Final Exam Concentrated Review PDF

Title Final Exam Concentrated Review
Course Biology: Foundations Of Life
Institution University of Manitoba
Pages 6
File Size 95.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 23
Total Views 152


Life - - Properties of life o The ability of respond to stimuli o Homeostasis o Bind and release energy o Growth and Reproduction o The capacity to evolve o A common structure and physiology Historical Views of Life o Mechanistic View  Living and non-living things are not different and can be expla...


Li f e -


Pr oper t i esofl i f e o Theabi l i t yofr es pondt os t i mul i o Homeost asi s o Bi ndandr el eas eener gy o Gr owt handRepr oduct i on o Thecapaci t yt oev ol ve o Acommons t r uc t ur eandphysi ol ogy Hi s t or i calVi ewsofLi f e o Mechani st i cVi ew  Li vi ngandnonl i vi ngt hi ngsar enotdi ffer entandcanbeexpl ai ned byt hel awsofphysi csandchemi s t ry o Vi t al i s t i cVi ew  Li vi ngt hi ngshavespeci alpr oper t i esandcannotbedescr i bedby t hel awsofphysi csandchemi st r y  Li f ehasauni queener gycal l e dapr ot opl as m o Or gani ci s tVi ew  Li vi ngt hi ngscanbeexpl ai nedbyt hel awsofphysi csand c hemi st ryandar euni queduet ot hei ror gani z at i onandgene t i c pr ogr am

Bas i cChemi s t ry -

Aci di csol ut i onshaveapH l essert han7 Bas i csol ut i onshaveapH gr eat ert han7 Eac huni tofchanger epr esenta10xc hangei nH+ concent r at i on

Or gani cChemi st ry -

TypesofOr gani cmol ecul es o Hydr ocar bonscont ai nonl yC andH o Al cohol scont ai nahydr oxylf unct i onalgr oup( OH) o Or gani cAci dscont ai nacar boxylgr oup( COOH) o Ami nescont ai nanami nogr oup( NH2) o Ami noAci dscont ai nanami noaci dandacar boxylgr oup( COOH and NH2) o Pol ymer sar el ar gemol ecul esf or medofsmal l err epeat eduni t scal l ed monomer st hatar ebondedt oget hert hr oughde hydr at i ons ynt hesi s o Fat sar el i pi dsmadeofagl y cer olmol ecul eandt hr eef at t yaci ds  Sat ur at edonl yusessi ngl ehydr ogenbonds  Unst aur at edf at suseatl eas tonedoubl ebond o Phosphol i pi dsar ecompr i sedofagl y cer olmol ecul ewi t ht wof at t yaci ds andaphos phat egr oup  Theyar ehydr ophobi candt hepr i nci pl ecomponentofmembr anes o Pr ot ei nsar epol ymer smadeofami noaci ds  Pr ot ei nst r uct ur esadi vi dedi nt o3l evel s


 Pr i mar y:t heami noaci dsequence  Secondar y:Coi l i ngorf ol di ngpat t er n  Ter t i ary:ov er al lt hr eedi mensi onalshape  Thef unct i onofapr ot ei ni sdependantont heaci dsequence, envi r onment alcondi t i onandi t si nt er ac t i onswi t hot hermol ecul es  Denat ur i ngpr ot ei nsper manent l yc hangesi t sshape Enzymes  React ant sbi ndont ot heact i vesi t eofanenzyme  Thi scausest heenzymet ochangeshape  Oncet hepr oducti sf or medi tdoesnotfiti nt heac t i v esi t eand l eaves  Thi sal l owst heenzymet or et ur nt oi t sor i gi nalshape

