Essay arranged marriage PDF

Title Essay arranged marriage
Author Daria Polyakova
Course Inglese
Institution Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro
Pages 2
File Size 43.6 KB
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E' un essay academico per la lingua inglese....


Daria Polyakova, 3d year Essay “Arranged marriage” Nowadays there are a lot of different points of view regarding an arranged marriage. Some countries, for example, prefer to keep their traditions for centuries, while others move with the times. Some people are conservative, whereas others are open-minded. But although young people in an arranged marriage in most cases have the same nationality and culture and can be close to each other in these aspects, young people shouldn’t return to the tradition of arranged marriage because of the absence of choice that implies the high risk of being unhappy for the rest of one's life and because of the relationships in the marriage where a husband and a wife will never be on equal terms.

The first thing that needs to be said is that nationality and culture play without doubt a great role in the relationships between a man and a woman, especially in the countries with a traditional view on things. People are proud of their origin and believe it’s important to have the same roots, values and ideas to extend the human kind. It is widely thought that the couple with the same culture can be closer to each other; however, to my mind it isn’t the main condition for the good life union.

Moreover, every person in this world has the right to choose what he wants and what he needs. For example, nobody could ever know better than you your food preferences, not to mention more important things in life. It is clear that a parent always wants the best for their sons and daughters, but not always the parent will have the very same perspective of what's actually "best”. The impossibility of choosing the partner with whom you'll have to tie your life will inevitably increase the risk of being unhappy for all of your life, which can lead to other problems, especially concerning the health. Indeed we cannot ignore the fact that unhappy people do get sick more often. It stems from the anxiety, stress and depression that you will

inevitably feel in your relations.

Besides, in an arranged marriage the role of the female is a subordinate to the male. At the present time it could become a problem for women for whom it’s important that their opinion would be taken into account. One should note that women have the same right to express their beliefs as well as men. But in an arranged marriage woman will never be able to feel an individual, to be as equals with your partner, everything will be decided by the husband.

To draw the conclusion, one can say that the institution of arranged marriage shouldn’t be brought back because of arguments such as freedom of selection, which allows you to be happy and subsequently healthy, and last but not least, because of the necessity of being heard, which is so close to being loved that for average person they are almost indistinguishing....

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