FAQ Student exam fluid system PDF

Title FAQ Student exam fluid system
Author okaju helali
Course Fluid System Modelling
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 16
File Size 392 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 3
Total Views 136


quiz 9 Fluid system quiz 9 Fluid system...


Updated: 19 May 2020 (7.45pm)

The campus is closed from 18 March - 9 June 2020 Click on the tile or text that will lead you to the right content.

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Assessment, grades & exams

Online learning

Deferment & intermission

Key dates




Student Visa

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Campus, tech & others

Graduate Research

Latest Update Will there be schemes to help students who will be submitting their thesis but are not entitled to the Graduate Research Merit Scholarship extension? [NEW] The Graduate Research Completion Award, (previously known as Doctoral Completion Award) is now open to final year full time or part time Doctoral and Research Masters students. This Award has been introduced to support eligible PhD and Masters by Research students in their final year, who have been significantly impacted during the COVID-19 situation and are close to submitting their thesis for examination. Students will be able to apply for this award where they can demonstrate an immediate and exceptional impact of the COVID-19 situation specifically which could not be adequately mitigated given the stage of candidature. The Graduate Research Completion Award provides a living allowance for a maximum of 12 weeks (PhD students) and maximum of 6 weeks (Masters by Research students) prior to thesis submission. Eligibility: ● Have successfully satisfied their final milestone; ● Have exhausted all other scholarship support, e.g. cannot concurrently hold both the Graduate Research Completion Award and any other scholarship; ● Demonstrate how COVID-19 has had an immediate and exceptional impact that has disrupted the finalisation of their research project; ● Demonstrate they have sufficient candidature to take up this Award and submit their thesis within the maximum course duration ● Be enrolled internally at a Monash Malaysia campus; ● The anticipated submission date of an applicant's thesis must be realistic and clearly achievable. The following graduate research students are not eligible to apply for this Award: ● Students whose thesis will not be submitted within the maximum course duration. ● Students who have exceeded their candidature length ● Joint award students whose HOME university is NOT Monash ● Students who have already submitted their thesis for examination ● Students who are restricted or excluded -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assessment, grades and exams Will there be a change to the grading system in Semester 1? Monash University is maintaining the normal grading system for Semester 1 2020. Semester 1 grades will contribute to students' final results (and average grades) in the usual way. (See update below on Withdrawal.) Normal provisions for special consideration apply. What about withdrawal? We previously advised you that you could withdraw from a unit up until 12 June. This withdrawal meant that the unit was not recorded on your transcript. Following a discussion at the Academic Board we have made a further modification to this process. Students will now be able to withdraw from the unit without academic penalty after they receive their results. Therefore, in semester one 2020, fail grades will not be recorded on academic transcripts nor count towards the Grade Point Average (GPA) or Weighted Average Mark (WAM). What about exam supervision for online exams? We know there have been some concerns about external providers supervising exams. Some units will still need to conduct exams remotely in semester one 2020, in order to meet the requirements of external accrediting bodies. Instead of exams for these units being supervised by an external body, Monash is developing its own platform for exam supervision which will be managed by Monash staff. The below measures will also be followed: ● All student details and exam recordings will be kept entirely within Monash, using our strict privacy and security criteria. ● There will be no sharing of any identifying details with a third party. ● Toilet breaks are allowed - students will be asked to leave their phone visible in front of the camera. ● If it is possible, and safe to do so, any student who does not have an appropriately quiet place to sit an exam can apply to complete it on campus in a suitable venue. This will be conditional on Malaysian Government regulations in force at the time and advice from relevant agencies on the COVID-19 situation. Details about this option will be available shortly.

What arrangements are being made for Semester 1 exams? We are not planning to hold on-campus exams at the end of Semester 1. The assessment structure for all units is being reviewed. In some cases in-semester assessment will have a higher weight in your final mark. In other cases, exams will be re-designed as “take home” exams. There will be invigilated online exams in selected units, mainly where professional accreditation requirements mean that exams are essential. You will receive further information about this from your lecturers.

Online learning Will semester 2 lectures and other learning activities be online? It is not yet clear when the Malaysian government will give permission for on-campus teaching and learning to resume. Given this uncertainty, we will run Semester 2 fully online for all our programs. There will be some units where on-campus activities are essential. We will provide information about the timing of these activities once Semester 2 commences. If you are overseas or interstate, we will work with you on the best timing for these activities. If you have any questions about your Semester 1 or Semester 2 study, please contact your School’s Course Management Office. The contact details are available in the S  tudent FAQ.