Ce l l s -





Thr eebas i cf eat ur es o Compar t ment al i zat i on o Sel fassembl yandhomeost as i s o Repl i cat i on Ce l lsi z e o Mi ni mum si z esi sl i mi t edbyt heabi l i t yt opac kst r uct ur alcomponent s i nt ot hece l l o Maxi mum si z ei sl i mi t edbyt hesur f ac ear eat ov ol umer at i o Membr anes o Compar t ment al i z et hec el l s o Si t esofc hemi calr eac t i onsandr ecept or s Cyt opl asm o Pr ovi desst r uct ur eandcont r ol smov ement Ce l lWal l o Onl yi npl ant s o Pr ovi desst r uct ur e o Madeofcel l ul ose Or ganel l es o Ri bosomes  Synt hesi z epr ot i ens o Nucl eus  St or est hegene t i ci nf or mat i onoft hec el l o RoughER  Pac kagespr ot ei ns  Ri bosomesar eont heRoughER o Smoot hER  Si t eofl i pi dpr oduct i on o Gol giBodi es  Cr eat esecr et or ypr oduc t sf r om t heER o Vacuol es



 St or age Chl or opl as t s  Pl ant sonl y  Si t eofphot osynt hesi s Mi t ochondr i a  Si t eofcel l ul arr espi r at i on

Ce l l ul arRespi r at i on -




Gl ycol ysi s o Thes pl i t t i ngofgl ucosei nt o2mol ecul esofpyr uvi caci d  Thi spr oducesATPandNADH o St eps  Gl ucosei sspl i ti nt ot wo3car bonchai ns  TwoATPsdonat eaphos phat egr oupt ot he3car bonc hai ns becomi ngADPandcr eat i ngG3P  Eac hG3Pener gi z esNAD+cr eat i ng2mol ecul esofNADH  TheG3Pseac hr et ur nt hephosphat egr oupt ot heADPmol ecul e cr eat i ngATP o Thepr oduc t sofgl ycol ysi sar e2mol ecul esofATPand2mol ecul esof NADH Pr eKr ebsCycl e o Thepyr uvi caci di sconv er t edi nt oa2car bonchai nandCoAi sat t ac hed cr eat i ngac et ylCoA  Anoxy genmol ecul eat t r act sacar bonmol ecul eandt her esul t i ng ener gypr oducesanot herNADH Kr ebsCycl e o TheCoAi sr emov edandt het wocar bonc hai nat t ac hest oa4car bon c hai n o Al ongt hewayt womol ecul esofO2t ake2car bonsandcr eat e2C02s o TheKr e bscyc l epr oduces2CO23NADH anATPandaFADH2 El ect r onTr anspor tChai n o FADH2f eedse l ect r onsi nt ot hee l ect r onc hai nusi ngt hem t ocr eat eATP andH20

Phot osynt hesi s -

Li ghtdependantr eac t i ons o Ener gyf r om phot onsar edi r ect edt oc hl or ophyl l o Theener gyl eveloft hee l ec t r onsi nc hl or ophyl li ncr easeal l owi ngt hem t o det ac hf r om t hechl or ophyl l o Phot osyst em 2  El ect r onsar epasseddowni nane l ect r ont r anspor tchai n  H+i sact i vel yt r anspor t edf r om t hes t r omai nt ot het hyl akoi d compar t ment  St r omat i nyhol eusedf orgasexchange

H+passesbac ki nt ot heSt omat hr oughATPsynt hase  Thi spr oducesATP  PSI Ii sonl yr esponsi bl ef orpr oduci ngATP Phot osyst em 1  El ect r onst hatar eexi t edbyt hephot onsener gycanei t her  Tr av elbackt hr ought hee l ect r ont r anspor tchai nbackt o PSI Iandpr oduceATPt hr oughchemi osmosi s  Passt oanel ect r oncar r i ersuchasNADP+andconv er ti tt o NADPH  NADPH r el eas est het woel ec t r onst ot heCal vi nCycl eand r ever t st oi t sor i gi nalf or m Cal vi nCyc l e  Car bonfixat i on  CO2combi neswi t hRuBPands pl i t si nt ot womol ecul es  Reduct i on  El ect r onsf r om NADPH ar edonat edt ot he3car bonchai n  Oneoft het hr eecar bonpr oduc t si susedt opr oduce gl ucose  Regener at i on  Oneoft het hr eecar boni sneededt or epr oduceRuBP 



