GHS UBD Spanish I Unit 3 La Vida Cotidiana PDF

Title GHS UBD Spanish I Unit 3 La Vida Cotidiana
Author Al Ze
Course Spanish Phonetics
Institution University of San Diego
Pages 6
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UBD UNIT 33-SP SP SPAN AN ANISH ISH I: Title: La Vida Cotidiana Topic: Daily Life (Sports/Leisure activities)

Subject/Course: SPANISH I Grade: Mostly 9th (10,11,12) Designer: Rachael Melecio

Standards: 7.1 A (Interpretive Mode), B (Interpersonal Mode), C (Presentational Mode) 7.1.NM.A.1 7.1.NM.B.2 7.1.NM.C.2 7.1.NM.A.2 7.1.NM.B.3 7.1.NM.C.3 7.1.NM.A.3 7.1.NM.B.4 7.1.NM.C.5 7.1.NM.A.5 7.1.NM.B.5

Stage 1- Desired Results Established Goals: N.J. Core Curriculum Standard for World Languages 7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. 7.1.NM.A (Interpretive Mode), B (Interpersonal Mode), C (Presentational Mode) Understandings: Essential Questions: -How do we leave impressions on people in our Students will understand that... own culture and other cultures through the -Study of another language enables a sports/activities we participate in? student to develop insights into their -What kind of value is placed on sports/leisure own language. activities in the Americas and Spain? -Study of another language enables a -How do people in Spanish-speaking places spend student to engage in meaningful conversation using the language studied. their free time? -What do you find appealing/not appealing about -Our language/culture influences how Spanish-speaking countries’ sports/leisure we see the world and broadens our activities those practiced in the United States? perspective of our own culture and the world.

Students will know… -Vocabulary of all leisure/sports related topics: Regular verbs (bailar, cantar, etc), irregular verbs: ir a, jugar (stemchanging), places vocabulary, re-entry of calendar/seasons/weather; likes/dislikes expressions (gustar) -Grammar associated with the unit: The negative; question formation -Cultural components of activities unit: El Futbol, San Fermín, El Toreo, El Rodeo, El Flamenco

Students will be able to … -Understand isolated words and memorized chunks used by their teacher and others -Conduct a basic Spanish conversation -Evaluate authentic material from Spanish Speaking Countries -Respond to commands, questions and storytelling. - Identify, pronounce, and apply vocabulary associated with leisure/sports activities into Spanish conversations -Express activities they (or others) do and don’t do in Spanish -Express likes/dislikes/preferences in Spanish -Ask questions in Spanish about someone’s weekly/monthly/seasonal activities -Compare and contrast Spanish-speakers’ and American sports/leisure activities

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence Other Evidence: Performance Tasks: - Formative / Summative Assessments -Written/oral daily warm-up activities (Do Now) that allow the students to address essential (written, spoken, listening) questions of the unit - Teacher Observation of students - Performance-based assessments -Classroom discussion of unit’s essential questions (with emphasis on speaking) -Written, spoken, and/or listening quizzes on unit - Learning Stations vocabulary - Cooperative learning -Daily participation in activities - Role Playing activities/skits -Unit test on grammar and vocabulary - Projects/Skits - Exit Slips (Three Things I Learned, I wonder, One - Venn diagrams for word summary, Everything we learned in 5 words, I comparing/contrasting cultures can, etc.)

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Stage 3- Learning Plan Present Unit vocabulary words. Show students various plans for familiar and unfamiliar words through; PowerPoints, handouts, websites, dry erase boards, flashcards, games etc. Use Technology resources to enhance learning and present cultural and authentic material Use of video clips online, realia, websites (FIFA World Cup/sports), photos and other visuals to engage students in daily life unit “Mi mejor amigo” PBA. Partner/group work in “Learning stations” to promote differentiated instruction learning with vocabulary words/phrases. Ongoing homework/classwork (including “DO NOW” in each class to promote understanding that address both content and essential questions of the unit) Use a variety of games (such as Bingo, Flyswatter, Tic tac toe, Simon Dice, charades, interactive internet games through sites like Kahoot, Quizlet, etc.) to practice and reinforce vocabulary words.

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Use a variety of assessments, (Formative/Summative) on unit vocabulary. Partner/group work practicing new communicative expressions (at times using a bell to advance partner movement) Listening/learning music in Spanish that includes unit vocabulary/grammar. Cultural components will be presented chronologically based on when holidays/traditions take place during the year. Celebrations that can be included in lessons are as follows, but are not limited to: Hispanic Heritage Month September/October Dia de los Muertos (Mexican Day of the Dead celebration) Las Posadas (Christmas celebrations in Spanish-speaking places) Quinceañera (15th birthday tradition in many Spanish-speaking places) Carnival (Mardi Gras celebrations around the Spanish-speaking world) Cinco de Mayo (Mexican Independence Day celebration) Festival of San Fermin (Spanish Bull running in Pamplona/other celebrations)

UNIT LENGTH: approximately 4 weeks CAREER READY PRACTICES: (Please indicate the appropriate career ready practices for this UBD Unit by highlighting select practices below) CRP1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee CRP2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills CRP3. Attend to personal health and financial well being CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively with reason CRP5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions CRP6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation CRP7. Employ vail and reliable research strategies CRP8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. CRP9. Model Integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. CRP10. Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals. CRP11. Use technology to enhance productivity. CRP12. Work productively in teams while using global competence.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Instructional Best Practices and Exemplars Cultural Responsiveness