How long will lectures and other learning activities be online? Having carefully reviewed the COVID-19 situation here in Malaysia and internationally, we have decided that all lectures and other learning activities will be online until the end of Semester 2. What about essential on-campus learning activities? In some units there are on-campus activities that are essential for you to meet the learning objectives of the unit and the degree. This is particularly the case where laboratory-based activities, or clinical/practical activities, are required. This is how we will manage these essential on-campus activities: ● Your unit convenor will notify you if your unit will require some essential on-campus activities. You will receive this notification in Week 5. (At this stage, the following areas have advised that there will be no essential on-campus

activities in any of their units: School of Arts, School of Business, School of Information Technology, and Department of Psychology.) ● If it is possible, and safe, to conduct some activities on campus late in Semester 1 we will schedule some activities then. We will prioritise activities that are needed in units for students who are completing their degree in Semester 1. Your unit convenors will advise you of the schedule at least two weeks in advance. If you are overseas and unable to return for these activities we will arrange for you to complete them at a different time. ● We will also be programming essential on-campus Semester 1 activities in a special intensive teaching period at the end of the year (between late November and January). Again, your unit convenor will advise you if activities are to be scheduled in this period. If this is the case, you will receive an interim mark at the end of Semester 1 to enable progression and pre-requisites for Semester 2.

Will my attendance be impacted? Attendance will not be taken, either for domestic or international students. Who can I contact if I need help with online learning? If you are experiencing any difficulties with your online study please contact your School’s Course Management Office: ● School of Arts and Social Sciences ● School of Business ● School of Engineering ● School of Information Technology ● School of Pharmacy ● School of Science ● Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine ● Department of Psychology

Key dates What are the key dates for Semester 1? ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Monday 23 March - Week two learning activities continue Monday 30 March - Week three commences Tuesday 31 March - Last day to add units Monday 13 April - Mid-semester break commences Monday 15 June - Swot Vac commences (back to five full days) Monday 22 June - Semester one remote exams commence Monday 27 July - Semester one results released

As a result of these changes, Semester 2 will commence on 3 August 2020. SWOT-Vac will now commence on 15 June for a full week. This is in recognition of the need to support the health and wellbeing of students. R  efer to the table below.

Scholarship Any update on scholarship conditions of award for semester 1, 2020 due to Covid-19? To support you in achieving the best possible results for your units, we recently announced changes to our grading for Semester 1, 2020. A revision to the Conditions of Award of your Scholarship have been made to align with these changes. Click here for more information.

Fees Is there a revised tuition fee payment deadline? We have received a number of questions about the due date for Semester 1 2020 fees. We would like to confirm that the due date is Friday 17 April 2020. If the recent extension of the Movement Control Order makes fee payment by the due date logistically difficult for you, please contact our Finance Team at Finance  Helpdesk, as soon as possible. Will there be a fee discount? Normal fees apply for Semester 1 2020. The quality of a Monash online education and of the award our students will graduate with is the same as for on-campus learning. The testamur and academic transcript will be the same. The skills and the recognition of the award by future employers will be the same. Your qualification will still come from a top 100 university whose graduates are highly sought after in Malaysia and internationally. Our online educational experience will allow for collaboration and two-way participation, keeping valuable peer-to-peer and academic and student relationships alive. Giving students the ability to continue to progress their studies online means they can graduate when they had first intended. The skills, soft and technical, learnt from online will be just as valuable to the workforce and employers as an on-campus experience. In the current global crisis, we are seeing employers (like Universities) adapt their businesses to operate effectively with an online workforce; developing skills in working in this way will only enhance future employment prospects. Essential on-campus learning activities (such as laboratory sessions or clinical/practical activities) will be scheduled late in Semester 1 (if possible) and at the end of the year. What about the General Student Amenities Fee? Given that access to the campus is not possible we will be refunding the Semester 1 General Student Amenities Fee (SAF). For most students, the easiest way to do this will be to not charge them the Semester 2 SAF. For those who paid it in Semester 1 who are not studying in Semester 2, we will arrange an alternative form of reimbursement.

Deferment and intermission How do I apply for deferment or intermission? Please contact [email protected] to discuss your individual circumstances. What will happen with my fees if I defer or intermit? There will be no fee penalty if you defer or intermit by 17 April. Your payment will be carried forward to the following semester. What will happen if I defer or intermit after 17 April? As previously advised, the last day to discontinue a unit without financial penalty was 17 April (extended deadline), you’ll be liable for fees if you discontinue from those units now. If special circumstances have impacted you after the payment deadline, you'll need to apply online via Finance Helpdesk h  ttps://finhelpdesk.monash.edu.my/mobile and provide supporting documentation.

Will my Monash University Malaysia scholarship be affected if I defer or intermit? No. Your Monash University Malaysia scholarship will not be affected if you defer or intermit. Contact the Scholarship Office m  [email protected] for more info.

Student Visa Who do I contact if I need to renew my Student Pass? The Department of Immigration is closed during the MCO period and will not be processing any student pass applications during this time. International students planning to leave Malaysia during the MCO period may do so with a valid passport (even if your student pass has expired during the MCO period). The International Student Pass office will contact all international students post-MCO with the latest advice for your student pass renewal.

I have not received my passport, what’s next? The Department of Immigration is closed during the MCO period and will not be returning any more passports to us as a result of the Malaysian Government’s Movement Control Order. We will be contacting your Embassy or High Commission as soon as possible to advise them of your situation.