Ce l lDi vi si on -



Genet i ci nf or mat i oni sst or edi nchr omosomes Hi s t onesar eal kal i nepr ot ei nst hatDNAwi ndsar ound DNAi st i ght l ycoi l eddur i ngcel ldi vi si on Pr okar yot es o Asi ngl ec hr omosomeat t ac hedt ot hece l lwal l o Pl asmi dsar esmal lci r cul arst r andsofDNA Eukaryot es o Si st erChr omat i dsar ei dent i calcopi esoft hesamec hr omosome Pr okar yot i cDi vi si on o Chr omosomei scopi ed o Pl asmamembr anegr owsandsepar at est hec hr omosomeandi t scopy o Membr anedi vi dest heor i gi nalcel li nt ot woc el l s Eukaryot i ccel lDi vi si on o I nt er phase  Longestphas e  DNAi scopi es  G1  Nor malcel lgr owt h  I ncr easei npr ot ei nsynt hesi s  Cyt opl asmi cv ol umei ncr eas es  Mor eor ganel l esar epr oduced  S



 DNAi ssynt hesi z ed  Chr omosomesdoubl e  G2  Mor egr owt hi npr epf ormi t osi s o Mi t osi s  Pr ophase  Chr omosomesar et i ght l ypacked  TheMTOC ( cent r osomes)depl oy  Thenucl earmembr anebr eaksdown  St r andsat t ac ht ot hesi st erc hr omat i dsf r om bot hsi des  Me t aphase  Longestphas e  Thec hr omosomesar el i nedupont hemet aphas epl at e  Anaphas e  Thesi st erchr omat i dsar epul l edt oopposi t eendsoft hecel l f or mi ngdaught erc hr omat i ds  Te l ophase  Ne w nucl earmembr anef or ms  Chr omosomesunwi nds  MTOC br eaksdown  Cyt oki nesi soccur s o Cyt oki nesi s  Ac l eav ef ur r ow f or ms  Pl antcel l scr eat eanew ce l lwal l Mei osi s o Forsexce l ldi vi si on o Pr ophase1  Homol ogousc hr omosomespai roff  Theycr ossoverf or mi ngt et r adsandexchangepor t i onsof DNA o Me t aphase1  Homol ogousc hr omosomesl i neupont hemet aphas epl at e  Oneoneac hsi de o Anaphas e1  Homol ogousc hr omosomesar epul l edt oopposi t eendsoft hecel l  I ndependentassor t mental l owst hec el l st obesor t ed i ndependent l yoft heot her smeani nghal ft hecel l swi l lbeX andhal ft obeY o Te l ophase1  Ce l lspl i t si nt wo  Thef or mat i onofanuc l earmembr anei snotguar ant eed  Thet wocel l sar enoti dent i calduet ot hecr ossi ngov ert hat occur r ed Mei osi s2 o Mei osi sI Ii ssi mi l art omi t osi s


Eac hpai rofhomol ogouschr omosomesar esor t edi nt oeac hnew cel lar e sor t edi nt oeachnew c el li ndependent l yoft heot herpai r st hr ough i ndependentassor t ment  Mat er nalandpat er nalc hr omosomesdonotneedt ol i neupont he samesi deoft hemet aphasepl at e

Mol ecul arGene t i cs -



DNAr epl i cat i on o Ones t r andofDNAact sasat empl at ef ort henew st r and o Eac hnew s t r andi ncor por at esanol dst r and Pr ocess o DNAi ssepar at edbyDNAHel i case o Compl i ment arynucl eot i desar ef or medandboundbyDNAPol ymer asei n t he5’3’di r ect i on o Hydr ogenbondsar er ef or medbyDNAl i gas e RNA o St agesofpr ot ei nsynt hesi s  Tr anscr i pt i on  Pr omot ersequencei swher et r anscr i pt i onst ar t s  Ter mi nat orsequencei swher et r anscr i pt i onends o St eps  I ni t i at i on  RNApol ymer aseat t achest opr omot ersequence  DNAs t r andsar epul l edapar t  DNAs t r andsar epul l edapar t  RNAnucl eot i desbi ndwi t ht heDNA  TheRNApol ymer asede t ac hesf r om t heDNAatt het er mi nat or sequenceandr el easest hemRNAs t r and o Tr ansl at i on  Occur sont her i bos omes  St epsi nt r ansl at i on  Ri bosomeandt RNAat t ac h  Asecondt RNAmol ecul eat t ac hest ot he...

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