Strategies for Engagement:  Optimize individual choice and autonomy (i.e. alternative seating, preferred topic for activities, preferred performancebased assessment choices)  Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity (i.e. sharing of authentic materials, narratives/scenes online, and other realia of the target language studied)  Heighten salience of goals and objectives (i.e. rubrics, selfmonitoring)  Foster collaboration and communications (i.e. cooperative learning, guided peer discussions, role play) Strategies for Representation:  Offer ways of customizing the display of information (i.e. online tools, manipulatives, power point, handouts, online study sets, etc.)  Clarify vocabulary and symbols (i.e. flash cards, online study sets, dictionary, handouts, power point, interactive practice with peers using vocabulary)  Clarify syntax and structure (i.e. sentence creation in the target language using sentence strips, skits, and other role playing activities that allow students to put vocabulary into context)  Activate or supply background knowledge (i.e. outlines, prereading, social role-play)  Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas and relationships (i.e. highlighting, open notes, modeled writing) Strategies for Expression:  Vary methods for response and navigation (i.e. 6-second pause, peer critiques, white board response, hold-ups)  Use multiple media for communication

Communalism Create opportunities for students to collaborate on activities as much as possible.  Performance-Based Assessments such as skits, dialogues, etc.  Celebrations of the culture and language studied allows for collaboration, singing, and bonding through sharing of projects Movement Expressiveness Activities that include rhythmic behaviors, animated gestures, and stimulating, interactive learning.  Total Physical Response instruction  Writing and performing skits in the target language  Using the target language with manipulatives, whiteboards, music, and games. Orality  Daily participation in the target language  Repetition of expressions in the target language  Class, group, and partner discussions using the target language  Role-playing activities using the target language in skits and other performance-based assessments Verve The integration of communalism, movement expressiveness, and preference toward rhythmic behaviors is what creates the verve characteristics.  Integrate music, games, and culturally relevant lessons into every unit  Vary spoken, written, and reading activities regularly when working as a class, within groups, with partners, and individually

Total Participation Techniques

Examples of Total Participation Techniques:  Online Kahoot, Quizlet live, etc.  Chalkboard relays  Games, songs, and role-playing activities Examples of Total Participation Hold-Ups:  Color coded Hold-Ups  True/Not True Hold-Ups  Multiple-Choice Hold-Ups  Whiteboard hold-ups Examples of Total Participation Techniques Involving Movement:  Inside-Outside Circles  Categorizing and Sorting  Total Physical Response commands in the target language Total Participation Techniques for Note-Taking and Concept Analysis:  Confer, Compare, and Clarify  Graphic Organizers and Prepared Packets  Technology-Based TPT’s (i.e.Kahoot)

SIOP Strategies – ELL/Bilingual Learners (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) SIOP is a researched based lesson delivery model that links Content Objectives to Language Objectives. The SIOP Model consists of eight interrelated components (Lesson Preparation, Building Background, Comprehensible Input, Strategies, Interaction, Practice/Application, Lesson Delivery, Review & Assessment). Using instructional strategies connected to each of these components, teachers are able to design and deliver lessons that address the academic and linguistic needs of English learners.

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Think-Pair-Share Inside Outside Circle TPR Cooperative Learning Strategies Comprehension Strategies Stand and Share

Accommodations/Modifications/Gifted and Talented/Academically Talented Accommodations:  Highlighters  Alternative assignments  Copy pages so students can mark on them  Provide examples of correctly completed work  Early syllabus  Advance notice of assignments  Recorded versions of printed materials  Highlight key points to remember  Break task into smaller parts to do at different times  Use study partners whenever reading or writing is required  Present information in multiple formats  Use online programs for students to be able to learn at their individual pace Modifications:  Modify the amount of work required & timeline for when work is due  Highlighters  Alter format of materials  Allow for alternate modes of responding  Different test items (spoken, listening, written, performance-based, etc.) Gifted and Talented/Academically Talented:  Encourage students to explore concepts in depth and encourage independent studies or investigations. (use of duolingo online individually, quizlet, youtube instructional clips, target language realia)  Use thematic instruction to connect learning across the curriculum.  Encourage creative expression and thinking by allowing students to choose how to approach a problem or assignment/Give students choices when offering performance-based assessments  Brainstorm with gifted children on what types of projects they would like to explore to extend what they are learning in the classroom.  Determine where students’ interests lie and capitalize on their inquisitiveness for performancebased assessments  Employ differentiated curriculum to keep interest high  If possible, compact curriculum to allow gifted students to move more quickly through the material while providing them with more material to explore at their own pace.

Assessment Plan     

Benchmarks Spoken Assessments Listening Assessments Written Assessments Performance-Based Assessments such as skits which may include a variety of modalities (speaking, writing, listening, etc.)

Supplementary Resources/Technology Integration     

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Document Camera Online Books YouTube/Teacher Tube videos to support content material Readers, books, and/or storybooks in the target language Power point & projector Laptops for students Interactive language learning: Vocabulary learning tools: & Online games with the entire class to demonstrate proficiency Language practice Spanish podcasts Spanish/English Online Dictionary Bilingual Books (Online & Classroom Library) Spanish History & Culture:

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