Environmental Sciences Written Assignment Unit 6 PDF

Title Environmental Sciences Written Assignment Unit 6
Course Introduction to Environmental Sciences
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
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Environmental Science written Assignment All over the world there is pollution. Unfortunately when it’s happening we may not see the effect, hence we keep on impacting the environment but the damage is quite huge. We all need products that include food, clothing and many other things and this therefore result in construction of many industries that cause air pollution. The problem with air pollution is that it affects humans in such a way that they end up using lots of money for healthcare if they get sick and all other species in the planet are affected as well. So people aught to be educated on how to reduce pollution so that before they think of polluting the air, they know the implications.

I contacted the department of environmental affairs in my town. I stay in a metropolitan city and air pollution has a great impact in the city since there are so many activities that take place in the city. South Africa is still a developing country hence it relies a lot on fossil fuels and this results in a lot of loss in productivity and mortality due to pollution. The country is however working on implementing regulations whereby industries try as much as they can to reduce pollution by making use of renewable resources wherever possible.

In my area the main air pollutant that was mentioned was that power generation activities such as industrial processes, and transportation are contributing a lot to air pollution. We discussed the possible causes of air pollution and we noticed that they mainly come from transportation either from the public or private vehicles because the industries are a bit far. People travel everyday to workplaces and also vehicles are used a lot on transporting goods at the end the town is polluted because of such.

My area comparing to others it seems to be the most populated amongst others because I reside in the metropolitan city so the city is exposed to a number of things like industrial wastes, transportation et cetera. Also the province that I reside is small but it has the biggest number of occupants so chances of it being polluted are very high. Not mentioning that most industries are found here, it also happens to be the capital city so many amenities are situated here for easy access to everyone. So Gauteng Province where I reside is the most air polluted area in the whole country.

If I had time and resources I would implement renewable resources wherever possible to avoid pollution of any form because renewable resources generate energy that produces no green house gas emission from fossil fuels and it also reduces many other types of pollution. So instead of using coal for electricity, I would suggest that every household make use of solar energy and gas to reduce pollution. Also I would make it point that the automotive industry start manufacturing hydro-electric vehicles so that we avoid

incomplete combustion because hydro electric cars despite being efficient, they also have less negative impact on the green house gas emission than any other cars

After reading about pollution I noticed that this problem of air pollution is not only in South Africa but it’s a challenge all over the world. People are being careless with the environment hence pollution is becoming a serious problem that is damaging the environment. Leaders need to take a stand and start to implement solutions that save the planet. And the challenge with developing countries is that we do not have enough resources to adapt to new technology. However I feel that if those developed countries understand this crisis they should step up and fund poor and or developing countries to save our environment.


Department of Environmental Affairs(March 10, 2020). Impacts Of Pollution in Gauteng Province....

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