Great Britain - Overview Abitur 2021 PDF

Title Great Britain - Overview Abitur 2021
Author Lea Poker
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 3
File Size 268 KB
File Type PDF
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Great Britain ( Basis Fakten, gesamtes politisches System, Monarchie, Rolle des Monarchen)...


The UK in the 21st C.: National Identity between the Poles of Tradition & Change Basic facts:  Great Britain = England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland  Area: 242,459 km²  Population: 63,181,775 (2011)  Ethnic groups (2011): 87.1% White, 7.0% Asian, 3.0% Black, 2.0% Mixed, 0.9% others  Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy (Elizabeth II)  GDP: $2.79 trillion (Germany: $3.73 trillion) Political system:


Parliament (legislative): House of Lords vs. House of Commons Members are hereditary made up of about 650 Peers(Adlige) or appointed by the Members( called MP`s) , Nation/ Monarch (recommend by prime electorate elects candidates, controls minister), create laws, check and the government's finances, makes challenge the actions of the laws, elects Prime Minister government, provide a forum of independent expertise How a bill becomes a law  A bill is drafted by Members of Congress, the Executive Branch or an outside group  Introduced in the Houses  Sent to Committee. Most bills die her, but if bill passes, it goes to Rules Committee.  Debated over and compromised until majority approves  When prime minister approves it becomes a law Voting system:  UK divided in constituencies  General election every 5 years  be 18 years or older + first-past-the-post voting system: voters put a cross (X) next to their preferred candidate, the candidate with the most votes represents the constituency (pro: Simple process - easy to understand, cons: Excludes smaller parties - unfair representation, Doesn't allow minority groups representation) Brexit (“British exit”): The relationship to the European Union -2016 UK voted to leave the EU (was member since 1973), referendum: 17.4 million in favor and 16.1 million against -Pro-Brexit voters were older, working-class residents of England's countryside, afraid of the free movement of immigrants and refugees - Many felt the U.K. paid more into the EU than it received, exit would create new jobs -Those who voted to stay in the EU primarily lived in London, Scotland, and Northern Ireland - Complicated process, took four years, the UK formally left the EU on Jan. 31, 2020 (transition process that ended on Dec. 31, 2020) -Trade and Cooperation Agreement:

   

no longer part of the customs union and single market allows zero tariffs and zero quotas on goods free movement between the U.K. and EU has ended pay a "divorce bill" of 25 billion pounds by 2057

-Meaning for/ Effects on UK:  economy has slowed, many businesses have moved their headquarters to the EU  Employers are having a harder time finding applicants, hurts Britain's younger workers  must negotiate new trade agreements Britons multicultural society (Multiculturalism)

Monarchy (state headed by a monarch): -Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II (Reign: 6 February 1952 – present) -debate over the future of the monarchy, which they claim is an anachronism in a modern, democratic society -political function: Queen rarely makes use of any of the powers the UK´s constitution is granting her + strong republican movement rejects monarchy as “undemocratic” -economic: contributes much each year to economy through trade, tourism and their brand ingeneral -cultural: love of tradition, Royals are “normal people” and prepared to change, connection to the people

act → bill → law the law agreement asylum seeker blend in citizenship clash between / of cultures citizen conservative, Conservative party, a conservative constitution delegate democracy discriminate against someone elect, electorate, election period, ~campaign ethnic minorities ethnicity executive federal government hold racist attitudes house (as in House of Parliament) imperialism

Gesetzesinitiative → -vorschlag → Gesetz das Gesetz Abkommen Asylsuchende sich einfügen, integrieren Nationalität, Staatsangehörigkeit das Aufeinanderprallen zweier Kulturen Bürger konservativ, Konservative Partei, ein Konservativer Verfassung Delegierter Demokratie jemanden diskriminieren wählen, Wählerschaft, Wahlperiode, Wahlkampf ethnische Minderheiten Volkszugehörigkeit die Exekutive Bundes- … Regierung eine rassistische Einstellung haben Kammer des Parlaments Imperialismus (bezogen auf die Zeit UK's als Weltmacht) indefinite leave to remain unbeschränkte Aufenthaltserlaubnis judiciary die Judikative labour, Labour party Arbeit, die Labour Party legislature, legislative die Legislative, gesetzgebend loss of identity Identitätsverlust minister, prime minister (the Prime Minister), ministry Minister, Premier-, der Premier-, Ministerium MP = Member of Parliament Abgeordneter mutual understanding and respect gegenseitiges Verständnis und Respekt office, to hold office, Home / Foreign Office Amt, ein Amt innehaben, Innen/Außenministerium open-minded vs. narrow-minded aufgeschlossen vs. engstirnig outsider Außenseiter parliament Parlament party Partei policy, economic policy, foreign policy politisches Ziel, Maßnahmen, Wirtschafts-/Außenpol. pluralistic society eine pluralistische Gesellschaft politics, political, politician Politik, politisch, Politiker poll, polling-station Abstimmung/Umfrage/Wahl, Wahllokal racial equality Rassengleichheit receive/be granted citizenship Staatsbürgerschaft erhalten referendum Volksbefragung/-entscheid representative (Voks-)Vertreter secretary, foreign secretary Minister, Außenminister the people das Volk to support unterstützen vote, to vote, voter Stimme, abstimmen, Wähler wing, right/left wing Flügel, rechter/linker (polit.) Flügel Withdrawal agreement Austrittsabkommen...

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