Essay Of Self Reflection Paper For A Management Course PDF

Title Essay Of Self Reflection Paper For A Management Course
Course Fundamentals Of Management
Institution Baruch College CUNY
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Document that was mandatory to get a good grade in the course...


Nicholas Nerys Professor Lipani MGT 3120 Self Reflection Paper

Being a college student in the workforce with two jobs along with taking this and many other courses has helped me learn a lot about colleagues, managers, and myself. Completing the self-assessment pages along with taking exams has helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses not only as an employee myself, but also as a manager if I were to ever become one. There were many things I was surprised about when completing the assessments related my management skills as well. The various assignments and activities in this class really helped me understand and realize where I stand, what I excel in, and what I need to work on. I discovered that I am a very understanding and social manager and employee, I connect, adapt, and form relationships with people fairly easy, and I am able to perform a job effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, some of my weaknesses include recruiting or interview new or potential employees and being able to coach others and myself at work. Finding my strengths was always easy for me. I am a very quick learner and quick to understand a concept. Many of the things I was tested on and went over in this class were very easy for me understand, hence why I have not received a grade below an A on any one of the exams. Throughout the various topics we covered in class this semester, one of my major strengths is being able to be a down-to-earth manager if I have to be one where the employees would love coming to work and working with me. On the few

occasions where I was manager of the store for the day when a main manager was out, I always felt like my friends, who were employees as well, would work more efficiently and in a better mood. When learning McGregor’s theories, I came to the realization I am a Theory Y manager. McGregor believed there were two types of managers, a Theory X manager, who believes employees generally dislike work, lack ambition, and follow a classical directive “command and control” style. The Theory Y manager, which is the opposite, who believes employees are willing to work, capable of self control and self direction, responsible, and creative. I felt this when I was in the manager position because my employees seemed to be more enthusiastic while working. To support my case, after completing “Self-Assessment 1:Management Traits”, I am classified as a successful manager with strong traits in the ability to get along with people. This leads into my next strength, which is being able to form relationships with many people I work with. At my job now, there is a strong culture between all of us, which is why I can relate to this topic. We are more than just co-workers; we hang out outside of work all of the time and we actually look forward to seeing each other the next time we go into work. Even when I would start a new job, I was able to connect and adapt with the employees and form relationships very easily. This relates to the topic we discussed about in class, organizational cultures. Organizational culture is the personality of companies. They are shared beliefs and values that guide behavior of organizational members. When I completed “Self-Assessment 9: How Adaptable Are You?” I scored a 47, which is in the high adaptability range. The last strength I want to talk about is how I can perform and complete jobs very quickly and effectively. Once I understand how to do something, I like to find ways to make the job easier and quicker so I can get more done in less time.

This was closely related to Frederick Taylor’s theory on scientific management. He believed that there is one “best” way to perform any task, which is what I believe as well. The way I do things now at my work is not the same from the day when I first started. I changed the process of the way I do things and am now able to perform some jobs quicker than the way I used to. Having many strengths is important, but everyone has weaknesses, including myself. The first weakness I would like to talk about is being a very open and accepting person. This has its pros and cons. If I were to work in the human resources department and was able to recruit and interview new or potential employees, I believe this trait would be a con. I am a very nice, understanding, and empathetic person. I believe everyone has a benefit for something, and if I were to interview someone, I would probably hire him or her no matter how good or bad their background is. In “Self Assessment 10: Human Resource Management”’ I circled “no” for most of the questions, which indicated that I was not a good fit for the human resources field. Even though recruiting potential employees is a small part of human resources, it is evident I do not belong in human resources at all. Thankfully, my goal is not to work in human resources, but if I were to ever end up there, I would have to be a little sterner and put the company in front of myself. To be a successful recruiter, you have to understand the company’s needs. This is very similar to sports, if the New York Yankees need to give up less runs per game, they are going to go recruit pitchers and not fielders. My second weakness is being able to coach others. I personally do not like telling people what to do, and I know I do not like being told what to do either. When I completed “Self-Assessment 6: Coaching”, most of my answers were in the 1-3 range, which when added up at the end,

totaled in the range of “not effective coaching”. I can relate this to when I coached my brother’s 3rd grade basketball team, I was not really fond of it, which lead to the team losing the first game and I had my friend take over the coaching position. If one day I were to become a manager for my department, coaching would be a big role in my position. To be an effective, like recruiting new employees, is to put the company’s goals first, and do whatever it takes to meet them. This class helped me pinpoint my strengths and expose my weaknesses. An effective manager has good quality in many traits. I am more of a “master of one” rather than a “jack of all trades” type of person. Taking multiple assessments each week helped me understand myself more. I used my responses from the assessments to see what type of manager, employee, and person I actually am. Going forward, my biggest goal is to be more open and social with others. Even in school I am very secluded to myself and only socialize with a handful of people. Being a Business major, this has to change. Once I get a job when I graduate, I know I will have to interact with many people a day and even perform presentations if necessary. This class helped shape me and set personal goals for myself to reach before I graduate....

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