Key Contacts Who can I contact if I need help with online learning? If you are experiencing any difficulties with your online study please contact your School’s Course Management Office: ● School of Arts and Social Sciences ● School of Business ● School of Engineering ● School of Information Technology ● School of Pharmacy ● School of Science ● Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine ● Department of Psychology

Who can I contact if I have any other questions about COVID-19 Email: m  [email protected] Phone: 03-5515 9796 (9am-5pm weekdays) Who can I contact if I feel anxious or distressed about COVID-19? You can reach out to our counselling team should you require emotional support. Email: m  [email protected] Phone: +6019 272 5859 (available 24 hours for emergencies).

Campus and other advice Is it safe to use Zoom? All Monash Zoom accounts are protected by Monash Single Sign On (including multi-factor authentication by Okta). Therefore, you are highly encouraged to use your Monash account when logging onto Zoom. Just like any of our IT services, Monash’s Zoom service meets (and always has met) the University’s cyber security, data protection and privacy requirements. We are also providing our teaching and other staff with information on the secure use of Zoom. Can I come to campus? You must not come to campus. If you try to come to campus you will be denied entry. All lectures and teaching activities are now provided online via Moodle. Consult your Moodle site for details about the units you are enrolled in. Will student activities continue? All non-academic and extracurricular gatherings, social activities, meetings and sporting events are cancelled until further notice. What health precautions are being taken by the campus? The campus is now closed.

Precautions What precautions should we take? Practicing good hand hygiene and sneeze/cough hygiene is the best defence against most viruses: ● A social distance of 1.5 metres between people is highly recommended. ● Wash hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating, and after going to the toilet. ● Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or tissue not your hand, dispose of tissues and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser. ● Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick. ● And if unwell, avoid contact with others and seek medical advice.

I’m feeling unwell, displaying flu-like symptoms, what should I do? Seek medical advice. What should I do if I suspect or have come in contact with someone who has Covid-19? You should self-isolate and seek medical advice.

More information relevant to Graduate Research Students Candidature and Variations to Candidature Scholarships and Financial Assistance Research Continuity Contacts

Candidature and Variations to Candidature Where can I find info on candidature, leave, milestone extension, thesis submission? Please continue to stay informed of the evolving situation as well as the response from Monash by regularly checking the fact  sheet (Look for tab on Graduate Research students). These are being updated regularly with current information, and more details are added as they come to hand.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance Will there be schemes to help students who will be submitting their thesis but are not entitled to the Graduate Research Merit Scholarship extension? [NEW] The Graduate Research Completion Award, (previously known as Doctoral Completion Award) is now open to final year full time or part time Doctoral and Research Masters students. This Award has been introduced to support eligible PhD and Masters by Research students in their final year, who have been significantly impacted during the COVID-19 situation and are close to submitting their thesis for examination. Students will be able to apply for this award where they can demonstrate an immediate and exceptional impact of the COVID-19 situation specifically which could not be adequately mitigated given the stage of candidature. The Graduate Research Completion Award provides a living

allowance for a maximum of 12 weeks (PhD students) and maximum of 6 weeks (Masters by Research students) prior to thesis submission. Eligibility: ● Have successfully satisfied their final milestone; ● Have exhausted all other scholarship support, e.g. cannot concurrently hold both the Graduate Research Completion Award and any other scholarship; ● Demonstrate how COVID-19 has had an immediate and exceptional impact that has disrupted the finalisation of their research project; ● Demonstrate they have sufficient candidature to take up this Award and submit their thesis within the maximum course duration ● Be enrolled internally at a Monash Malaysia campus; ● The anticipated submission date of an applicant's thesis must be realistic and clearly achievable. The following graduate research students are not eligible to apply for this Award: ● Students whose thesis will not be submitted within the maximum course duration. ● Students who have exceeded their candidature length ● Joint award students whose HOME university is NOT Monash ● Students who have already submitted their thesis for examination ● Students who are restricted or excluded

Will there be an extension to my Monash Malaysia Graduate Research Merit Scholarship? Standard scholarship duration for doctoral students who receive Monash Malaysia Graduate Research Merit Stipend Scholarship is three years, with the possibility of a further six-month extension upon application. During these exceptional circumstances, the extension process will be simplified and expedited where students’ application for extension will be given top priority. Students who require the extension, please contact your respective School Graduate Research Coordinator.

Research Continuity What are Essential Research Activities? Essential activities are, but may not be limited to the following: • Activity that if discontinued would generate significant data and sample loss • Activity that if discontinued would pose a safety hazard • Activity that maintains critical equipment in facilities and laboratories • Activity that maintains critical samples and animal populations • Activity related to critical infrastructure, facilities, samples and organisms Will I still have access to my building and/or research? Only authorized essential personnel have access at this point in time. If you think that you are one of the essential personnel, please discuss with your Supervision team. If supported, your Main Supervisor will contact the Head of School and/or Deputy Head of School (Research) requesting permission for you to be added to the...

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