alignment to State Academic Standards


Alignment to Professional Dispositions of Learners


In 50-100 words, describe the service learning project, who would be involved, what it would include, etc. At least one of the projects must involve technology.

List one or more grade-level standards you would use when integrating the project into the classroom (include the standard verbiage and the standard code).

1. Trash pick-up day

A trash pick-up day would include students traveling to and from a specific location in town where trash is on the streets. While being supervised by the teacher or other supervisor, the students will pick up trash for an hour using pick up sticks, gloves and trash bags.

SLS 11-12.1b “Speaking and Listening Standard: Work with peers to promote civil, democratic discussions and decision making; set clear goals and deadlines; and establish individual roles as needed” (CTE, 2013).

1. Students would be learning how to respect their communities by caring for it and taking action to keep it clean. 2. Students would be learning how to work with their peers in order to achieve a common goal

https://bridgingthega 6/07/CommunityCleanup-Guide.pdf

2. Conduct ing a sports activity that will be taught to lowincome families

A class of 24 9th grade students will be put into 4 groups of 6 and each group will come up with their own lesson on a sport and research the techniques and tools needed in order to be successful. They will write up an outline of this lesson and

WS 11-12.7 “Writing Standard: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem, narrow or broaden the inquiry when

1. Students will learn how to work together to achieve a common goal 2. Students will be demonstrating compassion for those who do not have the same opportunities as them.

https://everyneighbor orts/

Describe two or more Professional Dispositions of Learners that students would be learning during the service learning project (e.g., respect for the diversity of others, compassion, or fairness).

© 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Provide a link to a related organization or any required materials needed to conduct the service learning project.

who cannot afford sports camps for their children

teach it to a Saturday sports club at a local elementary school.

appropriate, and synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation” (CTE, 2013).

3. Peer Counseli ng

Students will be asked to attend a training so that they can spend a week counseling their peers. I think that a lot of students struggle with mental health in this day and age so I think that this would be a great way to implement the speaking and listening standard into a service project by being an ear for their friends who are struggling and sharing kind words with one another.

SLS 9-10 11-12.1 “Speaking and Listening Standard: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively” (CTE, 2013)

1. Students demonstrate compassion by listening to others' struggles. 2. Students demonstrate kindness by sharing nice things to their friends in need.

https://www.cwwpp. org/peer-counselingand-self-caregroups.html

4. Pen Pals

7th grade students are given a pen pal for the year that consists of members of the community. In this case, they are paired with senior citizens in which the students will write letters to them and

WS 11-12.6 “Writing Standard: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing

1. Students are showing respect by being a friend to their elders. 2. Students are able to develop personable relationships with those who do not have the same opportunities and

https://www.cde.stat g-standard6penpalservicelearnin gproject

5. Canned food drive competit ion

do monthly zoom calls with them to check in and see how their assigned pen pals are doing.

feedback, including new arguments or information”.

A class of 24 students will be split up into 6 groups of four and each group will be responsible for estabilishing a plan to gather as many canned good as possible to donate to the local food drive. The students will need to gather a minimum of four cans per student, however the group with the greatest number of cans will win. This will require encouragement among team members in the group to reach out and gather as many as possible.

SLS 11-12.1b “Speaking and Listening Standard: Work with peers to promote civil, democratic discussions and decision making; set clear goals and deadlines; and establish individual roles as needed” (CTE, 2013).

abilities as them.

1. Students will learn how to work together cohesively 2. Students are caring for lowincome individuals who cannot afford food. ndhunger/resources/ planningafooddrive/

References CALIFORNIA Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards (2013, January). In CTE. Retrieved from

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